Maps - Reload option?

Discussion in 'The Veterans' Lounge' started by BoomWalker, Aug 22, 2013.

  1. BoomWalker Augur

    When you add details in the map files out of game...the changes don't show up until zoning.

    Can we get a reload map option sort of like reload UI?

    Where it reloads the map of the current zone so the updates are shown?

    Not a huge issue but would be a nice feature...right?
  2. Riou EQResource

    Go to a different map that you aren't in, do your changes out of game, then click current to get back to your current zone, this will make the changes to them shown
  3. gcubed Augur

    Funny you should mention Reload UI...
  4. BoomWalker Augur

    Woot! I will try it...
  5. Tobynn Augur

  6. BoomWalker Augur

    Don't get it...explain please.
  7. gcubed Augur

    Reload UI, will reload your maps. Having said that, Riou's solution is much better since it won't freeze your screen the way Reload UI does.
  8. Axxius Augur

    Umm... click the "Current Zone" button in the map window?
  9. BoomWalker Augur

    Does that work too?
  10. Caudyr Augur

    Yes, that works, too.

    However, you have to be careful. If you modified both the map file and the in-game map w/o saving the ingame map before modifying the map's text file, then it will not take the changes made to the map in the game itself. want to do one or the other at a time, not both at the same time. ^^
  11. gcubed Augur

    One thing about maps you need to know.

    In the upper left hand corner of you map tab is a dropdown listbox. By default it is set to "Default" (I ask you, how strange is that?) and points to the "maps" subdirectory of you EverQuest directory. These contain SOE's maps. That is to say, SOE claims that directory and will modify its contents when it suits them. In short, if your map window is pointed at this directory ("Default" in the dropdown listbox) and you make changes to those maps, the next patch SOE could wipe out those changes.

    What you need to do to prevent this is create a subdirectory under the "maps" directory (it doesn't matter what you call it), copy all the maps in the "maps" directory to your subdirectory, then change the dropdown listbox from "Default" to your new directory that you created and make all changes there.
  12. BoomWalker Augur

    Awesome info!!! Thx!
  13. Caudyr Augur

    After some experimentation with the current zone's really finicky on taking things from the file that weren't on the UI window already.'s much faster/easier to just go to the atlas and change the map, then do the changes in the text reload the current zone that way.