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Mischief/Teek Rogue

Discussion in 'Melee' started by Tribbious, Apr 15, 2024.

  1. Tribbious Lorekeeper

    So, I have always liked the Rogue class. I understand their unbalance up until Luclin where they start to get better with each expansion.

    Question 1: Considering a Rogue on the new Teek server which has Mischief rules. I believe this may provide access to some gear that is more challenging for rogues to get (is this correct?).

    Question 2: I am not looking to be the top DPS, but with the availability of loot, is it possible for a rogue to be valued a bit more than previous TLP's?
  2. Szilent Augur

    pretty solid "no", here, as nothing will be changing about *classes* for this year's TLPs.

    That said, play what's cool to you.
  3. Pimento Elder

    Solid no - devs have consistantly shown lack of concern regarding the rogue class. If the rogue class was competitive you would see the top players playing them and raiding rosters full of rogues. That is just not the case across TLP after TLP. If you want to be a top melee DPS roll a monk
  4. fransisco Augur

    the issue isn't that rogues need a boost, its that monk h2h is broken and needs to be decreased.
  5. Pimento Elder

  6. Novocaine New Member

    I think being able to quickly get the epic with the Kunark launch is going to be real nice for rogues on the new TLPs. IMO, that's the first big damage bump. There are decent piercers out of Chardok too, which will start to become available depending on how fast people level. While it doesn't mean Rogues are suddenly going to be better than Monks, it is going to make them competitive much sooner relative to the launch of the server.

    I played a rogue on Aradune and now Oakwynd and I've been pretty happy with my damage even compared to monks.
  7. Pimento Elder

    Have to disagree, rogues are never really competitive with monks till last few expansions and by then who really cares. Again I will point you to guild rosters to look and see the prominent melee classes. Its not even close. Rogues should be competitive from day 1 and not have to get x to do y damage.
  8. Novocaine New Member

    I'm not saying that monks are not more prominent on guild rosters. I also don't disagree on day 1 competitiveness, nor do I think anyone does. Rogues are clearly more gear dependent and Monks start out at level 1 with no need for weapons already dual wielding. There's no comparison.

    We raided as rogues together on Aradune, at least up to Velious. I think our rogues held their own just fine. Monks definitely have the edge, especially with MOTM. All I can say is 11 months of raid parses on Oakwynd don't have me feeling remotely bad about my rogue's DPS.

    To Tribbious's original question though, if someone is interested in playing a rogue, by virtue of the Kunark launch and tradable loot, Rogues are going to get to a good spot quicker than usual on TLPs. If they do wind up raiding, as long as they are active, are aware of positioning, and are using their discs appropriately they'll do just fine.
  9. IheartEQ Elder

    Rogues on raids are so relaxing to play. You basically just show up. You're not pulling, buffing, porting, tanking, etc. You might get put on the /assist list, but that is simple to navigate.

    I say go for it and enjoy the class. Plus, you, druids, and paladins will be swimming in BIS gear.
  10. Kalipto Augur

    So much misinformation in this thread... Just people who don't know what they're doing. As soon as you get your epic 1.0 you can compete with monks. On mischief, I've been in the top 5 consistently the entire expansion. Often in the #1 spot. And neigh sayers will just claim that our monks must have sucked, but I'm sure all 14 of them weren't terrible.

    That said, I was the only rogue that kept up. We've always had 3-5 rogues and rarely were any of them all that competitive. The difference I boil down to three things:

    1. Engage IMMEDATELY (the instant assist is called or warranted)
    2. Understand BiS gear and get it ASAP
    3. Know what buffs you need and get them

    Here's a bonus for later expansions:
    Always use your sneak attack. People are lazy and sleep on this. It's a great way to open with a HUGE backstab. This is how you beat other players. Be the least lazy =D
    Genoane and Szilent like this.
  11. fransisco Augur

    I feel like thats not a great comparison then. Someone who excels at a class can always overperform compared to most people. Chances are, you are comparing your high rogue skills to average monk skills.
  12. Kalipto Augur

    Maybe the take away is more that experiences will differ depending on how you play and who you play with. My point was just that rogues can do fine and people tend to undersell them. Monk dps is better than rogue dps, no doubt. But it's not a huge gap and if you're not playing with the super "try-hards" you can be plenty competitive.

    Honestly, I'm way off topic though. The OP asked 2 pretty specific questions that I ignored.

    Yes. Playing with mischief rules means you'll be more likely to end an expansion with the best in slot gear. It's much easier compared to a standard server. Not just because gear is tradable but because more gear drops (in raids at least).

    People are saying "no" to this question. Which is mostly true. But the fact that you can get BiS gear easier than previous (non-Mischief) TLPs, I'd say "yes". Considering gear effects a rogue more than it does a caster and that gear is easier to get.

    It's not like it adds utility or anything. But the average player on Mischief is much better geared than on any other TLP I've played. And in that way, the class scene is slightly different. For example, on Mischief, we're in the "caster-era" yet don't have that many casters. Because what would hold melee back (lack of gear (obviously there's more to it than just that)) isn't as much of an issue.
  13. Pimento Elder

    As you note parsing well as a rogue is possible. That doesn't change the reality that crap monk #4 auto attacking won't out parse above average rogues most of the time.
    Kalipto likes this.