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Mage/dru vs mage/chanter

Discussion in 'Priests' started by Damezza, Dec 11, 2018.

  1. Damezza Augur

    Live server duo box for hunting named. Figured I’d let some Druids weigh in. Feel like enchanter is still probably the most popular suggestion but i fear that is outdated. I’m thinking that currently, Druid May be better for pet tanking
  2. Gundolin Augur

    I'd think that tracking ability for named hunting might move you toward the druid over the chanter, if named hunting is your primary concern. But I honestly have no idea how the duo would fair on current content named.
  3. Voxvixen Journeyman

    Druid. The aoe heals are very helpful vs named AoE. Tracking, ports, movespeed, evac will all save you sooo much time.
  4. Mano Man New Member

    I two boxed all of EOK mage/shm. In ROS I added more toons, to include an enc. I cannot tell you how much, to my own surprise, I have come to appreciate the power, versatility and enjoyment of the enc. For what its worth, I have a wiz on the same acct as enc, which I thought I'd prefer (for many of the same reasons another herein recommends dru), but as I leveled the enc, it became abundantly clear how much an enc adds to general play, at least for me and my group. For what its worth, given the auras, aa, caster adps abilities and solid dps (which seems generally underated), I cannot imagine a better class to pair with a mage, except maybe shm. In fact, I think there are huge similarities b/t shm and encs. Just broad stroking mage dps, I'd say shm compliments primarily though the pet, and enc through the mage itself. One on one, nothing tanks better than the mage pet in the group game. I'd opine your bigger vulnerabilities are over pulling and cc. I have to believe an enc helps much more in this capacity than a dru. Obviously, encs are the best at cc and are fairly good at pulling. Finally, I will admit that supplemental healing is very helpful. However, mercs (yes they can suck), mage healing and defensives (esp with the right aa), should do the job and let you mostly focus on killing. CAVEATS: 1) You indicate name killing and not game convenience was a priority; I therefore assume you'd sacrifice a little more travel time in order to do better at killing - plus as the game has advanced, porting has somewhat decreased in significance. I also assume you'd prefer, as I have preferred, less likely need for evac over needing and having it. 2) I main a shm so maybe I'm more inclined to the enc. 3) I am least familiar with drus, never having played one. 3) I do not intend to bash or denigrate any class. 4) What's right for me may not be for you or another. 5) If unsure, go with what you think you will enjoy. I preferred the shm and learned to pet pull, companion nameds from a crowd, pull with shm totem, master kicks, got the shm fd ring, etc. I'd guess you could find your own work arounds if you go with a dru, but again, I dunno. 6) If flamed for any of this, I may not respond and just leave it to you to sort out what's worthwhile in my post. Its after work and the servers were down, so I thought I'd offer my wisdom or lack thereof on the forums. As my toons are now loading, I wish you the best in your decision. :)
    Skewert and a_librarian like this.
  5. Damezza Augur

    a great reply.. now im questioning my conviction for the druid partner...

    to clarify, youre suggesting sham over enchanter and both over dru?
  6. Mano Man New Member

    Sorry - took fam to Disney so I am late to reply. I'd say yes, both over DRU. For me, its SHM over ENC b/c stronger and better healed pet gets the edge. However, I'd guess most people would say for 2box, the ENC is the better choice. Pulling with the ENC is definitely a significant difference to consider. I main the SHM, but if you twisted my arm, I'd admit ENC/MAG is a safer bet than SHM/MAG for most 2boxers.
  7. IblisTheMage Augur

    Assuming you have merc(s), the druid adds less than ench for mage.

    AAAB: Always Add A Bard. If you add a F2P /melody bard to any duo, you will get a lot out of it.
    Perplexed likes this.
  8. Ultrazen Augur

    If you're on live, just add a 3rd FTP account and use a druid on that. Main the chanter/mage. You'll also get a free extra DPS merc, and a full party. I've run Mage/Druid/Chanter as a 3 box for a long time, easily one of the best combos in the game.
  9. Mintalie Augur

    Enchanter!!! My two-box for years was mage + enchanter. I added a druid as a third and occasionally will have a situation where I am playing mage + druid without the enchanter. Because of the CC and debuff abilities, I find the enchanter to be far and above the better combo.

    However now that I have my 3-box setup going really well, I gotta tell you, mage + enchanter + druid is pretty fantastic.
  10. Akirrah Journeyman

    I play a druid as my main and box a mage ( tank ) and chanter. I love the druid for ports, adps, evac in case hits the fan. I also pull using my druid with a combination of snare / fade or snare / evac / egress. So I would choose all 3 as a few people have pointed out, that threesome is fantastic. Being able to port around, port to bind etc is also a huge part of why I love the druid. I cant stand taking a long time to get places.

    However if you can only add one I would add the chanter because I am always using mez to save my skin. And you could pull using the enchanter so you really don't lose that many tools other than simple travel. I have a friend that boxes a pet class and a shammy instead of an ench for a slower, but he often finds himself dying when he gets more than one mob. On the ench I have gotten 3+ adds and still been able to survive.
  11. BadPallyGuildLeader Augur

    I use shaman as main healer these days. Never did find druids up to par on healing with either the shaman or the cleric(somewhat obvious here I know)
  12. Niknik Journeyman

    Evac, transportation, and buffs are highly valued. But only as the 3rd box. I go enchanter for 2nd.
    Perplexed and Mintalie like this.
  13. dmccollum Elder

    I'm planning on starting a Enc/Mage/healer 3 box on Mangler. My original plan was to go with a cleric as the healer, but I'm questioning losing ports and sow for better heals and rez. Do you think a druid is a good enough healer and is ports > rez?
  14. IblisTheMage Augur

    Speculating, since I have never played on tlp: assuming that you will not have a merc for a long time, having acces to rez sounds like being a big advantage. Maybe mage, bard, cleric?