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Level 100 Heroic Characters Are Almost Here!

Discussion in 'News and Announcements' started by Accendo, Sep 13, 2022.

  1. Slasher Augur

    But shouldn't the point be to appeal to the masses not the minority ? I think we all know a heroic at 110 would sell more and not harm the game at all.

    You really have to wonder did no one say anything in the team meeting when they said new heroics would be 100 ? Did no dev really point out the obvious that a 110 heroic would make more $ which would result in more resources for the development of the game itself.
    PCSS likes this.
  2. Benito EQ player since 2001.

    You can contact Customer Service via petition. You can hope for a sort of unspoken full/partial refund policy (recent purchase).
    PCSS likes this.
  3. Benito EQ player since 2001.

    Not to interject.

    They could sell a level 120, max AA, fully raid geared character for $600. (I'm sure a few studios would do this).

    I think there's a fine line (balance) between pay-to-win and pay-for-convenience. It's a subjective line - one is apt to hear differing opinions on the limits.
    PCSS and Stymie like this.
  4. Waring_McMarrin Augur

    Sure making them level 110 would make more people happy but they are the ones who decided on level 100 and they didn't ask for any input on them. Also not sure why you are replying to me about their "value" when I was responding to someone else that the ability to upgrade a level 85 to 100 could provide some value to daybreak.
  5. Slasher Augur

    They already decided where that line is for EQ2 offering higher level heroics so why would the line be different for EQ ?
    PCSS likes this.
  6. Benito EQ player since 2001.

    Different game, different dynamics. And EQ2 may have its own problems for some of those very reasons. Some of the common complaints I hear about EQ2:

    1. EQ2 is heavy on Pay to Win. (Granted, there's been improvements in this department recently).

    2. EQ2 suffers from extreme mudflation/stat inflation. Combat is calculated in the billions. (With stats in the millions, new/returning players have difficulty catching up and doing content).

    3. High level Heroic Characters may have been introduced to help with faltering population levels. (It's worrisome enough that some-most EQ2 players think the remaining servers ought to be merged).
    Rijacki likes this.
  7. Faidaen Lorekeeper

    I'd like to just have some clarification, I may have missed it reading through the forums.

    Anyhow, if I use a lvl 85 heroic on say a lvl 115, I still get the benefits (bags, progression) ect. If I wanted to also use a lvl 100 heroic on that same character, can I do so?
  8. Szilent Augur

    yes. 85 and then 100. the benefits would be fairly slim to that 115, however, since the only progression added by the lv100 heroics, beyond what 85 heroics include, is Shard's Landing Portal attunement
  9. Meeko Developer(Code)

    Yes, you can use a Level 100 Heroic upgrade on any character that hasn't already had a Level 100 upgrade applied. That includes both non-heroics of any level or a character that previously had an 85 Heroic upgrade applied (regardless of if they're still level 85 or are higher now).
    PCSS and Nennius like this.
  10. Rijacki Just a rare RPer on FV and Oakwynd

    Added to #2 is that you get almost zero XP from killing things and can only level by doing specific progression quests some of which require faction grinds (with almost no XP on both the kills for the quests -and- the turn-ins) in order to go on to the next quest. When you do the quests, you get level jumps, some as many as 5 levels with a turn-in, but have to do them on each character in order to level them. And that's for tradeskills as well. If you're a returning player, your only choice is solo through all that 'cause the itemization changes so drastically on each expansion if you get a drop or reward from a previous expansion it is 100% worthless which makes it real tough to get even your friends (or significant other) to adventure with you at all. I tried returning to EQ2 before I started playing EQ again. I used to love EQ2 years ago, but now the high levels are really only for those who have been continuously playing or who want to buy a character boost to the start of the previous expansion along with the current expansion and even then slog through a lot of soloing before being able to play with anyone... if you make it.
  11. Iven Suggestions Bard

    Wow 25,000 pp. Those are only worth €/$ 0,13 on AB. Should be increased to 100,000 pp (= €/$ 0,53) as that would fit to level 100. 25k might be something for a lvl 60 toon.
    PCSS likes this.
  12. MarttinPH Augur

    First off. I am really glad you are adding a higher level heroic. I recently started playing again and am considering buy them when then release. A couple of questions, sorry if they have been answered before.

    Any update about the armor?
    Would it be similar to the Level 85 Heroics were you could make a new character with it, and delete to get the token back?
  13. Spacemonkey555 Augur

    Since you can make a character, play awhile, and then apply heroic, that's not really a problem if you plan ahead. Make character, do crescent reach or abysmal sea quests to get 50+ in all ts, go to freeport and pull all bottom tier trophy quests, then log off and apply heroic. 150 all ts but have the easy trophy quests.
    Ndaara, PCSS, Rijacki and 4 others like this.
  14. Qwalla Developer

    Yes, sorry for the delay! The L100 HC armor is comparable to RoF T1 group gear.
  15. CrazyLarth Augur

    maybe they can start the char with all
    Beginner Trophy quests
    Bernel likes this.
  16. Meeko Developer(Code)

    I was wrong about this. If you try to delete a character that was a "Trial" Heroic Character that won't give you the feature back, you get a warning after entering their name. The warning lets you know that the feature won't be refunded and makes you enter their name again. HOWEVER... this warning doesn't show if you are trying to delete a character that was created on a Heroic server such as Miragul. I wrote a ticket to add that functionality, but don't have an ETA for when it'll be done.

    I still think it would be nice to surface that info in the regular interface without having to go through the delete process though, so will see how possible that is.
    Raccoo and CrazyLarth like this.
  17. Chaoslayer Journeyman

    These upgraded toons look very cool and I am happy they are available to people who want to join friends. I do have to agree from a tradeskill trophy point of view starting at 150 without trophy’s forcing you to do the harder quest is more of a punishment. Starting with 50 would be better.
  18. Montag Augur

    This is only good for alts really as returning players will still be way too far behind.
  19. Waring_McMarrin Augur

    I would disagree with you on that. While it still may be a long ways behind they are at least able to group with max level players up to a future level cap of 130. While it may not seem like much it still allows the players to join groups and progress without having to be power leveled to a point to let them join a group.
  20. CatsPaws Just getting rid of the old

    Even if they offered level 120 or even 115 Heroics some players would still whine because they didn't have this or that. EQ is not and never will be a game you can just jump into and start firing your gun or crushing your candies.

    Its not that hard to level up from 110. Not even from 85 really. All it takes is a little work and usually just one weekend of bonus experience. I mean really,

    I have grouped with some of those new players who jumped Heroics and there is so many ins and outs they don't know. Sometimes not even how to get in the right chat. They will know them with further gameplay or if they even bothered to do the tutorial. Just like life - its called experience and learning and does not happen overnight