Looking for Old Friends...

Discussion in 'The Veterans' Lounge' started by Hayzel, Dec 31, 2012.

  1. Hayzel New Member

    I recently came back to playing everquest after about a 8-9 year break, lots have changed since then, and i would like to locate a few people that i was pretty good friends with back then and see if they still play.

    server and character names at least back then were...

    Server - Povar
    Name - Jasra (shadow knight) dark elf
    Name - Kayala Moondrop (druid) halfling i believe
    Name - Luvine (druid)

    Perhaps you may know someone who goes by these names on your server. If you do see if they use to play with a high elf cleric named Hayzel, tell em i said hello and that i would like to get in contact with them.
    Luvine1 likes this.
  2. Samir New Member


    Let me know if you get this ... I have contacts for you.

    KrakenReality likes this.
  3. KrakenReality Augur

    9+ year old post, hope it turns out well. Props to your search skills.
    Duder and Tatanka like this.