Map UI Request: Custom Color for Each Group Member

Discussion in 'The Veterans' Lounge' started by Clarisa, Nov 4, 2013.

  1. Clarisa Augur

    Would it be possible for SOE to give us the option to assign a custom color for each group member's indicator (the "X") on the map screen? Currently, we can change our own color (Set My Color) or the group as a whole (Set Group Color), but cannot set colors for each group member individually according to my Default and Custom UI-knowledgeable friends.

    Though having the name of the player float near their indicator would be even better, I assume it's probably more difficult to implement. Being able to choose colors for each group member would add enhanced functionality to the map, allowing us to determine where individual members of our group are (as a cleric it would help me to know which group member is out of group heal range, for example, instead of having to hover over the indicator to find out who it is).
  2. Stubar Augur

    Could take it a step further and have our names floating beside the X as well as the color coding.

    Edit...annnd you said that in paragraph two and I didn't read that far cuz bad.
  3. Smallpox Augur

    You are correct. There is currently no way to distinguish group members (other than hovering your mouse over their name). I would like to take this request one step further and ask if it would be possible to add Icons as an option. Make it so they can be customized (ie: Icon sets that can be changed/chosen on the fly).

    Icon Set 1 (Numbers ~ 1 = Group member one, 2 = Group member two, etc)
    Icon Set 2 (Colors ~ Red dot, Blue dot, etc)
    Icon Set 3 (Shapes ~ Star, Square, etc)

    Alternatively/Additionally, it would be really nice to have your group members first names above their Icon/shape with the option to toggle the group member names off/on.