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Mischief X Selos FTW?

Discussion in 'Time Locked Progression Servers' started by rangerous, Aug 13, 2022.

  1. rangerous Elder

    Two best alt ruleset servers make a baby. What would it look like?


    Start: Velious

    Pace: 6 week releases

    Loot: Mischief loot system

    EXP: Selos XP Rates

    Classes: BL avail?

    What is your personal opinion on the cross would look like or how it would work best?
  2. Timmyboi Dunning Kruger Award Winner

    TSS start or bust baby
  3. Thez69 Elder

    these tlp ideas are usually terrible but id actually play this one

    personally having seen vaniki i think i prefer double loot to random loot and a luclin or pop start but either way id be down
  4. Chopsuey Augur

    Luclin start. Selo xp and double rares. Double loot. Free trade. Fast unlocks. yes pls.
    Dailor likes this.
  5. theonepercent Augur

    Just give Vaniki free trade, double exp, rares and faction. No need for a new server when you can save 1 that's already dying a few months after launch.