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Lockouts should reset on the same day every week.

Discussion in 'Time Locked Progression Servers' started by Finley, Jun 7, 2016.

  1. Demandread New Member

    Just reviving this old thread instead of posting the exact same thing in a new one. As someone who has differing work schedules, but still enjoys playing EQ when I can, I'd appreciate being able to join my guild raiding a target that otherwise I don't get to see because of how they set the raiding schedule due to lockout timers not allowing them to swap content per week.
  2. Knifen Augur

    I see your request and expand on it. There should only ever be Loot Lockouts, not event lockouts. You should be able to go back through any event at any time to help others or practice different methods, just wouldn't be able to loot items that drop.
    Janois likes this.
  3. MarttinPH Augur

    You could for a week, sure. But the next week you are still back to one a week raids.