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[Mischief] <Mutinous> TLP Raiders Recruiting Now!

Discussion in 'TLP Guild Recruitment' started by Evoh, Oct 2, 2021.

  1. Evoh Elder

  2. Tjay New Member

    Bump for more people !
  3. Evoh Elder

    Farming Sepulcher, let's goooo
  4. Evoh Elder

    Bump for one month til Rain of Fear
  5. Evoh Elder

    Chewing through RoF prog and looking for active raiders! Check main post for an updated list or say hi in the discord: https://discord.gg/bExgdTrhDJ
  6. Tjay New Member

    Bump for Mutinous !
  7. Domniatric Augur

    Patch day bump!
  8. Evoh Elder