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Live Update Bugs: 6/20/2018

Discussion in 'Test Update Notes and Bug Roundup' started by EQ Dev, Jun 20, 2018.

  1. Coppercoz Augur

    I cannot seem to get the option to select the particular armor piece task from Terraxs (TSS Raid T1). Going through the script, I can only get the chest piece task.

    Default UI, logged, removed and went through the dialogue multiple times to no avail. Always getting the chest task without an option to select another.
  2. douxreve Elder

    1. It seems Gift of mana doesnt have the right proc rate since the last patch. In 30 minute of a raid, i proced only 3 GoM as an enchanter. It was the same for druids and wizzards.
    2. t seems that enchanter AA "color shock" doesnt proc anymore stun on mobs which hit you.

    Can other enchanters confirm these two points? Specially the first one, caster mana is melting too quick. Thank you.
  3. S33k3r Augur

    In the last hour of raiding I proc'd 60 GoMs on my druid from ~370 casts.
  4. Coppercoz Augur

    RE: Terraxs. Nevermind…must have been lag or some other weird bug that prevented the other screen from giving me the options. I was able to pick the task for the various pieces when I played on my laptop.
  5. Rickate Augur

    And Hate.
  6. Telkiney Elder

    We are seeing several undocumented (so we assume unintented) changes to EoK raids this week that were not occurring before the live patch on 6/20.

    In Temple of Droga, we seem to be teleporting to the priests after a certain amount of time being in the instance even after a wipe and event reset we were resing and buffing and at a certain point the entire raid was teleported right infront of the pool.

    Also event AEs and triggers seem to be going off in increase frequency as compared to the week prior to the patch
  7. Havanap Elder

    You're right about Color Shock, I was wondering that myself. It's not stunning the mobs. When I have color shock "enabled" I get the message "you twincast unknown spell" over and over, when I turn off color shock those messages stop, so that unknown spell is likely color shock. Also, when the unknown spell happens I see "default item bags" flying through the air near me, not sure if that's new.

    Regardless of the unknown spell/item bags flying through the air - the mobs are not being stunned. My poly-x rune breaking definitely stuns them, though.
  8. Ngreth Thergn Developer

    This was intentional, even if not mentioned. We make a general attempt to NOT make port items a guaranteed get out of jail free, which instant cast gate is. At 10 seconds the chance isn't horrible to get away, but not great, and not guaranteed. (Some abilities may make it guaranteed, but that's more work!)
    Will look into this.
    Thought I fixed it. Guess I failed.

  9. Bummak Journeyman

    As an addition to this, I was playing a low level character yesterday and every time he leveled, it would hiccup. I mean, I would get the ding! but the mob would still be alive and I'd be fighting him another 5 to 10 seconds before he actually dropped. Also, the loot window comes up before the mob is on the ground.
  10. Gialana Augur

    Hope it's okay to put this here. I redid the mercenary tasks in Demilplane of Life yesterday and noticed two grammatical errors.

    In either the 4th or 5th step of Crypt Crimes, Varnor Clegg says or emotes something like "You non-reflifer's don't understand." Non-relifer's can lose the apostrophe.

    In A Feather in the Wind, the first step is to say "feather" to one of the merchants. We are then given a clue that we are supposed to find Kerath Punox for the next step. That clue uses female pronouns except for the sentence beginning "He was tall, dark..." Not sure if that is intentional, but it is kind of funny. Also, the second step in the quest window says "Find and talk to the new comber described by the merchant," but it should probably say newcomer.

    Finally, the last step before the optional steps of A Feather in the Wind is "Give the feather to Bokon Karass. Or you could…" in the quest window. I'm requesting the text after the first sentence be removed and/or the optional steps hidden until the step is complete since it makes it sound like you can do one of the optional steps instead of that step. However, I did the optional step of "selling" the feather to Kerath, but it immediately ended the task without giving credit.
    Xianzu_Monk_Tunare likes this.
  11. Graytis Lorekeeper

    For what it's worth, I wouldn't mind a variety of solid-colored icons to use similarly.

    *edit: sorry, not an update bug... ignore me
  12. Nniki Augur

    It always required you to be out of combat as far as I can recall (and currently does), so it couldn't be used to escape combat anyway. It displays the text, "You are too distracted to look into mirrors at this time." when you try to use it while you have aggro.
  13. Koryu Professional Roadkill

    You really need to take a loot at your spawn, respawn, and splitting script for High Arcron Ioulin in both the group and raid versions of Balance of Power.

    The bugged version for the group mission has been posted a few times, but just in case: The raid ghost of Ioulin can respawn in the group mission. It is red con and summons from 100%. The raid ghost can be up at the same time as the group ghost of Ioulin.

    For the raid: Ioulin will sometimes instantly respawn as a ghost instead of waiting for the standard delay. Also, if you allow the ghost to live long enough to split (like if you got surprise aggro'd by an instant-respawn), you'll get living versions of Ioulin that hit harder than the ghost would have.
  14. Leoseii New Member

    The mission "Defenders of the Faith" gets stuck on step 6. After killing both infected winged defenders, the kill credit gets stuck on 1/2 and you can not progress.
    mmats likes this.
  15. Sindaiann Augur

    I am not seeing this at all with GoM. In the first 5mins you can see 15 GoM/GGoM procs

    [Sun Jun 24 20:43:32 2018] You have been granted gift of mana 106 to 110!
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    [Sun Jun 24 21:31:45 2018] You have been granted gift of mana 106 to 110!
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    [Sun Jun 24 22:17:52 2018] You have been granted a gracious gift of mana 106 to 110!
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    [Sun Jun 24 22:20:16 2018] You have been granted gift of mana 106 to 110!
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    [Sun Jun 24 22:31:31 2018] You have been granted gift of mana 106 to 110!
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    [Sun Jun 24 22:31:51 2018] You have been granted gift of mana 106 to 110!
    [Sun Jun 24 23:00:09 2018] You have been granted gift of mana 101 to 105!
    [Sun Jun 24 23:00:34 2018] You have been granted gift of mana 101 to 105!
    [Sun Jun 24 23:00:40 2018] You have been granted gift of mana 96 to 100!
    [Sun Jun 24 23:00:54 2018] You have been granted gift of mana 106 to 110!
    [Sun Jun 24 23:01:00 2018] You have been granted a gracious gift of mana 106 to 110!
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    [Sun Jun 24 23:03:08 2018] You have been granted gift of mana 106 to 110!
    [Sun Jun 24 23:03:53 2018] You have been granted gift of mana 106 to 110!
    [Sun Jun 24 23:03:57 2018] You have been granted a gracious gift of mana 106 to 110!
    [Sun Jun 24 23:05:01 2018] You have been granted a gracious gift of mana 106 to 110!
    [Sun Jun 24 23:05:38 2018] You have been granted a gracious gift of mana 106 to 110!
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    [Sun Jun 24 23:06:17 2018] You have been granted gift of mana 106 to 110!
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    [Sun Jun 24 23:08:27 2018] You have been granted a gracious gift of mana 106 to 110!
    [Sun Jun 24 23:08:31 2018] You have been granted gift of mana 106 to 110!
    [Sun Jun 24 23:09:25 2018] You have been granted gift of mana 106 to 110!
    [Sun Jun 24 23:10:26 2018] You have been granted a gracious gift of mana 106 to 110!
    [Sun Jun 24 23:11:57 2018] You have been granted gift of mana 106 to 110!
    [Sun Jun 24 23:12:14 2018] You have been granted a gracious gift of mana 96 to 105!
    [Sun Jun 24 23:12:25 2018] You have been granted gift of mana 106 to 110!
    [Sun Jun 24 23:12:51 2018] You have been granted a gracious gift of mana 96 to 105!
    [Sun Jun 24 23:12:55 2018] You have been granted a gracious gift of mana 106 to 110!
    [Sun Jun 24 23:13:20 2018] You have been granted gift of mana 106 to 110!
    [Sun Jun 24 23:14:38 2018] You have been granted gift of mana 106 to 110!
    [Sun Jun 24 23:15:34 2018] You have been granted a gracious gift of mana 96 to 105!
    [Sun Jun 24 23:15:56 2018] You have been granted gift of mana 106 to 110!
    [Sun Jun 24 23:16:26 2018] You have been granted gift of mana 106 to 110!
    [Sun Jun 24 23:16:46 2018] You have been granted gift of mana 106 to 110!

    I would have to go test Color Shock to be sure on that one.
  16. Ngreth Thergn Developer

    Even with that. In a general sense, port items "should" not be instant cast.
    And no we aren't going to go review every port item and change them. We were changing the mirror because it was more powerful than we intended and included this general "like other port items" change with the update too it.
  17. Jaera Augur

    This is a long standing issue and I did a cursory search of the community issue tracker and didn't see it there so why not here!

    The raid encounter "Sothgar the Twiceborn" in the Ashengate West raid instance given by Jenray in Direwind Cliffs is supposed to go into intermission intervals where the raid is expected to dodge explosive slimes for roughly two minutes every 25% of Sothgar's health. Once the interval is complete, Sothgar will go active, the slimes will stop spawning, and drakes will attack the raid.

    The issue at hand is at the 75% interval phase, Sothgar will go active for roughly two seconds, summon the tank and attack them once, then immediately go into another intermission phase without spawning any drakes. This second intermission phase should be removed as it is anomalous the rest of the encounter script and serves only to waste another two minutes of the encounter time.
  18. Lianeb Augur

    Anyway we can get timer added to "Planar Overdose"
    It has a timer obviously because you can't recast it. But the time shows up nowhere and the red background that indicates it is on cool down does not exist
  19. Varu Journeyman

    The proc rate for ranks 5+ of headshot are not scaling correctly. Rank 7 is only about .7 procs per min at lvl 75. The proc rate is supposed to be around 2 procs per min.

    If you have /hidecorpse always on when you die and get rezzed, you'll have a copy of your corpse that you can't /decay, can't /corpsedrag, and only you can see it. The only way to get this corpse off of your screen is to zone.

    Beneficial buffs that have a limited number of procs will show up in the buff window of whatever NPC you have targeted. Say I have Mana Flare in slot 3 of my buffs, it will also show up in slot 3 of whatever NPC I have targeted and hide whatever spell is actually in that buff slot on the NPC. This only shows for you and nobody else. Some other buffs that will do this are: Lingering Sloth, Skin of the Reptile, Ward of Retribution and all of the spells after these in their lines.
  20. niente Developer

    Headshot chance is not a flat 2 PPM, but uses your DEX and HDEX. Aside from DEX, every rank of headshot has the same chance of procing.

    These are old bugs that are tracked internally, but haven't had time to fix yet unfortunately.
    Quatr likes this.