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Loot not showing up in advanced loot window

Discussion in 'Bug Reports' started by AngryKing, Sep 13, 2021.

  1. AngryKing Elder

    As of last night we have had occurences of loot not being visible in the loot window. Seems that only the raid leader can see or interact with it.
  2. Cragzop Cranky Wizard

    On Live, multiple accounts, real raid formats, personal raid formats for hunters (with 1-x toons in zone and out of zone), group, solo ...

    ... no issues.

    Were these normal raids (as in created just for the raid purpose and not hanging around for awhile)?

    There is a known issue where you can be added to a dz after a raid is complete and the chest has been open and the window bugs out. Sometimes zoning out and back in fixes, but often it never works right and things have to be left on chest.

    You might help out folks by listing what server, what instance(s), etc. to help them with any type of diagnoses. If advanced loot was commonly borked, the forums would be full of posts.
  3. AngryKing Elder

    These were open world raids on mishief in TOV. 3 completely different raids over 30 hours with different raid leads. The entire raid (even the master looter) were not able to see loot in the window and we actually thought we lost the dps race because of it.

    It's not the biggest problemb as obviously someone still has access to the loot, but there is definitely an issue.