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Live Update Bugs 03/13/2019

Discussion in 'Test Update Notes and Bug Roundup' started by EQ Dev, Mar 13, 2019.

  1. Covennx Augur

    Seems plausible. Before the patch every time I tried to backstab myself I would always riposte/parry. Now I can actually land backstabs on myself.

    svann likes this.
  2. Schadenfreude Augur

    Was already instant death more often than not before the patch.
  3. svann Augur

    We are going to need video of that.
    Oxgoad and Fanra like this.
  4. Morthakia Augur

    The ‘Charm - Riposte Death’ issue existed prior to the patch. When we did The Valley of King Xorbb raid from Rain of Fear, anyone who got charmed and attacked the tank would get instantly slaughtered by ripostes. Super, duper, incredibly frustrating as it is impossible to protect against, but we grew accustomed to dealing with it.
  5. Akirrah Journeyman

    3 things

    First, can you fix exodus and egress so when you evacuate it drops all aggro fron dots like it used to

    Not sure why it was changed but as it is this makes evacuation rather useless any time you are actually fighting

    Secondly after a death it seems I have to take off and put back on my helmet in order for the effect to work. Not sure if it is just that slot that does this or more of them as well.

    Third, to me it seems healer mercs are worse than they were before. In HS I very rarely died with my mages pet tanking but over the last few days I've died more than the last 2 months.

    P.S thanks for fixing remote heals
    Barton likes this.
  6. Thundersnake Elder

    I noticed, mercs seemed to be suffering from longer pauses between heals. This is even more noticeable when taking spike damage. I attribute it partially to the change in avoidance but also mercs taking longer to heal. I've died with 2 healer mercs+ a bard singing healing boosts while tanking in TBL Raid Gear on my Zerker vs 2 Light blue mobs+1 Yellow mini named in 19th Aniversary Mission. Which makes no sense because I was also burning defensive abilities. Should also Note monk was there with Aura running. Oh, and BTW Still can't get into game past character select screen.
  7. Zaphod New Member

    With the new tabbed chat windows "Highlight New Messages" keeps getting turned back on after re-logging.
    Xeladom likes this.
  8. niente Developer

    What about a trigger that starts a timer and does nothing when triggered again?
  9. niente Developer

    This is fixed internally
    Fanra likes this.
  10. Kianara Lorekeeper

    Mobs outside of TBL aren't giving XP to evolving items anymore (from those mobs that previously counted such as mephits in EWK). Was this intentional, or bugged?
  11. Forcallen Augur

  12. niente Developer

    Ok. I will see about putting it back. (If that happens it probably won't be in until April at the earliest)
    PathToEternity likes this.
  13. Forcallen Augur

    Waiting a month stinks as its gonna hurt performance but it is what it is I guess. But hopefully that "I will see about putting it back" means that it will go back!
  14. Siladin New Member

    May we get an update on people having problems logging into Test server? Still unable to get in. Get to Character Screen no problem then it crashes to server select.
  15. Ngreth Thergn Developer

    Both. (intentional, but went in early before the NPC race restrictions were removed, and before a patch note was made.)
  16. Mr. Froo Developer

    There's a small amount expected in some older zones like Crescent Reach. But a lot of the newer zones should remain almost unchanged to my knowledge.
  17. Mr. Froo Developer

    There is currently not a way to disable this, we just fixed a math issue in the renderer. We are currently investigating the art and code to see if we can remedy these issues.
  18. Tuzmin New Member

    Since the patch my chat windows now move themselves every time I log in and out of the game and they no longer change position when switching from full screen to windowed mode. The former problem is incredibly frustrating because the windows just move randomly all over the place. The latter problem makes windowed mode useless because I can't see the last few lines of text nor can I see what I am typing.

    This is with default UI. I have never downloaded a custom UI.
    Bigmartin likes this.
  19. Mr. Froo Developer

    Which helmet were you having this issue with?
  20. Mintalie Augur

    Mage chiming in that I'd like the "you twincast" message put back in also.
    Yinla likes this.