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Live Update Bugs 06/21/17

Discussion in 'Test Update Notes and Bug Roundup' started by EQ Dev, Jun 21, 2017.

  1. Hludwolf Developer

    Did your anchor work before the latest update?

    We are still resolving issues with real estate and have a plan to knock out the remaining issues hopefully in the next full patch.

    Cazic had all of it's real estate vanish and it was restored in the full update.
  2. Dzarn Developer

    There are no immediate plans to adjust the functionality of this command based on the current expansion for TLP servers.

    The spells listed here are the component spells for Wildflash Barrage, due to the way that the spells are currently implemented it is picking up these spells as wizard usable although they're not directly scribed.

    We'll take a look at the errant data over the next month and work on reducing the false positives that the command outputs.
    Fanra, Jumbur and klanderso like this.
  3. Omegga Elder

    Plane of Storms - Relv the Mysterious does not respond to We are courageous enough to go forth or we are ready after reaching the proper point in his text.
  4. Orbital101 Augur

    Planes of Power:Hunter:Hunter of the Plane of Valor: a Lumbering Beast. These dont update and shouldn even be in the list?
    Everquest:Conqueror of the Hole:Nortlav the Scalekeeper. On live it is called:Echo of Nortlav
    Everquest:Hunter:Hunter of the Plane of Hate:an ashenbone drake... Did not update and is this suposed to be a hunter target?
    [Fri Jun 23 18:23:52 2017] You have slain an ashenbone drake!
    [Fri Jun 23 18:30:40 2017] You have slain an ashenbone drake!
    Everquest:Hunter:Hunter of The Liberated Citadel of Runnyeye:a goblin janitor > need to be 'goblin janitor' and does not update
    Everquest:Raids:Conqueror of The Plane of Sky:Hand of Veeshan need to be 'the Hand of Veeshan
  5. GoldenFrog Augur

    We just attempted Rhaliq and Alekson with no success.

    Event completes, NPC re-spawns but refuses to respond to hails. No credit given.
  6. baramos123 Journeyman

    Most of the HH Seb weapons lack a type 5 aug slot this includes all of the raid weapons.
  7. Vestra_Cazic New Member

    Cazic real estate was fully restored? Funny... I placed 5 houses, deposited 10k escrow on each, put 10k on my main house and added 4 to 5 trophies per house 2-3 days before the patch, after the patch it's all gone! So I'd say it wasn't restored... at least not to anything recent. Houses and the plat I don't care so much about but the trophies I can't easily replace
  8. Jumbur Improved Familiar

    I think only 2-hand weapons are supposed to have type 5 augs slots, 1-hand weapons never had them, not even raid-weapons.
    Brohg likes this.
  9. Orbital101 Augur

    thx for posting this again. was in the list but my computer crashed and I dint save my .txt file in time. These dont update most likely because its looking for the name of the achievement target to die to update. Was a similar issue on test with The Burrower Beast.
  10. baramos123 Journeyman

    Lol, that's what I get for living the 2 handed weapon life I guess. Anyways after checking more thoroughly there are 2 weapons lacking type 5s.

    Darkened Trakanon's Femur
    Darkened Fungi Covered Great Staff

    With the femur now being the highest ratio wep for zerkers a type 5 would be nice.
  11. Orbital101 Augur

    look like it updated for some so possibly the goblin janitor is the PH for the a goblin janitor heh.
  12. Dedmon New Member

    Hot zone exp not showing any bonus still for level 90 and 95, on Xegony server.
  13. Omegga Elder

    Went through the text today and got the quest.
  14. Omegga Elder

    We did the hardcore Nagephen and Vox raids last night and did not get credit for Vox or Nagaphen. Since over 52 can not fight the normal versions, please tag these to give high levels credit.
  15. GoldenFrog Augur

    Shroud down and kill it - that works and gives a fun moment of levity to this.
  16. GoldenFrog Augur

    On Emarr, my anchor had been working since last month's patch.

    That stopped with the latest update and no work-arounds have corrected it.
  17. Prathun Developer

    From this month's update notes, in the previously updated section:
    June 21, 2017
    - Fixed a bug where the hotzone experience bonus would not work with global experience bonuses.

    As of the midcycle hotfix that introduced this fix, hot zones have an increased ZEM instead of applying a global XP bonus on a per zone basis. This will allow the hot zone bonuses to stack with a global XP bonus and will also prevent the hot zone bonus from being stomped when a global XP bonus activates or deactivates.

    The (with a bonus) XP message displays when a global XP bonus is active. Because hot zones no longer use this, you will not see this message while adventuring in hot zones.

    It would be a nice QoL improvement to show more information in experience gained messages for some or all of the various ways that XP multipliers can be applied to the XP calculation, but this is a long way off.
    Ryak and GoldenFrog like this.
  18. Mojoslinger Elder

    not a major bug or anything but I noticed that the Darkened Sebilite Scale Belt doesn't add the bonus potion belt slot
  19. Yimin Augur

    Bst epic is not working , after hailing a feral figure twice in Acrylia Caverns you do not get ambushed ...

  20. Aneia Master

    So, with the 6/21 patch, every checklist mob on Conqueror achievements from Classic through Ykesha receives a SYSTEMWIDE_MESSAGE. On servers with Agent of Change instances (Phinigel & Agnar) there is constant spam. This is mildly annoying, but not necessarily a bug. I hope the devs will consider removing this feature or adding more robust chat filters as others have suggested on the forum.

    However, it seems most of the Western Wastes dragons are providing systemwides without being part of a Conqueror or Hunter achievement.

    [Sat Jun 24 18:05:55 2017] <SYSTEMWIDE_MESSAGE>: Vitaela...
    [Sat Jun 24 18:07:26 2017] <SYSTEMWIDE_MESSAGE>: Yeldema...
    [Sat Jun 24 18:10:54 2017] <SYSTEMWIDE_MESSAGE>: Karkona...
    [Sat Jun 24 18:13:24 2017] <SYSTEMWIDE_MESSAGE>: Ionat...
    [Sat Jun 24 18:16:22 2017] <SYSTEMWIDE_MESSAGE>: Entariz...
    [Sat Jun 24 18:18:43 2017] <SYSTEMWIDE_MESSAGE>: Jerigozia...
    [Sat Jun 24 18:20:46 2017] <SYSTEMWIDE_MESSAGE>: Derasinal...
    [Sat Jun 24 18:22:53 2017] <SYSTEMWIDE_MESSAGE>: Ayillish...
    [Sat Jun 24 18:29:52 2017] <SYSTEMWIDE_MESSAGE>: Glati...
    [Sat Jun 24 18:45:06 2017] <SYSTEMWIDE_MESSAGE>: Von...
    [Sat Jun 24 18:46:53 2017] <SYSTEMWIDE_MESSAGE>: Amcilla...
    [Sat Jun 24 19:00:04 2017] <SYSTEMWIDE_MESSAGE>: Bufa...
    [Sat Jun 24 19:19:49 2017] <SYSTEMWIDE_MESSAGE>: Mav Sapara...
    [Sat Jun 24 19:30:45 2017] <SYSTEMWIDE_MESSAGE>: Linbrak...
    [Sat Jun 24 19:45:45 2017] <SYSTEMWIDE_MESSAGE>: Cargalia...
    [Sat Jun 24 20:07:56 2017] <SYSTEMWIDE_MESSAGE>: Vraptin...
    [Sat Jun 24 20:10:53 2017] <SYSTEMWIDE_MESSAGE>: Pantrilla...
    [Sat Jun 24 20:16:24 2017] <SYSTEMWIDE_MESSAGE>: Jen Sapara...
    [Sat Jun 24 20:18:31 2017] <SYSTEMWIDE_MESSAGE>: Gafala...
    [Sat Jun 24 20:20:38 2017] <SYSTEMWIDE_MESSAGE>: Kar Sapara...
    [Sat Jun 24 20:25:12 2017] <SYSTEMWIDE_MESSAGE>: Hechaeva...
    [Sat Jun 24 20:27:26 2017] <SYSTEMWIDE_MESSAGE>: Yeldema...
    [Sat Jun 24 20:31:31 2017] <SYSTEMWIDE_MESSAGE>: Vitaela...
    [Sat Jun 24 20:33:42 2017] <SYSTEMWIDE_MESSAGE>: Mazi...
    [Sat Jun 24 20:36:02 2017] <SYSTEMWIDE_MESSAGE>: Bratavar...
    [Sat Jun 24 20:38:20 2017] <SYSTEMWIDE_MESSAGE>: Glati...
    [Sat Jun 24 20:49:53 2017] <SYSTEMWIDE_MESSAGE>: Von...
    [Sat Jun 24 20:57:39 2017] <SYSTEMWIDE_MESSAGE>: Linbrak...