Login Server is down

Discussion in 'Player Support' started by Behee, Jan 4, 2015.

  1. Behee Augur

    It's 5am PST and the Login Server is not responding. Was just logging in for a long day with the bonus exp.
  2. Twizzles New Member

    Yup, I'm having the same problem with my toons...
  3. guado Augur

    Noooooo, having the same issue and I JUST started drinking coffee !!!!! :-(
    Baeddon likes this.
  4. Slinkity_BotS New Member

    Same issue... 4 accounts.
  5. Vildayve New Member

    Yeah been like this about an hour for me
  6. guado Augur

    So is it just the login server or the actual game servers as well?
  7. Vildayve New Member

    Think login server, but my toon crashed prior to this issue so it might be the actual game servers.
  8. Farewell Lorekeeper

    Same for me
  9. pk76 Augur

    same here..........................o_O
  10. Behee Augur

    Well, it's now up! But it has no servers. So it's really not up :p
  11. Numiko Augur

    alll i get is "a timeout has occured" when i try and log in :(
  12. Baeddon Elder

    4 of my 6 characters were still at the character select screen. 2 of them lost connection to the login screen. I can't get the two to log in at all, only one of them made it into the chat room. However, I tried to enter world on one of the 4 at character select and was successful on Firiona Vie, which is listed as "missing" in the live status widget.
  13. laller Lorekeeper

    when you get past log in server and get to server select the screen is just blank so cant get on the servers
  14. Drakang Augur

    Progress. Can get past login server. Just need game servers back lol.
  15. Numiko Augur

    ah now getting the blank server select screen so small a small improvement ... i guess ;)
  16. Boddy New Member

  17. guado Augur

    Feels like a fix is incoming so we can all get our fix!
  18. Magelander1 New Member

    Login servers are down for me also @ 07:17 CDT 01/04/15.

    @ 17:20 - Able to login. No servers shown. Chat is working now.
  19. Ratbo Peep Augur

    Same here.
    I can log in OK - but Server Select screen is blank. No servers listed.

  20. Heruge New Member

    yep same here
  21. moogs Augur