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Live Update: Wednesday, February 19 @ 4am Pacific

Discussion in 'News and Announcements' started by Roshen, Feb 18, 2014.

  1. Decap New Member

    I have a ranger as well. I know how you feel.

    My main three toons are Berserker Beastlord and Ranger, All three created long before these abilities were ever implemented.
  2. Mintalie Augur

    So the AA autogrant was superfantastic for my alts, yay, but the whole server seems super duper unstable last night.
  3. Cazmac Augur

    Real gamers? Does that mean people who play 16 hours minimum per day? I am an extremely casual gamer but have tried a variety of classes and servers. I am very happy with the AAs being granted and have no experience of beam PL, so I shan't miss it! :D
    Geroblue and Smallpox like this.
  4. Cazmac Augur

    Do you remember when the Warriors held a day's boycott of EQ, because they felt they were being neglected in favour of other classes? Perhaps all the PLers would do that and give us a bit of peace! ;D
  5. Zarakii Augur

    lol I cant believe how many new zerks are complaining about not killing light blue mobs fast enough. was my main for 5 years and I can tell you for a fact if you play the class well decap was next to worthless. heres an idea try learning the class now folks it is a blast
  6. Zarakii Augur

    heck I am gonna start playing my zerk again now that decaps been nerfed ive been waiting for this for a long while now
  7. Deadjester New Member

    So server problems wiped my Raid last night. thought this patch was supposed to help server stability. can i get some feed back form SOE on this issue and when we can see it fixed.
  8. Domin New Member

    Ok I must say the SK nerfs didnt affect me as much as I felt they would. I commend you for taking in the feedback from all of the SKs. Thanks!
  9. Kanxxxx New Member

    The HT for the SK base level was increased, and there is a discrepency between the aa's acquired and aa's spent for the SK. Was there a refund for those that purchased aa's into the HT, and is there a reason why the HT aa value is part of the 1000 points for silver accounts?
  10. Roxxanna Augur

    Ok, I must say the cleric nerfs, all 3 of them, affected me way more than I felt they would, but hey, thanks for listening to us.
  11. Longtime Player New Member

    To cervelo :

    Some of your statements ring true and yes I was on a high horse cause you know as well as I it does get to a point when is enough enough. Your point on the basics has some valid points I give you. But to toss us vets to the side with nothing extra to make up for the huge freebie is insane. But even that isn't my biggest thing its the hypocrisy you know when they did that to house of thule it was a slap in our face and please don't deny that part cause I kinda like your more intelligent response. They told us they did not want us to get AAs too fast then now they give them away and slap us again by giving us nothing for our time and effort we worked at getting those same free ones they are giving away. O well its Eq . Eq is one thing and it will get worse before better if it ever does but we saw this years ago. I don't mind your argument as much and yes it is a game but it does break ones heart of friends memories and such and people who have left over a lot of these changes over years. I guess in time I will quit myself but I think some of vets hold on to try and hope things may get better. Fewer and fewer of us left I guess. Well thanks for good response. I don't agree 100% but you made me think more on it. Much appreciated.

    P.S. you entitlement people still need to wake up though! I am watching and so are others! :p(joke for the slow people)
  12. junglenights Augur

    Maybe they should think about making it so we can disable/enable aa's or an aa-line.

    I know some players were complaining about Spell Casting Subtlety.
    Lasherž likes this.
  13. junglenights Augur

    Is there any plan on checking station purchases for the AA cap for F2P or Silver accounts to ensure people with AA's much lower than 4000 cap don't waste SC on AA cap increases? For example, if you have Silver membership and your AA count is 1000 and you're level 80, it makes no sense to purchase a 100 AA cap when you can buy Gold membership and gain 1000's. I think it's deceptive to allow potentially ignorant players to do something like this and blow their money.

    My suggestions is to either greatly decrease the cost of the AA cap increases for players with fewer AA's or don't allow it if a player has under 4000 AA's. In hte latter option, they'd be forced to get Gold and about level 85 before they could buy cap increases - it's probably hte best option. In the former, they'd have to make a choice between $15 (give or take an extra month depending on level) for Auto Granting or a bit more $$$ and a lot more time buying AA cap increases. In hte former option, the AA cap price would go up as you gain 1000's AA's to account for the cap on the auto granting. At about 3000 AA, it'd be about where it was at before - 250 SC. So if you're Silver and level 85 and have 3000 AA, you'll pay 250 SC for 100 AA cap increase. Note this can be a good deal if you buy station cash when there's a deal (like 2x SC). This is as opposed to paying the $15 for Gold and 1000 AA Auto Granted. Note that Gold has many other benefits, not just the AA's.

    I'm not sure exactly, but I think something should be done since this change is big for Gold.
  14. Deadjester New Member

    While every one is about not getting their compensation for the AAs i see a bigger problem server lag is at an all time high i think. just trying to talk to friends and it takes tells 5 seconds to get to them or to me. i know for a fact it is not my system or my ISP so that leads me to think that Sony has something to fix i asked about an ETA on when this would get fixed and i have seen nothing about that from SOE. You do great listening us on the patch changes and now i have yet to see one post or reply on the issues from the patch. customer service fail.
  15. Brutus Journeyman

    when will the marshmallow with a line through it halo be claimable for a reward for those veterans who grinded out all those AAs already. and I hated grinding. but it had to be done, and was done.
  16. Brutus Journeyman

    IMO, I think it is appalling that so many did not sympathize with those who already grinded out those auto-granted AAs. It would have cost you nothing to be in solidarity with the "veterans" on this. You could have been BOTH in favor of the auto grant AND support the "veterans". You would have still got your AAs that you needed, especially since soe was 99.9 percent in going forward with that.
    Mozzarella and Barnwyr like this.
  17. Corvati New Member

    Did you not read half the stuff I said.. I myself even if I could get the grant was going to not ever opt in. I remember the old times.. and the work to getting them. I remember long back near 2006 when I was trying to grind the next few hundred of them. I left but not from reasons I could control.. BUT I did side with you all. I also sided with those who really don't have the time for it. if you all had the time and earned it by all means congrats to you all. is one heck of an effort. tho its not much of an audacity for people to use this when they have jobs or the like and can't put in the same amount of hours to grind the AA's themselves.
    I still plan to grind my AA's out and such on all my toons as I see it as a Goal and challenge for me to do when I get to that point.
  18. a_cleric00 Lorekeeper

    Why would people sympathize with someone who was complaining with no real base to complain from? We ground out those AA's, and we got to use them before Feb 19th. Now other people will get to use them. How does it affect those of use that ground them out?
    Sinestra likes this.
  19. Velric Journeyman

    It takes away from some of the sense of accomplishment, which for some people is a big part of the reward for playing the game.

    Whenever I've played a new game and seen the high level folks at the top end, that's been a bit of a motivation for me, I can't wait to get to that point myself. Once I've climbed that mountain and gotten to the top, there's a feeling of satisfaction and accomplishment.

    Yes, I can opt out, and grind all the way up, and I will, but now when I climb that mountain and get to the top the guy that clicked "opt in" or "buy now" will already be up there. Does that actually change the game play for me? No, but the game feels quite a bit more hollow to me now.
    Mozzarella likes this.
  20. Brutus Journeyman

    I will give this analogy. I was on the track team and ran long distance. My coach entered me in a, lets say, 5 mile race, and my longest was a 2 mile. it turns out, only two people ran that race. I knew I would never win it, I never went that distance, or would never want to. I came in second. The other participant was tired after the race. I think I had a hot dog, soda, and read the newspaper at the 2, and 4 mile mark. The winner was not happy, knowing I just walked the last mile.