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Making enchanter or cleric

Discussion in 'Time Locked Progression Servers' started by Lamberduim, May 18, 2022.

  1. Lamberduim Elder

    What do groups need more? Also maybe a bard if a guild comes to me need one of those.
  2. Chyron Lorekeeper

    Never too many clerics and bards in raids. Only need one of each per group. Enchanters stack as charm dps stacks, as long as there are enough monsters to charm without taking away kills.

    All three are awesome and get groups easy, play which one sounds more fun to you.
  3. Lineater Augur

    Not every group needs an enchanter, but every group does need a healer. Slight edge to cleric imo.
  4. Ownanat Journeyman

    Both overplayed classes that the worst players usually play
    Make a bard or monk. A good puller is hard to come by
  5. Midnitewolf Augur

    Honestly there are never enough Clerics, don't let anyone fool you that they are overplayed. The problem with Clerics though is that they can be pretty damn boring since there isn't really anything else they can do except heal. On the other hand, they are the most OP class in the game because their heals are so good, they trivialize a significant amount of the content.

    As for Enchanter, they aren't an easy class to play and most who do play them suck at it because playing one well is nuanced as hell. They also require an inordinate amount of constant attention to play. There is absolutely no relaxed downtime with a Chanter. Between having to decide when to use different types of mez'es and stuns appropriately, to trying to figure out which few spells you need in your line up when in actuality you need about 20 of them active, deciding when the swap spells out on the fly and which spells need to be swapped, the constant attention of having to keep your Charms under control and be ready for a break, knowing which spells to use when you need to get your charms under control, being 100% immune to panic and react appropriately in a bad pull, while everyone else is panicking, since everything rides on your shoulders, it isn't a class for most people. Also, everything that makes the class really fun ends up getting nerfed pretty heavily down the road so you have to be prepared for that as well.

    Honestly, I have ran a Chanter twice now through the TLPs up though the mid to late 60s and I love them, but the sheer amount of concentration and attention required to play them ended up wearing me out. You seriously get zero breaks or rest when your playing them, hell you can't even really get up to grab a coke or take a bathroom break, especially not if your doing it right and ensuring you have a charmed pet up at all times. Bring a bottle at your desk or suffer a dead character and possibly a dead party on your return.
  6. Fhiele Augur

    That sir is newbie thinking. Every group needs 4 enchanters.
  7. Midnitewolf Augur

    You have a point. There is probably nothing more powerful than a group made up for 4 Chanters, a tank and a Cleric, provide the Chanters know how to manage a Charmed pet that is.
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