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Looking to come back.

Discussion in 'The Veterans' Lounge' started by Gravlar, Sep 27, 2020.

  1. Gravlar New Member

    hello all, I am looking to come back and play Everquest. I played from 2000 up until 2014/15 .

    I'm looking for some rough computer specs to be able to 3 box with max settings, i won't be able to build it myself as I havent the first idea about computers.

    A pre-built is going to be my best option so I need some pointers as to what specs are required.

    Many thanks
  2. Sobmre Augur

    pretty much anything with a date on it past the year 2005 would work
    Sindace likes this.
  3. Sindace Augur

    For reference- I can box 8 comfortable on a computer that's close to 10 years old. Not a huge difference on a much newer computer. EQ doesn't seem to use much specs, or be able to fully use max specs on newer computers. Shooting for the moon is great, but not necessary. Extra memory is always nice.
  4. Tanols Augur

    Processing power is less important than RAM and GPU memory. I'd say 6-8 gig of RAM and a GPU with minimum of 2 gig. I know of at least 3 people with I5 processors running up to 6 accounts with the above specifications.

    Turning off some settings in EQ of course can have dramatic effect on game performance and little effect on game play ... IE spell particles.
  5. Bigstomp Augur

    You would do well to get a system with an SSD. Otherwise, any decent system will be fine. EQ likes RAM so I'd consider about 2 gigs/toon to be ideal.
  6. Gravlar New Member

    Thank you all for the information, I'm hopefull to get Back into Everquest Soon!