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Mangler - GoD - goats not spawning in AoC instances..

Discussion in 'Time Locked Progression Servers' started by ManglerDruid3, Jul 13, 2020.

  1. ManglerDruid3 New Member

    On Mangler, when popping AoC instances of Qvic -- the goats are rarely, if ever, spawned when opening the DZ. (the M'Shas)

    Supposedly if you have someone stay in the zone for a couple of hours, they will eventually pop. This means we would need to have someone open the DZ a couple of hours before raid time to have a chance to see the M'Shas in our instance.

    Due to one guild on Mangler controlling over 90% of the goat spawns in Open World Qvic -- this means the rest of the guilds, including mine (Ad Victorem), only have the chance to get Muramite Armor drops at a greatly reduced rate compared to the top guild. At least if the 3 M'Shas would spawn for us when popping an instance -- we could split it and have 6 or 9 Muramite Armor drops per week.

    At the current rate, there is one guild getting nearly 20 (TWENTY) Muramite Armor drops EVERY DAY -- while we are lucky to get 1-2 per day. :(

    I really believe these M'Shas should be spawned in every instance. Imagine if you popped a Plane of Fear DZ, but Dracoliche wouldn't spawn for two hours after that!!
  2. Skuz I am become Wrath, the Destroyer of Worlds.

    The M'sha not spawning in AoC upon opening them is I believe fully intentional.

    Yes, if you have a few people in the instance they do eventually pop.
  3. Tweakfour17 Augur

    They have a spawn time of 4-8 hours or something from zone up (if you had raced on GoD unlock you may have got to Qvic before they spawned OW also). So sometimes after 4-6 hours (DZ closes at 6 hours) you will see 1 or 2 or 3 spawn, or sometimes 0. Its unfortunate but I doubt it will change, and going into OoW+ you will see other raid mobs that are OW only (king and queen in RSS come to mind). The armor drops off other mobs that do spawn in DZs and after a week or two the top guild will stop racing for them and they will be free for the #2/3 guilds, etc.

    Your request isn't terrible but the argument that its not fair that 1 guild tries harder therefore gets more loot doesn't really make much sense either.

    Also kinda funny you mention PoFear since you can pop that DZ and there will be none of the bottleneck epic mobs that only spawn in OW (which is a whole other argument).
    Skuz likes this.
  4. Bobbybick Only Banned Twice

    Good chance all this will do is get dev attention to make the goats 100% never spawn in the AoC.
    Venalin likes this.
  5. Xhartor Augur

    Just hangout in Qvic, and submit video recording when Bloodthrist trains you. Hopefully that member will get a 7 day vacation.
  6. TrollMan Elder

    I do agree it's dumb. I do think all bosses/mobs should spawn in AoC's to level the playing field a bit. However, guilds like mine.. love to feed on the tears of people who can't poopsock like we do. THATS EQ BABY! :)

    Someday they'll change it...nvm they won't.
  7. Botlhan New Member

    Goats can spawn 0-7 hours we opened a new pick had first goat in 12 min and all 3 within a hour.

    also with good tactics and some well geared toons Qvic is 2 groups to kill everything.

    if you really want Murmite that bad you can farm the first named in Inktuta every 2 hours (1 grp mob)

    but we do also race BT and get our fair share that way also
  8. DyllEQ New Member

    "Good tactics"? Let me in on those special tactics used to kill a slowable group mob with an insignificant AE!
  9. That0neguy Augur

    If only there was another mob that 6 people could kill in another DZ that was spawned on DZ up that dropped all the armor too...
    Tweakfour17 and Skuz like this.
  10. Botlhan New Member

    Sure when you tell me what insignificant AE Iqthinxa Karnkvicasts
  11. Thetosh New Member

    It would appear you figured out how to to compete with the "#3 guild on Mangler" (according to your guild) to get more pops and armor/gear in Qvic. So, to resolve your issue, perhaps you should either 1) Use their strat and benefit from it; i.e. if their guild can do it, so can yours if you put forth the effort they do, 2) Quit your guild and join the #3 guild on Mangler to get a shot at more drops, or 3) Quit EQ because your guild isn't able to perform at the "#3 guild's" level, which obviously upsets you or you wouldn't have made this post.

    You have options.
  12. Darchon_Xegony Augur

    I agree that the M'shas should've spawned in AoC instances immediately on spin up but sadly they did not do that. Had they had done that, people would burn far more platinum and help combat inflation.

    However as others noted, the named mob in the Inkt'uta instance first hallway drops 1 muramite armor or an augment and is on a 2hour lockout. If you have a dedicated group willing to run it every 2 hours you can get most of the pieces you need but it requires having a mage at the entrance or clearing to entrance each time / camping at the entrance inbetween each run.
  13. The'Ike New Member

  14. Skuz I am become Wrath, the Destroyer of Worlds.

    I think it is because the Open World zone doesn't behave like that either, so the AoC simply replicates the Open World zone behaviour.
  15. FakeNews New Member

  16. WaitingforMoreEQ WaitingforTBC

    Doing a full Qvic clear doesn't take that long so you just have someone pop a DZ and park an alt in the DZ 4 hours or some before your normal raid time. If you do this you'll normally get at least 2 in your DZ.

    Goats spawn multiple times a day, have a very small loot table, it cost 10k plat+ to make for each piece and for most classes the loot isn't BiS. Goat loot will quickly become rot status and they will just sit up all the time in after a few weeks
  17. Xanathol Augur

    o_O LOL and just which guild are you referring to as the "top guild"? Because of the two I know being discussed in OW, they're only at the top of everyone's s***list.
  18. FakeNews New Member

    Lets review.
    Day2 of GoD - Bloodthirst becomes 3rd guild on server...

    Skip Ahead a few days.. add some crybaby tells from AV and M&M while we are busy competing and beating a real guild in open world like EM. Add some trains and some suspensions on all sides

    Skip Ahead...

    Week 2 - AV cry posting asking for goats because they truly can not compete...

    Your " 20 " items a day is a joke. try closer to 40 with us locking Txevu and Qvic down.

    Bloodthirst has changed their name to " Goathirst "

    Try again in Omens of War !!!
  19. Skuz I am become Wrath, the Destroyer of Worlds.

    Envy & or Hatred is the greatest form of flattery in many cases, some guild or other being reviled is often just a mark of how much they get under the skin of others, they could be arrogant, annoying or just simply better than you are but the greatest insult in most cases is complete indifference.
  20. Phabled Lewts Rodd

    Kind of sounds pretty fishy that someone from "Ad Victorem" would be referring to Bloodthirst as the "top guild". Almost feels like the original poster is trying to humble brag about all the phat groupable loot they've got on lock down!