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mage pet weapons

Discussion in 'Casters' started by Nekuliz, Jul 24, 2024.

  1. Nekuliz Journeyman

    So as a lot of mages my mage uses summoned pet weapons. also like a lot of mages i use a water pet. Now for the average player we dont care about the bit of dps loss due to procing thats fine. what isn't fine is that we cant summon newer piercing weapons for out water pet. summoned weapons packs only have slashing. WTH if we want to summon weapons for our water pet they won't be piercing weapons which they need. we need to summon the lvl 83 armaments. When is this going to be updated? It's fine if you want to have slashing packs but hey why not some piercing or blunt weapons? Even if we can only summon 1 piercing at a time that would be fine. right now those that want that extra dps from backstab and better stats need to buy or make our own weapons.
    So how about adding in a new create weapon spell for piercing/blunt weapons?
  2. fransisco Augur

    its not necessarily a tiny dps loss. Your pet can have a 2k proc instead of getting a 300k backstab
  3. Brickhaus Augur

    Do you not have summon dagger?
  4. Cadira Augur

    Real question: does water pet having slashing weapon "actually" remove their ability to backstab?
  5. Kaenneth [You require Gold access to view this title]

    You would have to re-check to be sure, since the last patch modified backstab.
  6. fransisco Augur

    its more that with a piercing weapon the water pet can backstab from the front and side. If it has anything NOT a piercing weapon, it cannot backstab from the front/side.
    Cadira likes this.
  7. Cadira Augur

    I could be wrong, but I always heard that they can backstab from any angle as long as they have ANY weapon equipped.

    We just need sancus to set us straight.
  8. menown Augur

    I'll set you straight now for those too lazy to do 10 seconds of parsing. Your rogue pet does not need a piercing weapon to backstab. The benefit of using a weapon is that your pet can backstab from any angle, including the front. You can use any weapon type for this benefit.

    Also, as of the past 3 weeks of raiding, a guildmate and I have been testing the difference between our pets' DPS (1 with proc weapons and 1 without proc weapons) to see if any game improvements have been made. There still is a range of about 10K-100K DPS loss when using proc weapons on raids, depending on the event. There is likely a smaller range of values for group content, but also likely to still be present.
    Sancus, Petalonyx, Marton and 2 others like this.
  9. fransisco Augur

  10. menown Augur

    This took 10 seconds with a combat dummy. Rogue pet with 2 blunt weapons on the front side of the combat dummy.

    [Wed Jul 24 14:12:55 2024] Dragon told you, 'Attacking Combat Dummy Azia Master.'
    [Wed Jul 24 14:12:55 2024] Dragon crushes Combat Dummy Azia for 46332 points of damage. (Critical)
    [Wed Jul 24 14:12:55 2024] Dragon crushes Combat Dummy Azia for 46332 points of damage. (Critical)
    [Wed Jul 24 14:12:55 2024] Dragon crushes Combat Dummy Azia for 14067 points of damage.
    [Wed Jul 24 14:12:55 2024] Dragon crushes Combat Dummy Azia for 50949 points of damage. (Lucky Critical Flurry)
    [Wed Jul 24 14:12:55 2024] Dragon crushes Combat Dummy Azia for 9906 points of damage. (Flurry)
    [Wed Jul 24 14:12:55 2024] Dragon crushes Combat Dummy Azia for 46332 points of damage. (Riposte Strikethrough Critical)
    [Wed Jul 24 14:12:55 2024] Dragon crushes Combat Dummy Azia for 9906 points of damage.
    [Wed Jul 24 14:12:55 2024] Dragon backstabs Combat Dummy Azia for 467108 points of damage. (Lucky Critical)
    [Wed Jul 24 14:12:57 2024] Dragon crushes Combat Dummy Azia for 9906 points of damage.
    [Wed Jul 24 14:12:57 2024] Dragon crushes Combat Dummy Azia for 51120 points of damage. (Lucky Critical Flurry)
    [Wed Jul 24 14:12:57 2024] Dragon crushes Combat Dummy Azia for 37466 points of damage. (Critical)
    [Wed Jul 24 14:12:57 2024] Dragon crushes Combat Dummy Azia for 46332 points of damage. (Critical)
    [Wed Jul 24 14:12:58 2024] Dragon crushes Combat Dummy Azia for 8320 points of damage.
    [Wed Jul 24 14:12:58 2024] Dragon crushes Combat Dummy Azia for 50973 points of damage. (Lucky Critical)
    [Wed Jul 24 14:12:58 2024] Dragon crushes Combat Dummy Azia for 8320 points of damage. (Flurry)
    [Wed Jul 24 14:12:58 2024] Dragon crushes Combat Dummy Azia for 41334 points of damage. (Lucky Critical)
    [Wed Jul 24 14:12:58 2024] Dragon crushes Combat Dummy Azia for 9906 points of damage. (Strikethrough)
    [Wed Jul 24 14:12:59 2024] Dragon crushes Combat Dummy Azia for 41193 points of damage. (Lucky Critical)
    [Wed Jul 24 14:12:59 2024] Dragon crushes Combat Dummy Azia for 51134 points of damage. (Lucky Critical)
    [Wed Jul 24 14:12:59 2024] Dragon crushes Combat Dummy Azia for 46332 points of damage. (Critical Flurry)
    [Wed Jul 24 14:13:00 2024] Dragon backstabs Combat Dummy Azia for 77088 points of damage.
    [Wed Jul 24 14:13:00 2024] Dragon crushes Combat Dummy Azia for 9906 points of damage.
    [Wed Jul 24 14:13:00 2024] Dragon crushes Combat Dummy Azia for 8320 points of damage.
    [Wed Jul 24 14:13:00 2024] Dragon crushes Combat Dummy Azia for 9906 points of damage. (Flurry)
    [Wed Jul 24 14:13:00 2024] Dragon crushes Combat Dummy Azia for 51140 points of damage. (Strikethrough Lucky Critical)
    [Wed Jul 24 14:13:00 2024] Dragon crushes Combat Dummy Azia for 37466 points of damage. (Critical)
    [Wed Jul 24 14:13:01 2024] Dragon crushes Combat Dummy Azia for 9906 points of damage.
    [Wed Jul 24 14:13:01 2024] Dragon crushes Combat Dummy Azia for 46332 points of damage. (Critical)
    [Wed Jul 24 14:13:01 2024] Dragon crushes Combat Dummy Azia for 14067 points of damage.
    [Wed Jul 24 14:13:01 2024] Dragon crushes Combat Dummy Azia for 9906 points of damage. (Flurry)
    [Wed Jul 24 14:13:01 2024] Dragon crushes Combat Dummy Azia for 8320 points of damage. (Flurry)
    [Wed Jul 24 14:13:01 2024] Dragon crushes Combat Dummy Azia for 46332 points of damage. (Critical)
    [Wed Jul 24 14:13:01 2024] Dragon crushes Combat Dummy Azia for 39680 points of damage. (Critical)
    [Wed Jul 24 14:13:03 2024] Dragon crushes Combat Dummy Azia for 46332 points of damage. (Critical)
    [Wed Jul 24 14:13:04 2024] Dragon crushes Combat Dummy Azia for 9906 points of damage.
    [Wed Jul 24 14:13:04 2024] Dragon crushes Combat Dummy Azia for 46332 points of damage. (Critical Flurry)
    [Wed Jul 24 14:13:04 2024] Dragon crushes Combat Dummy Azia for 9906 points of damage.
    [Wed Jul 24 14:13:04 2024] Dragon says, 'Sorry, Master... calming down.'
    fransisco, kizant and Szilent like this.
  11. Petalonyx Augur

    So, what are we looking for in a weapon for water pets besides no proc?

    Dmg bonus?


    Since LS is not very hard, I might go to the trouble of getting pets an actual weapon that helps. Usually I don't bother equipping anything.
  12. fransisco Augur

    Weapon delay doesn't affect pets. Damage would only matter if the weapon somehow had higher damage than the pet's hands do - which doesn't exist. A long time ago there used to be a few weapons that increased pet damage, but they mostly got tagged "no pet".

    Pet weapons are mainly for procs (which are strictly bad), looks (fashionquest), and allowing rogue pets to frontstab.
  13. Petalonyx Augur

    Blunt for https://spells.eqresource.com/spells.php?id=56385

    BTW, I tested my pets vs combat dummies and lvl 105 mobs. No weapon equipped, then i only get backstabs from behind. With summoned 1H slashing weapon, backstabs did happen with pet attacking from front angle. [confirming what menown reported]

    So, if i don't want a summoned mage pet weapon, just any ole rusty dagger or club is what i want? To think i threw away all those rusty daggers while fishing....
  14. strongbus Augur

    I know it lowers dps but if your pet tanking can the pet hold agro as well with no weap vs using the hate proc weaps?
  15. fransisco Augur

    thats a case where something besides dps matters. If you need the hate procs, use em. Just like the iceflame buff. While it produces procs, those are needed if you are tanking.
    strongbus likes this.
  16. strongbus Augur

    thanks for the answer. I box and had always used a pet to tank. tried adding a sk but it was just a nightmare to try and pull to the right spot every time where the sk would grab agro and be facing the right way without having to tab over and move him.