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Live Update Bugs 03/13/2019

Discussion in 'Test Update Notes and Bug Roundup' started by EQ Dev, Mar 13, 2019.

  1. Drewie Augur

    The old /nod emote now does the same as the new /no emote.

    You disagree wholeheartedly.
    You boggle, shaking your head and looking confused!
  2. Ssdar Augur

    After logging out and back in, the "Highlight New Messages" Chat frame option always displays as enabled. It is correctly saving the state and functioning as disabled when previously set that way, but in the right click menu it shows as enabled.
  3. Akirrah Journeyman

    Conflagrant Helms on my Druid, Mage and Chanter

    When I die and rez, things seem dark, I take the helm off and put it back on and things get brighter. The worn effect of faerune includes infravision
  4. PathToEternity pathtoeternity.pro

    Hey I just want to say, thanks for putting in this kind of effort with the player base. I can't think of a time when devs interacted with the community as much as they do today, it's really great.
    Quatr and Gyurika Godofwar like this.
  5. Prathun Developer

    Change logs show that the heights on some or all of ogre beastlord's warders were changed in 2014. The lowest level pet is height 1.3 and it scales up with better focuses and higher levels to 4.92 at the top end. The smallest ones are pretty tiny and I can see how this would look odd/wrong, but this doesn't appear to be new.
    Gyurika Godofwar likes this.
  6. Smokezz The Bane Crew

    It's done it to me with all of the raid helms in the past 3-4 expansions. I've just gotten used to click-click after a death. Even the RoS TS helm. 99% of the time I'm using the integrated GPU on my laptop if that helps track down the issue (Intel HD 530). I'll pay more attention next time I'm streaming and using the 980m and see if it happens then too.
  7. Tesen New Member

    Ram usage up and GPU usage up; all for some chat windows that has to be fixed because all other games have tabs?
    Also, you broke my preferences for tell windows.

    {removed text that is not a bug report}
  8. Moege Augur

    I am under the impressions any tradeskill would combine in its container type.\

    Found that Fire Undergarment Tunic still requires a Tanaan Loom
  9. smash Augur

    Not a bug.. but because of pop task for signet. There are other items in same task serie that also require tanaan ts containers.
  10. Dewey Augur

    My character is broken and I am looking for help on how to fix. All I did was try and use the chat tab and I put a spam windows behind another spam window. When I logged in the Chat 5 window that was behind the others was red. Everything else is gone(as depicted in the picture below).

    Now on that character I have since changed to a default UI. Everything I do crashes it to desktop. If I copy a layout it crashes. If I change my UI it crashes. If I camp out to character select it crashes. The UIerror folder shows nothing, I will copy and paste it below.

    UIErrorLog created at Fri Mar 15 06:10:58 2019

    Another oddity is that I could not use the name "Casters" as a UI folder name. When I did this it crashed my toon out of everquest. I simply changed the name of the UI folder to "PetClasses" and the character was then able to log in. I am unsure on why the folder name of "Casters" would all of a sudden after 20 years have an issue.

    For other info, I am running another character on the same computer. I do not use any third party software and only Alt-tab from one toon to another. The other character has zero issues and is using a custom UI. I did a file check and found no files to be missing.

    The tell windows does not work on any of my characters as well. We have like 8 computers here for me, the wife, and the kids. If we have the option "Use tell windows" on then we do not recieve any tells. I have checked the logs and the tells don't even go to the toon. They go no where. Now there are times and situations; whereas, I perfer to use tell windows. So I do hope that gets fixed.

    I have now copied the layout from another character and that seemed to work. I could not copy the layout of the current character because it automatically overwrites the layout when you log in. It would be a nice feature if we had a "layout during last camp" option. One where it auto backed up and saved prior camping. So that when issues like this occured we could go back to a layout in the same "Windowed or video mode" and have issues like this easily fixed.

    Anyways, please fix whatever caused the issue. I am sure I am not the only one since I heard other reports of people having to use things like "alt H" to reopen the hotkeys. I am also concerned with the crashing to desktop. I would copy the error log for that, if I knew which one it was.
  11. Hatestorme New Member

    Okay I and a lot of other people are having random crashes a LOT I was booted from game 7 times in a 2 hour period yesterday and finally just gave up and didn't log back in. There is no warning no disconnect message nothing in files as to a reason why ...the game just drops and when logging back in you have to boot your toon from the game in order to get back in. This has just started happening after the update where the chat windows was changed ( don't remember the date ). I have posted several times about this and have yet to see a Dev comment anything on it ( I could have missed it to be honest) can someone get back to us on this matter or let us know its being looked into please.
  12. Dewey Augur

    I'm no dev, but I fixed the issue by copying a layout of another toon on my computer. Take another toon you have and copy there layout and see if that fixes it.

    I do hope the dev's address and fix the issue.
  13. Rotlust Augur

    Thank you very VERY much for responding. It just seems like a tiny little ant on TLPs. Any chance of scaling it up ever so slightly on the lower end for the tlps (60 to 65 range being of actual bear size)? I agree they needed to be toned down quite a bit, but on the same token they look ridiculous as they are now.

    Ogre beastlord was always my favorite, and the comically small pet takes away from that "feel."
  14. Moege Augur

    Constant crash to desktop when doing /camp to get to character select. No box pops up that eq crashed.
  15. Cityofchamps09 New Member

    Crashing when trying to log into the game world from character select and also whenever camping out like Moege above.
  16. Yinla Ye Ol' Dragon

    Selo & Mangler haven't gone live as announced at silly O'Clock this morning


    Even if you forgot to alter the clocks it should have been up by now.
  17. Alundis New Member

    The shared task from Leadbetter in GMM has a maximum task size of 1 player. Is this right?
  18. Barton The Mischievous

    Betting the am is a typo, previously said 12pm in the announcements

    "The Selo Progression Server is coming to EverQuest on its 20th Anniversary on Saturday, March 16, 2019 at 12 PM PT!
  19. Beimeith Lord of the Game

  20. TheStugots Augur

    It’s supposed to be a group mission. It’s just currently flagged as a solo only mission it seems.

    I was able to accept the raid no problem.