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Mangler - Kerafyrm Sleeps

Discussion in 'Time Locked Progression Servers' started by EQBloodThirst, Aug 13, 2019.

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  1. Europa New Member

    Daddy is MAD.
  2. taliefer Augur

    the word you are thinking of is "amused"
  3. Botlhan New Member

    First I didn't demand anything just stated that if you wanted to make the server a better place why not make it better for everyone (OW Rotation) and not just your greedy selfs but its ok you try play the victim.
    I never said we don't want uncontested mobs I said we don't mind a good DPS race but when you know you will lose dropping trains on people is just scum
    you are saying no one asked for a rotation maybe because they never got the option?

    Then bloodthirst offered Europa a OW rotation and i said no everyone or no one and when all else failed i was told the server will hate me

    well the server has hated BT / RI since day one and you guys are still here
  4. Beefo New Member

    Hahaha this post made me laugh. His life's achievement!
  5. MootMoot New Member

    Being proud of something you created isn't necessarily your life's achievement. Dude has a family and job as well as race car beds. A lot of people love this game. And BT is the top guild by far.
    Graethos likes this.
  6. Beefo New Member

    What's their to be proud of? That guild is like a school yard bully. I cringe when I see that guild tag near me knowing if they want what I'm camping. I'm going to get trained, mobbed charmed and just have an overall terrible experience. Nothing to be proud of.
  7. krimmett Lorekeeper

    Europa on these forums like they are actually going to win dps races. I guess the 3-4 am est PD pops that they have won in their peak hours have gone to their head.
  8. Fizon Augur

    LOL! Bt is nothing but a bunch of 3rd rate guilds smashed together into a Zerg army with neckbeard rmt leadership. Referring to them as "RI" is an embarrassment.

    "RI" swallowed a bunch of guilds who could barely kill naggy and you think they are gonna do well in velious / luclin? "Top guild"
  9. Relentless Insomnia

    Bloodthirst is actually larger and more organized/competitive guild at this point in server progression than RI was on previous servers. That is with some of the old guard taking a step back too. The new blood leadership is doing gods work, and the member base is healthy and strong.

    We wanted to be WoW proof (which some of you already are realizing you are not...RIP) and big enough that our community will be raiding on Coirnav, Mangler, and WoW in parallel. The three divisions may give each other a lot of and compete for my time, but they are all run by capable leadership who can stand alone at this point and they doa great job. All three divisions are also supporting each other in ways they don't likely realize, the community is huge and diverse, so recruitment or mobilizing new projects is quick and easy. Starting up a WoW division on our current model of success on these two EQ servers has us poised to already be the top PVE guild on our WoW server as well.

    Sitting on the outside I totally understand why we look like the bad guys..and to you we probably are and that is fair.....and that is because we drill it in people's head from day one in Relentless and Bloodthirst that in ANY game we play that you are on a team when you join us...you look out for one another to compete for the finite resources in these games...when you join us you are required to go out of your way to support one another against the other competition even when its inconvenient to do so, and watch the other teams fall flat because their idea of teamwork compared to ours is a joke.

    As far as the Sleeper goes....You might think we are vile and think us not wanting to wake it is selfish...fair...but I really do not care..go and wake it be the bad guys...we wont be.... trust me it could be a lot worse. Despite our competitive nature I would never condone a single action that would negatively affect an entire servers worth of guilds like waking the sleeper will for warriors rogues monks an bardslooking for their toys. Its selfish, and serves no purpose other than just being pure evil. We are competitive, but we are not evil by any stretch if you took the time to get to know us, we actually have an awesome crew that I'm sure more of you would get along with on a personal level.

    If our crew is a little too brutal out here in the world then that is because I push them to be so they don't ever get stepped on themselves. A good defense in an mmo is a strong offense. Our teammates always come first.
  10. Beefo New Member

    You do not have a magic strategy to promote teamwork. You are the bad guys because your guild is toxic to the servers public. You have a very distorted view
    Of yourself and your guild. What you call competivness, the rest of us call toxic when your guild purposely trains other people to kill them to get the camp. They hide behind corners until the mobs spawns and then jumps in for a "dps race" when the other players aren't prepared. That's competition?
  11. jeskola pheerie

    So Bloodthirsty/RI has evolved into a multi-server and multi-game "community", like Faceless? Can we get a celebrity boxing match between you and Zaide?
  12. Discord Ocean of Tears Conservationist

    Hide behind a corner? Something like that actually works on you? Good lord, we’re not even playing the same game - no wonder you’re so salty.
  13. Beefo New Member

    Typical response from a neckbeard like yourself. Nah that doesn't work on me because as soon as I see Bloodthirst in the zone I'm looking over my shoulder. The fact you guys still try it is amusing. I am just making a point that Bloodthirst is not "owning" everyone with good ol clean "competition". They are selfish try hards that get off on griefing the community.
  14. Death2Gnomes New Member

    its always only a few that grief everyone else and that guilds leadership will always look the other way, and flat dont care because it might be their cousin or little brother. And then you see the leadership of a guild facerolling others just make a joke out of it in general chat, then advertising like minded tools to join them, you know where the leadership stands, in the middle of the cesspool and crying about why we give them a bad name and talk crap about them. BR/BT/EM all have a bunch of, not just a few, bad apples and leadership could careless about reputation.
  15. Candlejack New Member

    Your salt only feeds us. But seriously, you get crushed...get better, when you whine we laugh. When you bring your A game and beat us, we don't hate, we give an unseen nod and vow to be better next time. This game isn't what it was 20 years ago, and competition is the fuel that keeps a lot of people going. We don't want other guilds to give up...we get more dkp for contested targets, so keep at it, bring your friends...merge your forces. But for everything in game holy stop reporting us to our leadership, 15 strikes come quicker than you would imagine.
  16. krimmett Lorekeeper

    Good ole clean competition? If we do something that you feel is against the TOS, then report it. This whole idea that you have to be some super fluffy snowflake in this game and hand stuff to people, is absurd. I’m sorry that it’s no longer just you against a mindless mechanical fight, when people show up to contest a fight then you have to use your head. Most people seem incapable of this. I could care less about you or anyone else getting “mad” about losing a contested mob. We all know this anger stems from inadequacies as a player. Get good.
  17. Shakara Augur

    It's so amusing to watch people tell me what's happening in a guild that I am a part of and they are not. But I guess the fancy lies soothe their salty souls because they are just not good enough to compete.
  18. Beefo New Member

    Instresting, but not suprising that you have quite a few bloodthirst members on this thread calling people salty and to git gud and stop whining and then you have the guild leader telling everyone they are all misunderstood and it's all the other guilds are spreading lies. @Relentless if you want to spread your misunderstood PR rants you may want to inform your guild members not to post their egocentric ideals which akready falls in line with most of the communities opinion.
  19. Relentless Insomnia

    I don't tell grown men how to behave in their free time. But on raids they do they do what is asked of them, and if they don't I am accountable for that as is any of our leaders who might be present.

    If they are irritated by the lies being spread and they want to vent, they can do that on their own time I don't own them.
  20. Beefo New Member

    I'm not sure grown men is an accurate description.
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