Massive Ban Hammer Mega Discussion

Discussion in 'Time Locked Progression Servers' started by Dartmon65, Jul 1, 2022.

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  1. Timmyboi Dunning Kruger Award Winner

    I'm clutching my pearls so hard right now
    Skuz and Herf like this.
  2. Zefster New Member

    I was wondering why I was disconnected while playing. Oddly I don't box or have any programs to help. I am a 50 rogue in classic era... who picks that class to cheat. I think some folks just got swept up in the automation of it all.
  3. RABKkehhalla Elder

    Great work all
  4. UnjustlySuspended New Member

    Had to login on a different account to post, since the 7 day suspended one cannot login to post here. I've never been suspended/banned for cheating. It was quite shocking to login & find out I had a 7 day suspension for nothing.

    Oddly enough, the suspension only affected one of my accounts, so I'm not sure how it got tagged as a botter, or whatever the suspension is for.
  5. Xeris Augur

    Player who got banned: "wtf I didn't break any rules"

    Also Player who got banned: used showeq and virtual machines to play EQ. But, everyone uses showeq!!! It's still a maphack and it's against tos.

    Probably 99% of people who get banned are justified. See ya in 7 days!
    Start, Barton and Catalina like this.
  6. Imdead Augur

    Most of the people I know that have gotten banned do simple things like leave their character auto-swimming overnight with a EB item and not the more elaborate things people like to suspect/blame. Regardless, unattended gameplay is against the ToS and many people don't think or realize it for things like swimming.

    Also, as others had said, 99% of the people coming here to complain about their bans have done at minimum what I listed above if not worse.
    Start likes this.
  7. wade_watts Augur

    The CM message specifically said that it was related to using 3rd party programs.
  8. Brazy Augur

    Had to go check, but yup! AFK Mage bot army still automating in Solb. Great job Daybreak!
  9. Pastrami New Member

    The only reason for needing shiow eq is that everyone is using it. Now its being cleaned out wich is fine. Because we dont need it if noone uses it. Most started using it because they got tired of being constantly over tun by someone thank you db for cleaning it out.
    Start and code-zero like this.
  10. Pizzanomicon Augur

    Coming to a TLP near you, everyone stops boxing and just plays necros.
    Start likes this.
  11. Logix New Member

    Pulled a muscle in my back playing 6 characters on Yalinek. I was having fun but I got suspended. I had no idea that just boxing 6 accounts at once was breaking the rules.[IMG] I've never used 3rd party tools I just use a 2 PCs and 4 laptops. My back is less sore today but it really bums me out to not be able to play this weekend.
  12. Dailor Augur

    There is no shot they hit SEQ users.
  13. FranktheBank Augur

    I am usually in complete agreement that their suspension waves hit people that are cheating and people are playing dumb.

    This wave I know hit people that were suspended in January on the first of the many waves and stopped cheating then. If your goal is to discourage cheating, then suspending/banning people that actually stopped cheating is basically the dumbest thing you can do.

    It removes any incentive to stop cheating and encourages someone to just cheat harder.
    Eviara likes this.
  14. Esher New Member

    Interesting, one of my accounts got suspended and i didn't even receive an e-mail.
    Oh well guess i'll just start a necro on the 2nd account then till my other one is free again.
    No clue why i got suspended tho, 2 boxing with 1 pc and 1 laptop nothing else.
  15. Branntick Augur

    You mean the mouth breathers who say "eyes in the skies" or something to that effect in voice chat like they think they're being clever aren't going to continue to do so for the foreseeable future?

    Say it isn't so.
  16. Evil mischief server New Member

    I been 3 boxing in mischief server (1 PC 2 Laptops with multiplicity). one account suspended for cheating, the PC account (guess 7 days never got an email). Might go back to FV, dunno yet sub ends on the 6th.
  17. oldkracow 9999 Is the Krono Account Limit

    Why is it called a ban hammer when no matter how bad you cheat it's just a couple day suspension?
    Stymie and Spacemonkey555 like this.
  18. Spacemonkey555 Augur

    I do hope DPG notices your close affiliation with all those cheaters and takes appropriate action.
  19. Dailor Augur

    I do hope DPG notices your interaction with this person that has a close affiliation with all those cheaters and takes appropriate action.
    Start, Tucoh and Genoane like this.
  20. Spacemonkey555 Augur

    I accept lifetime subs, kronos, DPG cash, discounts, even a like will do tbh, I'm low maintenance.
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