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Level Locked Time Locked Progression Vaniki Server FAQ

Discussion in 'News and Announcements' started by Accendo, May 3, 2022.

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  1. Benito EQ player since 2001.

    Hi Accendo,

    Thank you for the updated reward list!

    Will the Vaniki illusion still be offered for reaching level 60? Would you and the Darkpaw staff consider lowering the Vaniki illusion grant to level 40 or level 50 to get more folks in the door?
  2. Rebelord Journeyman

    Are the old rewards no longer available? The new displayed reward list is shorter then the challenges listed above and the old rewards are no longer listed. Just looking for clarification.
  3. Quell New Member

    So now I have a food clicky that will never get the coresponding drink clicky, and 2 weeks to go back and redo some trivial raids for a title ...
  4. Accendo Guest

    The old rewards are still in. I am working to get those listed again in the article. Thanks for pointing this out.
  5. Galaras Lorekeeper

    A much needed improvement/fleshing out of the achievements for the server. Thanks!

    Is there room to look at the amount of claims for these rewards? If it's not possible then I understand, but as a frequent TLP player having even 5 claims would feel incredible and like I can actually use them versus waiting for my "final" server to use them on. Thanks
  6. Accendo Guest

    Okay, the article has been updated once more to include the original rewards and the new rewards. This thread is open again so all of you can have a chance to share your feedback so please do.
  7. Quell New Member

    Much appreciated, thanks for your reply.
  8. Benito EQ player since 2001.

    I see that the Vaniki illusion is listed for the Riftseeker achievement. I believe this may be in error as it is now offered at the reward for reaching level 60.
  9. Angry Totodile New Member

    Well....... The rewards still need a lot of work!

    Things people may actually want VS What ever it is you guys think!

    First all rewards need to be claimed on any server any time any character on that account or people will not come over and play! YOU NEED TO GIVE US A REASON! LIKE THE MASSES

    All rewards can be claimed on a tlp or live even at the start.

    PERMA EXP 1% PER REWARD UP TO 5-10% or more | 20% BONUS AA <---
    Perma 40 slot bag 100% any character any server any time
    complete 5 rewards bonus 10% Run speed
    complete 3 rewards goat mount from god
  10. Yinla Ye Ol' Dragon

    As I understand it you will get rewards for EVERY char under the achievment level who does that raid and it is still possible to gain these achievements after the server has leveled up with higher levels in the raid as long as YOUR char is under the required level. You cannot get it multiple times on one char, but you can get it on multi chars.

    Maybe Accendo or Ngreth could confirm.
  11. Brildon Augur

    Angry Totodile, sounds more like Angry Toddler lol...

    The rewards can already be claimed on any server so I'm not sure what you mean by any server any time unless you think you should have infinite claims of all the rewards which just isn't going to happen and is silly to think so.

    Even the stuff you buy from the store, and get from paying $$$ for deluxe versions of xpacks are generally single claim.
  12. MarttinPH Augur

    Foremost, I agree that there should be unlimited claims for Vaniki rewards. Allowing multiple claims for each reward might encourage more people to play on the server.
    People that play lots of characters across many servers, especially accounts. With just one claim, they are less likely to play as they are less likely to have a single character they would want to apply the reward to, let alone single server.
  13. Azurefrost Elder

    Hmm, the new rewards are mostly self-explanatory. However, wonder if anyone can give any insight on these:
    - Token of the Magus
    - Bright Bag of Collection
    -Trinket of the Frontier Mountains
  14. Yinla Ye Ol' Dragon

    I believe.

    Summoned Magus for LDON/NL/AS for transportation
    Collection bag - not that many play TLPs when collections go active
    Teleport to Frontier Mountains (EoK)
  15. amoa New Member

    "available" is probably accurate. I rolled this box to zerker from lowbie. Only to find out I can't zerker epic until its basically useless. The concept behind this server is 10/10, it will be better when the execution meets concept.
  16. Skuz I am become Wrath, the Destroyer of Worlds.

    I personally did not expect zerker epic to be immediately available, such an oddball ruleset with level-locking also layered on top was inevitably going to have some kinks to work out, but it should be available after today's patch hopefuly including a workaround for ireblind not being available in 1.0 Fear.
  17. Tolzol Augur

    You will be able to start it after the patch but the ireblind imp issue is not fixable from what i was told so will be unable to finish it until omens of war releases on vaniki.
  18. Marton Augur

    Looking at those rewards, sure, porting items are convenient, some illusions would be cool to have, but nothing really jumps at me as HAVE TO HAVE this item ...

    Am I overlooking something?
  19. ShadowMan Augur

    They are very unlikely to make anything have to have because folks would complain to much or it would viewed as unfair.

    That said still hoping some of the "raid currency" lines get changed to something else:
    • Secondary bind and port items for zones that allow binding. For everyone.
    • Caster debuff clicky equivalent to Darkened Malo.
    • More Illusions!
    • 60 slot bank only bag
    • Pet/Merc Illusion.
  20. Skuz I am become Wrath, the Destroyer of Worlds.

    I can live with that.

    Hopefully it is fixed for later on should they revisit the level-locking idea / GoD-start.
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