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List of Epic Time Sinks and Bottlenecks

Discussion in 'Time Locked Progression Servers' started by Ysu9, Jul 17, 2024.

  1. Waring_McMarrin Augur

    Again, no one is asking to have everything given to them instantly, they just want the time sinks to be reviewed and adjusted as needed.
  2. Obliteration Augur

    Yeah please speed the game up so I can log out quicker and quit playing as talking and playing with others is just too much of a commitment for me to handle.

    Please hurry though cause I have another MMO to "help" ruin after I "help" end this game just like the previous MMO I "helped" and then quit as soon as they followed my "help"
  3. Waring_McMarrin Augur

    Sitting around and waiting for something isn't playing the game and being able to finish those steps in a more timely manner allows you to join up with other players to group with them as you chat.
  4. Obliteration Augur

    Exactly, get rid of all the waiting so we can quickly log out of the game and leave this MMO for the next one. This is taking way too long there's only been 1000+ epics completed in era this is unacceptable there are still people logged into the game that shouldn't be.
  5. Waring_McMarrin Augur

    Why do so many people think that players are going to leave Everquest and move to other games because they can complete quests such as epics in a more timely manner without having to sit around and wait for something to spawn and hope they are the ones who get it?

    I would find it more likely that players leave to play games where they are not sitting around doing nothing to complete a step of a quest.
    GenericName7 likes this.
  6. Dre. Altoholic

    You nailed it. I've banged out epic trio's in a single evening. I'm sure there are folks who make that look slow. But then you log into a popular TLP and see a dozen bots sitting on Marl Kastane. Busy TLP's are a unique situation.
    fransisco likes this.
  7. Allworth Augur

    I did not say this at all. I made the point that Daybreak gets our money if we play 1 hour a week or 40 hours a week.

    Item scarcity is an important concept in MMORPG game design because it bolsters the notion of player status and accomplishment. If you see a player with an epic, you can reasonable assume they have put a lot of work into obtaining it. Currently, that is achieved via the mechanic of rare creatures.

    Some epic rare creates like Verina Tomb (enchanter epic quest drop) have long respawn timers and need to be shortened. Considering that many players doing their epic quests are waiting for the same epic quest item, making players wait excessively for NPCs to spawn is not good MMO design.
    GenericName7 likes this.
  8. GenericName7 New Member

    I am sorry that you think sitting around staring at the ground for hours without actually doing anything is "content."

    You're wrong.

    You don't know that you're wrong.

    It's okay.
  9. Obliteration Augur

    Look we need these changes made yesterday, there are still people logged into the game trying to get epics and they should already have them and be playing something else.

    This needs to be "fixed" immediately!

    Currently there are only 1000's of epics completed in era so far this is unacceptable for those who log in once in awhile and want their epic ready to be picked up via parcel as well.
  10. Waring_McMarrin Augur

    Just because more people are able to get their epics completed then in the past doesn't mean that it is good gameplay to have to wait around for spawns and hope you are the lucky one to get it.
    GenericName7 likes this.
  11. Chuuk Augur

    Honestly, it's a tough conundrum...
    On one hand, many of the epics have annoying timesinks that were probably less annoying when first released because of the number of people actually attempting these quests.
    On the other hand, the timesinks are pretty much the last remaining barrier standing between the epic weapon and literally everyone getting one.
    So yes, they're annoying and don't make for consumptive gameplay, but removing them is also continuing down the path of trivializing the game even more.
  12. Waring_McMarrin Augur

    If you want to try and make the argument that time sinks make challenging content. The problem is that time sinks don't make things more challenging and removing them doesn't really change the difficulty.
  13. coltongrundy Augur

    I would love it if all epic items were ragged FV No Trade and not MQable.

    I am so sick of these epic'd mages perma camping epic mobs for other classes they can't even use just to strangle plat and krono out of people who do need it.
  14. GenericName7 New Member

    Bleating this pathetic attempt at an argument is no more rhetorically relevant the more often that it's done.

    Your argument is a failure.

    If the Epic quest is "too easy" when the artificial bottlenecks are removed, that's not an issue.
    The issue is that sitting and staring at blank spaces to then have your attempt at clicking the groundspawn, clicking the trade, or whatever nonsense that bots are exploiting; is not content. It is not difficulty. It is an issue that needs to be addressed.

    Again, I am so sorry that you are not intelligent enough to grasp this, but that's not our problem no matter how many times you copypaste your ignorance back.
    Muramx likes this.
  15. Muramx Augur

    Well... To be fair what's the difference between not logging in and sitting in a spot for 9 hours for a spawn that's highly contested... Everyday..

    To be honest that's why I stopped logging in for the last 3 or so weeks. I had ally quests that I wanted done, I had the gear I wanted, just my epic left to go. It bummed me out so much wasting time that's what stopped me from getting on. If I didn't get bummed out I would be raiding, helping guildies with exp or quest, trade skills, etc... I actually logged in last night and Marl was up and didn't have 12 people spamming the turn in standing on his spawn and I actually got my first turn in done. I might actually be able to finish my epic a couple days before Velious now... Which sucks because it will be useless and I have been sitting on that same part since week 3 of the server being up.
  16. GenericName7 New Member

    To idiots like some in this thread, it just means you're not good because you can't cheat with AHK, , et. al.

    It's obvious they're the ones cheating and want to keep being able to cheat the Epic quests and keep everyone else out so they can sell them.
    Muramx likes this.