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[Mangler] EU time-zone guild recruiting! <Europa Mangler>

Discussion in 'Guild Recruitment' started by Raato, Sep 16, 2019.

  1. Raato New Member

    About us:

    Europa started out on P99 not long after the server opened and is still going strong today. When Agnarr was announced many of us decided to move over and start Europa there. We have a tight core of skilled and friendly players that have played together for years.

    On Agnarr we kept our raider numbers strictly in balance with the content rather than recruiting a force capable of steamrolling over the content. On Mangler we have taken a different approach and recruited enough people to split all the content with less raiders per split compared to Agnarr, mainly to keep things challenging and interesting, whilst also giving us the ability to contest Open World targets in our time zone.

    We are primarily a European based guild but we have members from all over the world. We play the game in a certain way and follow a strict code of conduct which can be found in the public section on our forums here.


    We are opening recruitment specifically towards high raid attendance raiders and to those classes listed as open on our website which you can see here.

    We do have a minimum requirement of level 70 with 250 aa's to be considered for a trial.

    Although we value skilled players in our raiding ranks we still value good and friendly personality more. That said, we care more about the kind of person you are than your class, gear or skill/experience. We set certain expectations how our members behave towards guildies and other players on this server.


    Schedule: Thursday 20:00-23:00 CE(S)T and Sunday 20:00-23:00 CE(S)T. Only raiding 2 nights per week currently due to low amount of content worth clearing. But there are member organized unofficial raids for older content on weekly basis.

    We have been three splitting and clearing all the high end content since Velious and we will continue to do so in future too.

    We require use of Discord voice comms on our raids. You don't have to speak, but you are obligated to listen to raid orders.


    We have implemented a Raid Box rank where each player is allowed to nominate two of their alts as Raid Box's (One has to be a priest class or bard, the other is a free choice). Raid box's must be max level with reasonable gear and 150aa and available to Raid leaders when requested to fill any gaps in the raids. They have a low maximum bidding allowance - we do still want the best loot on our mains. Any loot not bid on by mains or Raid Box's is rolled between alts who pay minimum price if they win.


    We use a blind DKP bidding system. Trialists are allowed to bid and we have a fairly high max bidding limit for anyone with less than 25% RA.


    Website: https://www.europa-gaming.net
    Discord: https://discord.gg/aUtsAgU
  2. Raato New Member


    Just did split Vulak last night with just about 35 players per split.

    Still could use some more warriors and melee dps, bards and shamans!
  3. Raato New Member

    Splitting Vulaks, killing open world AoWs, Tunares, Dozekars and other top targets in addition to DZ in eu time-zone, while still keeping it casual friendly for those who enjoy life outside the game and most importantly keeping it sane and respectful to others in game!
  4. Radical New Member

    Went to your website as I was interested. Until I read this,

    "Once a certain number of weeks have passed since you were invited to the guild a recruitment officer will have a look at the feedback given and decide if the trial was passed, failed or if it needs an additional extension due to lack of sufficient feedback. "

    Weeks? Does weeks turn into months for some? Seriously? You guys must have pretty high opinions of yourselves.

    And "Insufficient feedback?" You mean a player that plays his toon, keeps a low profile, but doesn't draw enough attention to himself? That is exactly what I would want in a player. Someone that does their job and isn't a headache or a suck up.
  5. Raato New Member

    Hi Radical, thank you for your reply!

    We run a thorough trial process where very rarely trials can go into a second month if there hasn't been enough feedback, but it is never more than two months and that length of trial only ever applies to non-raiders who, understandably, aren't exposed to raiding where the majority of our feedback is garnered. Raider trials generally run for 2-3 weeks. If people go away during the trial process (not ideal obviously but it can happen, IRL has a way of doing that and we will always expect our members to put IRL before EQ) we will put an app on hold and restart it when/if they return.

    I agree, players that 'do their job' are the kind we most look for, but fitting in and having fun with us is just as important too which is the reason why some trials last as long as they do, and especially if players are the quiet type. In those situations it can take a little longer for members to get to know them. Headaches and drama we have no interest in, which is thoroughly covered in our Code of Conduct (link in the main post).
  6. Botlhan New Member

    I do enjoy a good "suck up" but officers don't decide who passes trial. members do

    Make friends help people show you can play your class on raids that's how to pass the trial
  7. Sekar New Member

    When someone joins the guild, we, the members not just the officers want to know that person is not going to embarrass our tag by breaking code of conduct and has an idea about their class, I can think of at least one player that joined, who just did his job quietly on raids and passed trial with flying colours because of the members providing feedback and nothing but praise in raids, infact we were going to sack Bolthan as the lad was so good.

    I have been with them for years just as a member and would not want it any other way,
  8. Raato New Member


    Currently splitting all Velious content except Kael with roughly 35ish mains per split. Stopped killing WW/DN instances a while back since we have almost all members ST keyed, members can use those instances to key alts or farm kronos. Raid schedule is rotated atm to maximize DZ Vulaks, so raid days vary a bit but we are trying to keep them on Monday, Thursday, Sunday as much as possible.
  9. Raato New Member

    OMG! We have opened our recruitment again after keeping it closed for a while!

    We are looking for few active raiders, check our forums for classes we are looking for!

    (also updated the initial post)
  10. Raato New Member


    Still 3-splitting all the content! And raids have been organized so nobody has to sit out, not even in LDoN!

    We are looking for players that are planning to stay on Mangler for a long run. Check out our forums for classes we are looking for: https://www.europa-gaming.net
  11. Raato New Member


    We got room for beastlords, clerics, enchanters, necros, shamans, wizards, rogues and mages!

    2 or 3 splitting all the content atm. and everyone has room on our raids. Just don't wanna see those sweet class weapons from Tacvi going to rot.
  12. Kalipto Augur

    That's funny. I read that on their website too and it was the reason I'm interested in joining. I'm tired of joining guilds where everybody keeps to themselves. Sounds like they want a real community here.
  13. Raato New Member

    Updated the recruitment post with new level caps and AA requirements!

    Only raiding 2 nights per week these days, but clearing all the relevant content in those 2 nights. We might take 1 more night to schedule again if/when content requires it. Three splitting everything as usual.

    High demand for Bard, Rogues, Wizards and Rangers.
    Medium demand for Clerics and Shamans.
    Low demand for Beastlords, Berserkers, Enchanters, Magicians and Necromancers.
  14. Seric New Member

    Update: Europa Mangler is still going strong. Currently enjoying and raiding Secrets of Faydwer.

    New applicants of all classes are welcome, but please note we are a raiding guild (3 times a week) with many veteran players, so would be best for any new applicants to be experienced with EQ and/or have lots of time available for EQ. 750 AAs is a minimum, but easy to reach due to AA auto-grant giving most of it if you are a returning or new player.

    The server is still well populated but not over-populated. If you are thinking of starting a new character on Mangler to experience these later expansions now is a good time. In my opinion the last three xpacs to unlock on Mangler: The Serpent Spine, The Buried Sea, and Secrets of Faydwer; are very good, with something for everyone.

    Europa Mangler isn't short on players, so no real need to recruit, but this thread hasn't been updated in a while...so here we are.
  15. Seric New Member

    Update: War and SK are now closed for recruitment for the moment.
  16. Seric New Member

    Update: 1000 AAs minimum now.