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Looking for up-to-date Monk skills list

Discussion in 'Melee' started by BigDank, May 7, 2024.

  1. BigDank New Member

    Hey everyone, I've recently returned to Live from about a 10-15 year hiatus, but was playing Project1999 since 2016. I've grown accustomed to the P99 wiki and great content they have, what's the closest Live has for content. Is it still allakhazam? I see the everquest.fanra.info site?

    Reason I'm asking is I'm leveling a monk, and at 46 was surprised to get triple attack and can't find any information on that in my normal searching habits. There's plenty of other content that I'm sure I don't understand so any and all resources are appreciated.

  2. fransisco Augur

    Go to a class trainer in game. They will list the levels you get all your skills at.
  3. Twelvestrings New Member

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