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Mangler Population?

Discussion in 'Time Locked Progression Servers' started by Ootax, Jan 21, 2021.

  1. Ootax Augur

    How is it over there, might resub one of my accounts I had on there. The Mangler Progress site shows a pretty good drop in guilds from DoN to DoDh. Was there a decent population drop or are some guilds just not reporting on there anymore?
  2. Cainen Augur

    I know there are several guilds who dont report to manglar progression.

    I think at least 5-6 guilds have cleared DODH already, so there are at least that many active guilds currently. On top of that I see several guilds recruting for 1 expansion back content, so several more in that field as well.

    It still FEELS populated to me, which is the important thing imo. I see people LFG or LFM on a regular basis and lots of epic fights still happening.

    I expect POR will hurt some guilds and we'll probably only have 3-4 for TSS but thats expected and still a healthy number.
  3. Aegir Augur

    Don't be too hard on yourself, Cainen. PoR sucks yeah, just take it chill with DoDH since PoR roughly shares the same loot-table. See it as a 4 month DoDH expansion with some added content in the last two months.

    A Rough estimate from here with the experience from Phinigel, you'll probably have 3-4 guilds in SoF and from then on, anything can happen.
  4. Iyacc Augur

    There are still a half dozen or so guilds working DoDH and just not changing their schedule to do so. This expac has a more involved keying/flagging setup and it's more challenging logistically than the last few. Speaking for Major, we gave our folks a deadline to do the group portions and coordinate our Vule kills to gain access to DP. We just decided to take this one a bit easier since many of us haven't done it before.

    Congrats to the guilds who beat it quickly or have already flagged enough of their people to get in and clear the end zone. Everyone is enjoying it the way that fits best with their group of players.

    Check back in a week or two and the mangler progress list will be twice as long as it is now.
  5. Koggar.Bertoxxulous Elder

    Come on back! There are multiple times throughout the day where I see that Mangler pop is high while Aradune is medium. I think if any server has the potential to make it to live in one piece, this server is it. Never have trouble getting groups, even when rolling alts, and there are still SO many active guilds pushing content it isn't funny, including mine. We haven't cleared it yet but we surely will by Sun.
  6. Xhartor Augur

    The first week had a lot of guild rushing to flag everyone for Dreadspire Keep and Vules area in DSK.

    Most guilds need 2 sets of Vule splits to flag their raid force for the Demiplane of Dread, and that has 6.5 day lockout. So over the next week guild should start having more progress to show off.
  7. error Augur

    Definitely wouldn't go off manglerprogress, lots of guilds not bothering to report their progression there.
  8. Karanthal Augur

    The 2 EU guilds (Knightmare and Europa Mangler) are stillngoing but not shown on there either. I did try a few times to log knightmare kills, but it doesnt ever seem to be updated.
  9. Ootax Augur

    I resubbed and logged on for a bit. I guess only one guild has folded Ad Victorem. The rest seem to be still going good and even a few newer ones too.
  10. Forevernecro Elder

    "Most guilds need 2 sets of Vule splits to flag their raid force for the Demiplane of Dread, and that has 6.5 day lockout. "
    Did your guild actually waste your Vule raids by doing them with more than 2 groups?