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Love 'em or Hate 'em, <Triality> retired from EQ

Discussion in 'The Veterans' Lounge' started by FatbukSlapmeat, Sep 10, 2013.

  1. Brogett Augur

    Not everything in Fatbuk's list is really the work of Triality, but I have to agree they've left a significant mark on EQ. It's always sad to see such a major guild fold. Best of luck to you all.
  2. Calirian Journeyman

    I see what you did there ;)
  3. Rouan Augur

    TBS/SoF/SoD killed all of the old "mid tier" guilds which took time to recruit from the group guilds. That left all the current expansion guilds to do nothing but poach off of each other rather than mostly poaching the exceptional players from the mid tier.

    Nobody gave a damn when all the old lower tiered guilds died, so hell if I give a damn about Triality.

    Here's some brief obituaries for some old Tribunal/Ayonae lower tiered guilds that met their end since they were just as deserving of recognition as any other.

    Fellowship of Dragons: Didn't have much interaction with them. Folded.
    Incursio Meretricis: Lead by The Death Squad's former open raid leader. Felled by poaching.
    The Death Squad: Ran open PoP raids to recruit. Ultimately faded into obscurity from lack of progression most likely.
    In Motion: Tried to do open raids also. Absorbed by Fate if I recall.
    Final Insurrection: Start-up guild that blazed and fizzled out in the end. Absorbed by Final Destiny.
    Requiem: Absorbed by Fate/help started Fate (not sure on that).
    Vallis Aspectus: Old Solusek/Ayonae family-ish raid guild. Felled by the insane tanking and dps requirements of parts of SoF and SoD (also refused to use the bugged Rallos Returns unlike others). Absorbed by Sol Invictus.

    Just as long as events are made fun and not ridiculously hard for the sake of ridiculously hard to satisfy the guilds like Triality then EQ's raiding will be fine. May be some issues due to the year round raiding, but we'll see how that goes.
    Lrbearclaw likes this.
  4. Recnarp Augur

    Poaching has always been a term I never accepted as being negative. The ones that complain act as though their members cannot think for themselves or are easily swayed; therefore it is poacher's fault for luring them into their 'trap'? A person doesn't leave a guild unless there is something wrong with it. Whether it be for politics, drama, loot, or progression; they all have free-will to decide for themselves what they want to get out of EverQuest.
    Mintalie, Cicelee, shiftie and 2 others like this.
  5. Explicit Augur

    Couldn't be more true, well said.
  6. Rouan Augur

    Well, seeing as how the bed it's helped made is one with very few raiding guilds, having your view on it didn't exactly help things now, did it?

    You specifically go after a guild's clerics or tanks back in the day you screwed 48 other people by greedily going after the 6 you wanted. At least shamen and druids are a bit more comparable in heals now (and healers function with group gear), but a warrior is still hard to replace.

    But that wasn't my main focus, it's that testing your raids with guilds with rosters so min/maxed that their DPS is leagues ahead of a normal guild, which helped make a horrible three straight expansion death blow. TBS, SoF, and SoD were horrible. Dumb upper tier raid guilds just made things way harder on them.
  7. Battleaxe Augur

    First, let me say that I'm sorry to see a current endgame guild fold.

    The treadmill is tiring and even IF you get to enjoy the loot benefits of early completion it's a short respite before you have to rise up and do it again.

    Secondly let me point out that SoD was awesome for mid-tier gilds. At least two guilds that never had the chance to finish early enough to really gear up their members did so in SoD. And both guilds promptly moved from months behind the leaders to the serverwide leaders.

    So-called "hardmode" was plenty of evidence that SoD was undertuned. Any "mid-tier" guild that couldn't make any progress vs. SoD only thought they were a mid-tier guild.

    During a famous medieval battle, The Thirty, a wounded knight asked for water. A companion replied, "Bois ton sang Beaumanoir. La soif te passere." (Drink your blood Beaumanoir. The thirst will pass.) Hanging in there as either an endgame raider or a wanting access to some raid gear family guild raider demands a bit of determination.

    Enjoy your coffee, brandy, cigar, and storytelling at the club if that's what you choose to do Triality. You've earned the right on the battlefield.
  8. CaptAmazing Augur

    Secondly let me point out that SoD was awesome for mid-tier gilds. At least two guilds that never had the chance to finish early enough to really gear up their members did so in SoD. And both guilds promptly moved from months behind the leaders to the serverwide leaders.

    So very true. But, then came UF and it killed so many guilds, it was a shame. The Devs at the time continued their smugness and all they had to say was,we asked for hard.
  9. Rouan Augur

    By SoD the mid-tier was the bottom-tier thanks to the deaths in the previous expansions. Same guilds, just a different location on the totem pole.

    T1 was doable.
    T2 was horribly broken/overtuned and off limits.
    T3's easy raids was locked behind the insanity that was FoS 1.
    T4 Tyranont was doable IF you had good tanks (hard mode out of the question usually). Brother's Zek etc. was generally too much. None of the lower tiered guilds ever got far enough to abuse the hell out of Rallos Returns like some guilds.

    That's a grand total of 5-6 raids tops to gear up on, half of which drops half the loot.

    To do SoD you needed Crystallos gear for your tanks. Crystallos is locked behind A LOT of Meldrath's Mansion wins.

    By SoD the mid-tier was the bottom-tier thanks to the deaths in the previous expansions. Same guilds, just a different location on the totem pole.

    Incidentally, did Meldrath's Mansion a few years after SoF and the adds on breakneck STILL destroyed people on spawn (think it was as 90s or 95s).
  10. Leerah Augur

    Players can only be poached because they believe that loot is a path to winning. Guilds and raidleaders burn themselves out for rankings. IMO, that is also not the way to "win" EQ. The arrival of other MMORPGs has led to an influx of people who value loot and levels as if it's a finish line. When we try to recruit people for old raids, just for the fun of it, they ask, "What will I get out of this?"

    Triality won EQ. You can't blame them for eventually throwing up their hands and saying, "What now?"

    Leerah, Guildleader of Unholy Czars (2250 toons that don't raid except for fun.)
  11. Nudia Augur

    Triality was a big time guild for a long time, whether you loved them or hated them. Sad to see another big guild fall.

    Good luck and best wishes to you folks.
  12. Dalno(Th) Excess Character


    For those curious, A lot of us moved to EQ2 where we continue raiding with a smaller core and have access to almost three times as much relevent raid content as everquest.. There's a million reasons why but Raids in EQ2 are only 4 groups (24 man) and the game is easy for our friends in other games to pick up and come play with us. The community support for us has been overwhelming positive and we haven't recruited off EQ2 at all, All our players are former EQ1 players. If you're really interested in banging with us you can send [tell Eq2.Antonia_Bayle.Dalnoths a message.

    We need a few things to have a fully rounded raid force, mainly illusionists and Coercers. We're all noobs and its actually quite fun starting from the bottom and we are looking forward to the challenges a new game with familiar scenery holds for us. The guild identity and overall feel of the guild remains intact with 4/6 officers moving with the guild and over 20 of our members and retired legacy members from EQ. If you wanna get in on it we're not accepting any apps but EQ1 players until Monday. I've turned away easily 20 people in the past week on server, So send me a tell by Sunday if you're interested. We're holding our last raid spots for EQ1 refugees until then.

    Recruitment tells Cross-Game go to -> (Can Copy/paste)


    We have an open door policy.
    Nedrom likes this.
  13. Leerah Augur

    I want that stained glass effect!
  14. Beimeith Lord of the Game

    I lol'd.
    Aldren, Axxius and Imrahil like this.
  15. Toplel New Member

    Hi, Kela.
  16. Atvar Augur

    No, SoD really was that easy. The entire expansion was doable with a ~42 person raid force and minimal gearing up. Once geared, even the 36 man "hard" raids became routine. I know, I went through it.

    The combination of fewer raids, bigger jumps in difficulty, and fewer expansions hurt the game the most. Sony simply can't make a smooth progression with the model they have now. You either have a raid full of people that know their class or you're screwed.
  17. Xianzu_Monk_Tunare Augur

    Maybe it was just Tunare, but up until about SoF/SoD; Mid Tier did not include any guilds who were doing current content. They were guilds who were 2-3 expansions back; with Low Tier raiding guilds being about 4+ expansions back. With SoF the LT raid guilds pretty much folded en masse due to the new group gear being light years better than what they were raiding. SoD the same started happening for most of the Mid Tier guilds.
    Beimeith, Rouan and Mykaylla like this.
  18. Battleaxe Augur

    My recollection was 50ish guilds having beaten SoD prior to the next expansion being launched. Practically 4-5 guilds per server.

    I've long been extremely vocal about my opinion regarding overtuned content and a need for more inclusiveness. SoD was undertuned. A lot of long term midtier guilds reached the endgame.

    If you want to indict high level guilds for egging on devs to release overtuned content, stick with UF. You won't get 0 argument, but you'll get less.
  19. TheQxx Augur

    I talked to some of the cats in Shahrazad recently, when they were going through their thing. I didn't really know anyone in that guild on a personal level too closely but all the same it sucked to see any established guild close it's doors.

    It's not great for the game but it's even worse for the community; especially high-end competitive guilds. Like Buk said, doesn't matter if you loved or hated Triality, it's a shift in the community now that it's gone. I felt that way when other guilds have died out, Shahrazad is just a recent example.

    I already wrote how I feel on Triality's front page, for the last time, so I won't get into it here but I received this in a PM on a different forum today which made me feel pretty good:

    I spent 10 years in Triality, so it's a huge part of me and my life in the world of EverQuest but I've moved on and found a good spot to keep smashing Norrath and, from what I know, most all the former Triality have too.

    So only some of the people but all of the memories will be around EverQuest for a bit longer; Triality just won't be.
    Nedrom likes this.
  20. Imrahil Augur

    Good to hear you guys have found new homes (either in EQ or in other worlds). Anyone know if Midasa is still around somewhere?