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Magician: Dichotomic Companion

Discussion in 'Casters' started by gladiatoreq, May 19, 2020.

  1. gladiatoreq Elder

    Is this spell used in rotation on cooldown or just prior to pulls?

    Was it used in era?
  2. Szilent Augur

  3. Sancus Augur

    Using it during down time is the only real DPS-oriented use for it, but otherwise no. If you want to read too much about it, I have a writeup here.
    IblisTheMage, Wulfhere, Tuco and 3 others like this.
  4. Tuco Augur

    It's a shame that Dichotomic Companion is so bad because it's one of the more interesting dichos out there.

    IblisTheMage and Micker like this.
  5. Piemastaj Augur

    This idea was proposed as a long-term buff before Dicho's were introduced. Long duration lifetap/DD proc for pets to give us options while soloing.

    Clearly it did not go that way and basically ruined a perfectly useful spell area for Magicians. Virtually no feedback was listened to on the spell either which made the whole ordeal even more frustrating.

    Its not worth memming outside of extremely niche situations.
  6. gladiatoreq Elder

    Was a good read, thanks for the info.

    Without starting a separate thread, do you guys use Remote or Regular gargoyle swarm pet spells in your standard DPS rotation?
  7. Szilent Augur

    Remote is a special purpose spell for long (loooong) range dps. Since it takes an extra click to cast, it's mostly a dps loss if the magician is close up to the fight as they ought to be for Arcane Distillect and proc dps.
    Sancus likes this.
  8. Cicelee Augur

    I am in the extreme minority of magicians who not only have Dissident memorized, but also will cast it.

    However, I only use it on raids. And it is used very sparingly and in limited situations-

    If pet took a large AOE and its health went down significantly, it is a quick cast to help heal it over time and do some extra damage if I am not confident in AOE heals.

    On a raid like Griklor, before named comes down (or as an add is running to camp) I might (if I remember) cast Dissident on pet then send it on trash or named.

    If my pet gets too high on aggro list, I might cast it to help lower aggro. Only reason why I do it this way is because of the way my UI is setup, for me it is quicker and easier than moving mouse over to the Summon Companion hotkey. Of course sometimes I just SC instead of Dissident.

    So as you can see, I do not actively cast it all the time. It is highly situational, and I admit there might be slightly better options to do what I want to do besides Dissident. Having said that I guess I use it because it does have *some* value and benefits, and I parse well enough to where me casting it one or two times on a raid is not going to affect the outcome of said parse.

    Of course it could, and should, be better. But that is another conversation...
  9. Sancus Augur

    You should really fix your UI if spending 2+ seconds between cast time and GCD is quicker than using an instant cast AA.
  10. Cicelee Augur

    100% agree on this. Either that, or learn a bit more about shortcuts to get to that easier than how I have it. But yes it is user error that I cover up with a Dissident cast...