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Lockjaw & Ragefire - October 2015 Poll Results

Discussion in 'News and Announcements' started by Roshen, Oct 30, 2015.

  1. Vidae New Member

    This thread is cracking me the up.
    Baps Zerg likes this.
  2. Mourning New Member

    oh man the furious nerds are out.


    EQ isn't hard by the way, none of the bosses require any sort of skill. it's just who has the most people that can tie their own shoes, or, who has the most ACCOUNTS.
    Devante likes this.
  3. Tigerr New Member

    Why should there be a revote?. A few months ago when the Kunark vote was about to go through, people were being told to "Shut up and deal with it". Now that the server has voted, the people that want an Expac every month are complaining and demanding a re vote? Sorry but, the original rules were 6 months and I'm VERY glad the vote stuck. Reading through these TLP forums the last few months, it seems like the vocal majority wants rapid fire expansion releases. Really doubt DGB cares that the exact same people complain and threaten to close their accounts.

    Pretty sick of the "my way or the highway" attitude. A vote is a vote, even the mage bots couldn't take the majority. Content is available on the live servers if you really want to see Velious again. DGB, keep it the way you originally announced, which was 6 months.
    Devante, Grandma and Baps Zerg like this.
  4. pimenttoncheese Elder

    There are two servers, there is no reason to not have one that has "rapid fire expansion releases" as there is certainly a market for it. People that want a slower ride can easily play on lockjaw or keep waiting for the new server to launch. To make Ragefire and Lockjaw the exact same server is just silly, and most likely the result of a broken/ flawed voting system. When people ON lockjaw logged in and were able to vote on the Ragefire unlock timer you know something is wrong. Plus all the people having voting errors and the server instabilities since the patch before last also have further caused issues.
    Velaste and Dazz like this.
  5. Grandma Elder

    Ragefire voted to keep things as intended being a 6 month tlp.Lockjaw just got its opening kunark early vote. Lockjaw did not yet get to vote on future expansions. If they get that poll after Kunark has been opened for a few weeks maybe they will vote the 3 month/6week option that ragefire didn't want and become the faster paced server you speak of.
  6. Greyowl Augur

    I am fine with the results :)
  7. Simone Augur

    A noon release? Sense when were new expansions unlocking on the progression servers at noon, it's always been midnight releases in the past? My guild was planning on it coming at midnight like they did on Vulak'Aerr. Noon is literally the worst possible time of the day for my guild for the new expansion to drop.
    Agrippa likes this.
  8. UrsusObesus Apprentice

    Just came back to play on Kunark after being away for several months. My friends also left when the first vote was taken. We were a bit upset because the reason we started on Ragefire was because it was a 6 month time locked progression server. Now that it's been voted on and SoV is coming out in March, my friends are resubbing along with me.
  9. DryalRmog Augur

    I am on Ragefire.

    Both me and my wife are level 60, she has her Epic. We have pretty much done everything there is to do in Kunark. It is about to turn Nov. we are supposed to wait 5 months to play velious? We don't even get level increase in Velious, it's raid content only..., so helps spread people out for more targets.

    For those posting this means "3 more months or 4+ more months", it's 5:

    I can't wait 5 more months paying you for content when there is nothing left for me to do.

    I guess I will have to xcl accounts till Vel is about to unlock, because I don't mind waiting a month or two for more content to play but can't wait another 5 months. The poll was misleading for people.

    We need a revote.

    Make it simple 3 month, or 6 month unlock vote.

    I love the game and will likely resub, half a year from now, once there is content for me to play.
    Dazz likes this.
  10. Thegoat Elder

    Kill me now. The incompetence is astounding.
  11. Darth Augur

    You only needed to be like level 30 to vote. So if you had a character on Ragefire that level you could vote from Lockjaw. So no one got a free vote on Ragefire from what I understand.
  12. Darth Augur

    The poll made sense to me.

    Do you want faster unlocks?

    Do you want original unlocks?
  13. Smackage Journeyman

    I voted to keep things how they were under the impression that meant we would have an expansion every 3 months. No where did it say that means 6 months an expansion after it was shortened for kunark release.
    Velaste and Dazz like this.
  14. Keldin New Member

    Just remember, some people are actually still trying to play the game out and enjoy the content. There's a good reason to go back through this and some of yall just don't comprehend :p
    Finley likes this.

    Your lack of comprehension and understanding is no excuse for not knowing what you were voting on.
  16. Gumby Augur

    Devante likes this.
  17. Finley Augur

    I don't believe anyone is so stupid that they didn't understand the poll, but it is a narrative people who want a revote are going to spend a lot of time pushing. Expect "New members" especially to say they're confused.
    Vidae and Zargonza like this.
  18. Dom___ New Member

    Just to clarify: I play on Lockjaw with chars over 30, my highest char on Ragefire never even got to level 10 but I still got to vote on the Ragefire option.
    Dazz likes this.
  19. Baps Zerg New Member

    Technically, it is 3 more months than the other option. As stated by many before, the server was originally released as a 6 month TLP server; what did you plan to do for 6 months when you joined it?
  20. Valris New Member

    Ok here is my 2 cents:

    Lockjaw was made not to be different but to help reduce over load on Ragefire

    Bot armies cancelling = good

    People complaining they thought Ragefire 3 months after Kunark, read the thread below..it is says Kunark not all expansions


    And if I remember correctly, all people joined the server being told it was a 6 month TLP....so why are you complaining now? Don't some you remember we played 7 months!!! OMG before Scars of Velious came out originally.

    I have my anti flame armor on I'm good.
    Zargonza and Aegir like this.