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Mischief and Thornblade - Simultaneous Launch

Discussion in 'Time Locked Progression Servers' started by Protocol, May 10, 2021.

  1. Thrawnseg Augur

    BST/BER are locked to Luclin. It's been stated multiple times and would require too much work to make them avail in classic. But keep beating that drum. Seems like you want a FV clone and not a TLP.

    And a TLP with TLP exp rates is unfair? Not sure how that works. It's a TLP, not a FV server.
    Atrebe likes this.
  2. Thrawnseg Augur

    Pretty sure FV had normal rates at launch. Which means this should have normal rates if you want the "classic eq" you say we should have. You can't want current FV rates and say Classic in the same paragraph.
  3. Hateseeker Augur

    or a selo clone with tradeable loot, which would be a decidedly TLP style server.

    is there a source on making BST BER in classic is too much work? not saying that was never said, I simply seem to have missed it in all the years that it's been called for and never saw that confirmed anywhere. mostly because I would never play a BST and probably never a BER either, but I know having them available in classic has been called for since TLP started and I at least never saw answers from whichever company we would have called it at the time -
  4. Thrawnseg Augur

    I think it was from a dev talk with players that they said they wouldn't break the classes from their expansions. They don't have the coders avail to unlock them anymore without screwing a bunch up and didn't want to have BST with Val Shir and couldn't do that before Luclin.
  5. Protocol Dragon Defender

    Big thanks to Dreamweaver and all the staff for coming through for us!
    Kylo Classic and Ions like this.
  6. Hateseeker Augur

    I think it's a little sus that they have been attaching things like focuses, that were originally available retroactive to classic as long as they were available with that level range, to the expansions they originally came out with...when they're actively moving things to only come out with their original expansion, it just makes you call those kinds of statements into question.

    again, not that I'd personally like to play either of those classes, but it makes it easy to see why they ignore requests for things like /trader in classic/EC tunnel -
  7. Tweakfour17 Augur

    This is an interesting point, in a normal TLP once TSS unlocks they receive Live xp rates. Presumably the only destination for Mischief/Thornblade come "live" is FV due to the free trade loot so come TSS will these servers unlock FV xp rates? or Normal Live and then gain another boost when they hit actual live and get merged with FV.
    Skuz likes this.
  8. Xhieron Elder

    First of all, three cheers to the staff for a rapid, positive response to feedback. This is a very welcome announcement, and I hope it has the desired effect of better distributing the increasingly excited server populations. Even if it's only worth an immediate 30% load shift, that's a huge impact on day 1, and I fully expect those of us who lobbied for it will be vindicated by how valuable it proves to be.

    Second, on the issue of backwards availability, I'd like to see focus effects and BST/BER available at a TLP launch too, but I appreciate the reality that it's apparently a tremendous amount of work to decouple things from expansion flags. Also, focus effects aren't an implementation issue but a design choice that's basically been settled. Casters are already disproportionately powerful without them.

    The one thing I think would be the greatest improvement for all future TLPs would be turning the tunnel into a genuine bazaar-equivalent with sorting and searching in a dedicated in-game UI. It would alleviate a lot of the concerns about market manipulation and scamming that have always existed on pre-Luclin servers, although again, I suspect actually implementing it represents a technically insurmountable hurdle.
    Atrebe likes this.
  9. Magician9001 Augur

    Preemptively fixing things that are obviously problems?
    Who are you and what have you done with Darkpaw.
  10. Lejaun Augur

    Agreed. There is a way to get it done. Saying it can't be done or its too much work is the easy way out of the demand. Heck, if you want to make some extra money out of it, make it a buyable feature. Buy the unlock from the store, get to roll up a berserker or beastlord day one if you like.
  11. Crixos Journeyman

    Great news! Thanks for listening to the communities concerns :)
  12. Xazier Augur

    now we just need faster xp and it will be perfect
  13. TLP Addict Augur

    Good news, who's gonna take one for the team and play on the overflow?
  14. Lejaun Augur

    My best guess is most will play Mischief, but there will be enough on Thornblade to cut down some of the lag/queue.

    Anyone who wants to seriously race and win (either with clearing targets or levels) will have the best chance on Thornblade due to less competition for the prime exp camps and faster queue.

    As to who will actually follow, who knows. With the implied knowledge that the servers are the same ruleset and will eventually be merged, its not much of a disadvantage to join Thornblade and avoid the biggest crowd.
    Bardy McFly and Skuz like this.
  15. Skuz I am become Wrath, the Destroyer of Worlds.

    I'd love to see BST & BER being able to be available at the start of TLP's but the chances of it for this one are zero.

    There may be a chance in the future if the company continues to invest in the game - AND the dev team are willing to change their stance - which I really hope it does, but until the coding can be scheduled for it the best chance anyone has of seeing them in at the start is a Level-Locked-Progression server (LLP) or one that opens with everything up to & including GoD unlocked or a combination of the two.
  16. Xanathol Augur

    Players on the forum with no idea what they are talking about claiming it would require too much work means nothing.
    Tweakfour17 and Lejaun like this.
  17. Vaxpo Elder

    Is this going to make a difference? When Aradune launched there were two servers as well. Aradune was still unplayable.
  18. taliefer Augur

    they were two different rulesets. If this fails and mischief has significantly longer queues than Thornblade, its almost entirely on the playerbase. There is no difference between Mischief and Thornblade from a ruleset standpoint.

    This shouldnt be a vulak/lockjaw situation, Thornblade isnt an overflow server that launches after one server is already established. Hopefully it avoids that stigma.
    Xhieron likes this.
  19. Lejaun Augur

    It will make more of a difference than Aradune/Rizlona did. Those two servers had different rulesets, and weren't really competing much against each other, and it was known that they would never merge. Most people who wanted Aradune's ruleset chose to stick it out there, because Rizlona didn't offer what they preferred.

    Mischief/Thornblade, on the other hand, share the same ruleset and there can be an eventual merge. There is less reason to pick one over the other. Unless you must be on Mischief because of friends or guild staying there, there isn't much of a drawback to going to Thornblade.

    You'll get a faster queue, have less competition for leveling/loot/exp camps during the most contested expansions for OW mobs, and you'll probably eventually merge with Mischief once server populations dip too much.
  20. Lejaun Augur

    If one or two major guilds make the public switch to Thornblade, the populations will balance out very well.
    Niskin likes this.