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[Mischief] <Big Natural Crits> | EU | 6-boxing | Raids: TUE/FRI/(SAT) (provisionally) | AOC raiding

Discussion in 'Guild Recruitment' started by Ihisly, Jul 28, 2021.

  1. Ihisly New Member

    Are you a self-sufficient experienced 6-boxer and looking for a guild where you can raid with all your characters? Then <BNC> are looking for you.

    We are doing things differently in the way that all your 6 characters participate in raids and get loot.

    Who are we:
    We are a group of legit multi-boxers (no VMs, no weird stuff) who have been playing EverQuest together for many years. Most recently we have played (and many continue to play) with Europa on the Mangler server. We have raid experience from Classic through to Live, and know what it takes to run a healthy guild which is primarily focused at multi-boxers.

    Example of 6 box setup
    We do AOC raiding and split content when possible. Normal raid days are TUE, FRI, SAT, but they rotate to accommodate peoples RL, and the days are subject to change. Usual raidtime is 20.00 CET -> 23.00 CET (2pm EST -> 5pm EST).
    Raids are challenging as boxers which is why we do it. No more 72/54 man zerg of encounters but a smaller group doing things more efficiently which means more loot to be had. We expect you to be able to take your place in the CH chain while off-tanking, CCing or whatever other duty you might have. GINA is your friend and makes boxing a lot more manageable. Don’t feel intimidated if this seems a lot at first glance - we appreciate that if you haven’t 6-box raided before, there is a learning curve and we are happy to help.

    Guild rules:
    No training, stealing, illegal 3rd party programs, RMT or general stupid . We are here to have fun and get pixels while doing it.Competitiveness is fine, but don´t be an idiot doing it. You represent the guild tag and players should associate it with decent behaviour.

    No hand holding:
    We provide a structure of raidleading, social interaction and we don´t require you to know all raid content. What we do expect is that you can hold your own as we won´t help you level your characters or kill encounters that a normal group can do (I´m looking at you Phinigel). The internet is there for your questions about where I find X NPC or how I do Y quest. But we will help each other finish harder quests and raid together. Also note that if you are after a big active guild, with 100s of players on whenever you log in, <BNC> is not for you. We look to have 10-15 highly active humans (giving us 50-70 characters for most raids) in the guild. But you can also enjoy a discord without 50 people yelling at each other at the same time.

    Group composition
    Your 6 characters must be able to function independently, this means that you must have cleric + bard, and then whatever 6 characters you can contribute with that´s up to you. Most of us have:


    If you made it this far it means that the above might appeal to you. We don´t run a big and complex DKP system but simply use the ingame roll system though with common sense in mind. We favor tanks, but if X haste item or Y DPS item drops then it goes to the DPS above the tanks. We will all get plenty of loot and hand downs are easy with the freeloot system. We don´t encourage in era selling of raid items, we do expect that you gear your toons as well as possible and sell the items ingame secondly.

    We don't have a long recruitment process but we do have 3 weeks of probation to see if you fit in or not. You will have equal rights to a full member lootwise during your trial. Members will have a locked section to discuss your performance. You can pop over to our discord for a chat as we would like to have a chat with you before you get an invite. We will only have a limited number of players on trial at a time so there might be a que if too many apply at a time. We reserve the right to prioritize applications based on skill/dedication etc.


    • You boxers are filth and ruin my server with your dedication and well setup group compositions and I'm bitter no one came to my epic fight last night.
      • Good, find another guild.
      • No seriously - we´ve been where you are, that's why we started boxing in the first place. Many of us have RL commitments that require us to AFK so we tend to rely on ourselves rather than have 5 group members sit and wait for our kids to go to sleep again.
    • My guild already “allows” me to bring my boxes on raids! Why should I join a boxing guild?
      • (1) Your guild is unlikely to give equal loot priority to boxes over ‘mains’. They are a second class citizen. (2) Your guild will be happy to have your boxes join when it suits them, but they will be the first to be booted when mains need spaces. (3) You will have 50% of your guild (whether they admit it or not) who dislike the fact that you are bringing boxes on raids. They may blame you for having poorly geared character, or will be jealous when your box gets raid loot (which could have gone to them!!). You will have none of these issues in <BNC>.
    • I only box <6 can I still join?
      • We are currently looking for 6 boxers, but may extend this to 3/4/5 boxers in the future depending on popularity and demand. If you are very excited by the idea of a boxing guild but play <6 drop us a tell and have a chat.
    • You sell loot and block my epic spawns. I hate you even more now.
      • Look, we understand your frustration with people that monopolize content, but 1 mage with a blazing wand can hold your Lord Bergurgle crown for as long as he wants, it's the way the game is designed and we are not the ones doing it. When Velious arrives, we will NOT be the ones holding 7 picks of Siren's Grotto open, afk farming 24/7 (Happens every server. Wake up GMs!).
    • You can´t box all encounters!
      • It is true that some encounters are very hard to box (Hello Vertigo in Deathknell!). We have yet to find one which is impossible. It requires that you tweak your tactics to match the challenge and this is part of the fun.
    • I'm still on the fence. Give me a few more reasons why I should consider a dedicated boxing guild!
      • All of your crew will end up in full raid gear each expansion. This makes doing group level content so much easier.
      • You won’t have a long list of guild members who want/plead/hope or even expect you to help them with things ‘because it's easy for you’.
      • You won't have the concept of a ‘main’ character, nor any punitive ‘main changing’ punishments. All of our characters are ‘mains’ and receive loot equally (Yes, tanks still get priority - because we’re not stupid and like to kill stuff easier)
    • This sounds like a fun concept where do I sign up!
      • Cool! Head over to discord and look up Ihisly, Laws or Tankpotato. Or find us ingame for more information.

    TLDR: Raid as a 6-boxer, get more pixels. [Mischief]

  2. Sonyeq Journeyman

    Sounds like so much fun, just unfortunate there is nothing like this for US players. Would be doable to make 2 days a week if both were on the weekends though.
  3. Ravanta Suffer Augur

    I just want to say I love the guild name.
  4. Kevvy New Member

    These guys are seriously amazing.

    I have been attempting to complete my epic for quite awhile and just needed to finish a turn in, in PoFear to get it. So I see these guys come along and I ask if i may tag along just to turn in my epic and they invite me right away.

    Few minutes later I have my epic. They wanted nothing from me, just really cool people all around.
  5. Ihisly New Member

    Still looking for a few more.

  6. Ihisly New Member

    We've been raiding Velious almost every day to gear up.

    So far Cazic 2.0, POG splits, Zlandi splits, WW splits, and a NTOV DZ with dragons and armor farming on with Gozz -> Telk -> Doze -> Iki -> Eashen -> Aary -> Fesh down so far.

    Can still use a few more dedicated 6 boxers. Look us up ingame or on discord if you want to know more.
