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lvl 50 mages/necros camping low level named mobs

Discussion in 'Time Locked Progression Servers' started by Taboo503, Jun 17, 2021.

  1. FranktheBank Augur

    I don't think server matters. I think it's the fact that loot is raining and its basically not worth for some people to sell 300p items.
  2. Niskin Clockwork Arguer

    Thanks for responding. I'm surprised it was Thornblade, not that it couldn't happen there, I just expected with the lesser of the two populations and a potentially more relaxed attitude among those players, this wouldn't happen much beyond the top tier mobs.
  3. Pikallo Augur

    Camping group named as a 50 is actually embarrassing at this point. You'd make more farming fine steel weapons than selling loot drops.
  4. Gnothappening Augur

    Not sure how embarrassing it is. I have been trying for two weeks to get a specific drop now that used to drop from a level 25 mob. Still no luck.
    Appren likes this.
  5. Marglar New Member

    the people saying they haven't seen it, haven't stumbled across the good camps yet. there is a revolving door of AFK level 50 necros and mages farming them nearly 24/7. it's frustrating
  6. Marglar New Member

    do your part please - if you encounter this and you're sure they are AFK while farming, report them. it is against policy to play this way. they can review the logs, verify the activities and take action. it does take a couple minutes of effort, but if everyone chips in when they see it, we can squash it. the problem is, most people won't take the time to report it.
  7. Numiko Augur

    It's been the same since 1999, I still remember zoning into lower Guk back then only to see a single group of level 50's from the top guild there, I did a "camp check" and they replied "everything" :eek:
  8. Yinla Ye Ol' Dragon

    If your on Mischief, what item you after? I have killed a few named around that level that I am hoarding at the moment.
  9. Gnothappening Augur

    I'm on Thornblade. Thanks for the offer though.
  10. Yinla Ye Ol' Dragon

    Good luck getting it.
    Gnothappening likes this.
  11. Ultrazen Augur

    This is complete and utter nonsense. You don't even play on the server, and you literally have no idea what you're talking about. Again, this is by far the least contentious EQ server that has ever existed, because people can't monopolize specific mobs and control the market for items. No level 50 with even half a brain is wasting their time camping some noob mob, when they could be farming POH, Yael, or any other open world or DZ that can net them 20x the results. Yah I really want a shot at that guise for maybe 1kr, instead of amulet of necro for 20 lol.

    I have no doubt that there are indeed people camping midrange mobs, because some people will do it, but it's not even in the same universe as the problems you get on servers where the drops are known and locked to one spawn. There is nothing even remotely like the crapshow that is GEB camp on any other TLP that's ever existed.
  12. Sycopata Elder

    Im camping some lvl 30 range, fast spawn nameds finding Pegasus cloack, at same time i make home work, and i no feels bad, why better group exp spots are not in the same place. AC for example are not a exp spot, Rares in Nájena, are not a exp spots...
    And Assasin/suplier are probably the worst exp in level range in lower Guk, if some lvl 50 claim this Camp are not really hurting you.
  13. Slaytanic1 Journeyman

    This is nothing compared to previous TLP's. Also no one is really wasting their time on camping mobs in normal zones. Most of the lvl 50 necros I know are either camping Hate or Fear for loot, or they're camping hill giants.
  14. FrodeEQ Journeyman

    The coexistence of lower and higher level players in a zone each trying to achieve a certain goal whether that is experience or a drop is a fundamental part of the game. The phenomena is not the issue, the occasion (and players on both sides) can be depending on how they deal with it.

    Unless a higher level player clears mobs with the intent to harass, I don't see (with how the game works with drops that are required for questing) why player X has more or less right than player Y to be there - both pay for an active subscription and right to play the game.

    AFK or not AFK is a separate discussion and a variable to the encounter but not a guarantee in the phenomena the OP is complaining about.
  15. Bullsnooze Augur

    According to the OP, 'they' are the Lv50 Magicians and Necromancers.

    Some controlled by, you and I.
    Some controlled by, the nasty scum botters. :p
    Accipiter likes this.
  16. Nyvlag Elder

    This is kind of an important point that will be overlooked, most likely. I think a consequence of this server's item economy being so wildly free it has become more profitable for solos to simply farm plat -- whether via Fine Steel drops or HGs or whatever.

    I've definitely seen solo level 50s clearing vast swathes of leveling zones like SolA, effectively starving entire groups of 20-30s, while they camp the one named that they are sitting on top of. This is only really a problem because Classic simply doesn't have a wide array of dungeon leveling options for any given level range. The problem will definitely be less pronounced in a couple of days.

    If they ever release another one of these random loot servers; I think doing so without releasing, at a minimum, Kunark, on day one would be a massive mistake.

    (Also, picks don't effectively solve this problem because they don't take into account the threshold being lowered to one level 50 and one full group clearing 100% of the zone)
  17. Zansobar Augur

    Why not buy the item in the EC Tunnel and partake in the economy?
  18. Gnothappening Augur

    According to the website, it was listed 2x in the last 2 weeks. I don't strictly camp it. I camp it while also auctioning. Won't matter soon as kunark will drop and eventually I can buy better or someone will upgrade and finally sell their item.
  19. Celestian Elder

    Either you're trying to misinform folks or you dont get out much. Go to unrest, I've yet to see more than 1-2 rucksif camps not sat on my a mage/necro for the past 2 weeks across multiple picks. Lguk is pretty similar.
  20. nagash101 Augur

    All of them? You need to EQ a bit better.