[Lockjaw] Head count, how many of you...

Discussion in 'Time Locked Progression Servers' started by Cylense, Oct 6, 2015.

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  1. Vaclav Augur

    Literally an almost identical case I got to know him because of - you guys had given us (DHS) the lower islands of Sky that day, due to an error of some sort, y'all ended up killing one of "our" azaracks, immediately he sent out a message to our guild letting us know you did and that the key parts and other drop(s) were waiting for us if we could get someone there in time.
  2. Tulgin Augur

    First MM is unable to kill raid targets, now AD. Eventually only FI will be left.

    Since LJ is still on Classic, why not make it an instanced server and offer free transfers between RF and LJ, one way, moving from LJ to RF.

    I don't think boxing is really a big deal any more with the mage nerfs, especially with instanced raids. Doesn't seem worth making a new server and having the instancing on it. Raid instancing is too important to just go on the no box server.

    I bet if you give LJ instanced raids, the no box server will be dead. No more than 500 people will make accounts there, with half of them leaving because not being able to make another account to just 2 or 3 box seems harsh. I can understand not allowing 6+ boxing, but 2 boxing? Waste of effort.
    Simone likes this.
  3. lockjaws Augur

    How far down the pit did you fall when you decided to just jump off the ledge without looking?
  4. Vaclav Augur

    I'll be 2 boxing as will many - don't most people own a laptop as well as a desktop? Or multiple laptops?

    Perhaps the demographics I've been speaking to aren't the norm, but thusfar at least half of the people I've spoken to on the subject of character plans for the NoBox are planning to box with a second machine.
  5. Lejaun Augur

    I didn't quit or stop logging in, but I have moved to playing a new character and alts. Just not a lot of reason to log in when you aren't able to raid.
  6. Tulgin Augur

    I refuse to have a second machine running and wasting electricity just so I can adhere to some ridiculous rule. I try and bike as much as possible, recycle,switched all my bulbs to LED's, make my own compost, keep the heating on low. I try to stay fairly green and economical to save the planet and all that. You think I'm going to have multiple PC's running just so I can 2 box like I didn't do back in 99? Honestly encouraging people to do that, DBG should have to pay some hefty anti-green tax.

    If they keep up with this nonsense and release the server, I'll have to invest some serious time coming up with a way to play multiple box's on 1 PC. If anyone has an easy way, PM me.

    Do I want a server where the majority of people are just 2 or 3 boxing? Hell yeah. Am I going to run 2 or 3 PC's to do that? Hell no. Where there's a will, there's a way.

    As it stands, the raid instancing is the most important feature on the new server. Tucking that away on a dead no box server is crazy.
    Aneuren likes this.
  7. Thorak1234 Lorekeeper

    On one hand, I hope they only put raid instancing on the new server so the playground bullies can stay on RF and LJ. On the other hand, I hope they put raid instancing on RF and LJ so I don't have to reroll. I leveled 12 level 50s and I already put a lot of time and effort to get established on LJ.
    Lee81 likes this.
  8. Vaclav Augur

    I don't think the majority of people are concerned with an extra $4-5/mo of electricity to run an extra PC. (If it's even that much - I'm being generous here - I know my electric bill didn't go up when we added our laptop. Of course similarly, I switched to all LEDs recently [$4/bulb sale made it stupid to go CFL this trip so I just replaced the entire house while I was at it] and haven't noted any noteworthy price drops, while our cooling costs are dropping (FL though, so they're still a thing however but themostat is regularly off with being set at 76F these days - probably runs less than half the day vs. 80% the rest of the year)]

    I can admire your goal (although I'm curious after running through Penn & Teller's BS! recently how much it really matters) - but I don't think it's a common one.

    But for the record, I appreciate rational levels of boxing as well - I'd personally box 4 between the wife and I if we were allowed - but I don't care to rearrange our office to fit a laptop for her desk area.
  9. Tulgin Augur

    I agree that most people don't care. But I don't think it's a good idea for a company to encourage it's users to be so wasteful with the earth's resources.
  10. Aneuren Tempered Steel

    So much truth in this post.

    Also, much respect for your attitudes towards the environment.
    Simone likes this.
  11. Cylense New Member

    I honestly hadn't really thought of it this way, so why don't we ask them to give us a vote? Id reactivate all 8 of my accounts to vote yes on it at this point.
    Lee81 and Simone like this.
  12. jeskola pheerie

    Every progression server had similar rates of quitting/merging after the first few months, even Combine/Sleeper.
  13. Belit Lorekeeper

    I am really glad, Jaluden, there are at least some few people with open eyes.
    It happened even before the real collapse of the rotation.
  14. Belit Lorekeeper

    You were not the only one, losing hard earned points. I don't regret it though. It is so much fun over here as our leader is completely transparent.
  15. Cemoto New Member

    Got 50 on couple characters and got my fill of loot/krono. Don't feel like dealing with the drama involved with raiding. Haven't logged in almost a month. Enjoyed some nostalgia. but game is boring without some sort of progress.
    Lee81 likes this.
  16. rekais910 Augur

    You know I box a erudite sk. Got a bloodmoon on him to and it is sweeeeet.
  17. Lee81 Augur

    I'm in the same boat. I have enough gear for now. It's too bad that the new server is releasing at the same Kunark will be enabled on Lockjaw. I'm probably going there. I just can't pass up raid instancing. We can form smaller raid groups and pass loot around between a smaller group. And all of the raid targets will be ours.
    rekais910 likes this.
  18. Vlorg Augur

    Glad you finally see why instancing is a blessing to the MMO genre.
    Lee81 and rekais910 like this.
  19. Lee81 Augur

    My guild went through a transition. Sadly, I don't have the willpower to follow. I have a daughter coming and can't devote too much time to this game. It was nice when we had fixed schedules for raiding. I'm also deactivating all my accounts. I had a funny conversation with my cousin last night. Poor him. He was trying to level up. Now, he's going to end up quitting. He was one of thousands who left EQ within 2004. It was almost impossible to get him to come to this game.

    I think that many people are just like my cousin.
  20. Lee81 Augur

    They should open a poll to determine who wants instancing on Lockjaw and Ragefire. I would be very interested in the results. It wouldn't hurt. If the vote for instancing is overwhelming, then they don't need to open a 3rd server. Besides, they're just making it much more complex. Raid and dungeon instancing on a box server would make the issues of boxing a non-issue. They'll be all by themselves in their separate raid and dungeon IDs.
    Zurd likes this.
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