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Learning to love the Advanced Loot Window

Discussion in 'Time Locked Progression Servers' started by Behee, May 10, 2015.

  1. Behee Augur

    I posted this elsewhere, but was asked to make a new thread for it. I like the new system very much, but it seems many people just immediately turn it off. So, here is a brief tutorial on how I use the system.

    I go to the Options window, and set conformations for "No Drop Item" to Never. That removes constant pop ups for alts for things like the Beta stones.

    Then on the Adv.Loot window I go to Loot Settings and turn on Auto Loot all. That makes anything given to you or an alt go directly to inventory.The top box in the Adv. Loot window then does nothing but move items straight to your inventory, and all your looting options are done in the Shared Loot box.

    I also turn off Auto-Show Loot Window on my main character so it persists, and I turn off Esc to cancel on the Adv. Loot window itself. That stops it from popping up and closing so often. For the master looter, I find that persisting the window is less irritating.

    In the main Adv. Loot window, the section Shared Loot is where all the new loot goes. It depends on how your group works but when boxing I just look through the list quickly, take items I want (right click the item and give to the char who needs it). The default "Set All To" for shared loot is usually set to "Leave on corpse", but it depends on what drops. This way I can loot a few items, but quickly discard the rest.

    Places like Dulaks which has a ton of gems, I remove the junk and change Shared Loot to myself, or another character who then gets all loot (makes it very easy to have a mule to fill up). This is where the filters come in handy; to weed out junk.

    The option for "Group by NPCs" lets you decide how the loot is shown in the list. If you have several corpses which dropped the beta stones, then turning this off stacks all the stones into a stack. Turning it on shows the loot by kill, with each stone in order it was gotten.

    I also have socials for "/Hidecorpse always" (hides every corpse, my group and all others), plus one for "/Hidecorpse none" to show everything in case I need to loot something I left behind. You end up with all the loot in the Adv. Loot window, and no corpses in sight.

    There are other perks, such as not being able to give a Lore item to someone who already has it. Much easier than switching to a box and looking to see if they have it, and then finding the corpse with the item on it. Also, if you can't loot an item at all it is probably because it is lore and everyone has one. The right-click options update, options and characters who can't loot it are removed. Eventually all you can do is leave it on the corpse (same as before).

    Leave on Corpse also releases the loot timer for anyone out-of-group to loot it.
    Xars, jagarr and Irbax_Smoo like this.
  2. Doranur_Aleguzzler Filthy Casualâ„¢

    I've gotten used to the advanced looting while solo. I had a boxed wizard for ports out yesterday while doing some leg work for my shaman's epic 1.5 yesterday. Still have to get used to that aspect of it.
  3. Darth Augur

    It's great if you're alone, it's great if you're boxing. It's a terrible system for social everquest.

    It's prolly gonna be a great system for RAIDING as well. Easier to handle raid looting.

    In PUGs though.... I'm not convinced.
  4. Ducreux Augur

    One thing i would like is for Auto Ask/Roll to remove the item from the AdvLoot list when the roll timer expires if nobody wants it. As it is the item instead sits in the window unless manually set to Leave on corpse for 15 minutes.

    An Auto Leave on Corpse option would also be nice for trash that we never want to deal with.
    Alphont likes this.
  5. Baldur Augur

    This is the way I've been using it as well, it's really the only to use it with the way it's designed.

    I wish there was a way to auto-round robin loot or auto-loot to the master looter always. Just like what Vanguard had. It's a lot of micro-management for the auto-looter. Also is there a way to set the master looter to someone other than the group leader? I couldn't find a way, and that would be nice.
  6. Ducreux Augur

    Group leader can right click a players name in the group window and set their Role as "Master Looter".
  7. Behee Augur

    If I am master looter, and I want everything then I set the "Shared Loot - Set all to" box to Behee. Sure, I have to click the box but I don't do it every kill. Can let several mobs worth stack up. The range of looting is also very large so you can be a long way from the corpse.

    Then if I want my mule to take over, I set the box to Beheemule, or whoever. Beheemule would have auto-loot active, and anything they get goes straight to their inventory.

    Overall the system is reduced to me moving a few special items to specific characters, and then doing something with the remainder items. They go to Leave on Corpse, or to a specific character.
  8. Darth Augur

    Once again, good if you're solo or boxing, possibly leading a guild group/raid. Not so much if you're randomly pugging in xp spot 008.
  9. Smallpox Augur

    This ^

    It is quite aggravating having manually leave items on corpse over and over and over and..........
  10. Aenoan Augur

    Don't kid yourself its garbage. Won't touch it. The fact people have to post how to use something, shows how much of a failure it probably was.
    Borek-VS likes this.
  11. guado Augur

    So EverQuest is a failure? With that logic, it must be due to all of the entries on not only Zam, but sites like EQTraders and even CastersRealm when it was back up and running.

    Just because there is a steep learning curve doesn't mean it is junk. Some people use it, and those who master it, love it. Seriously, learn it. Takes less time than you think. You've probably already made your mind up, but still.
  12. Roosevelt New Member

    I was using advloot in group for the first time yesterday and it took forever for rolls on items to take place. Is that normal that the system waits until either the corpse unlock time or the corpse expire time before rolling on items? This was in a group of 2 and I believe we both had the beta stones set to always need. What was going on?
  13. Aenoan Augur

    When did I ever say EQ was a failure? Something as simple as getting loot off a body shouldn't even be a learning curve.
    Think of it like this, a successful project like say a board game, should be straight forward enough that you don't even need the instructions to play it, it may not be exactly how the designers planned it, but it should be simple enough that it people can pick up and go.

    This isn't achieved obviously with the amount of posts about Advloot and the fact people are posting how to guides or the numerous problems with it.

    Instead this is more like someone telling you a bad joke, if you have to explain the punchline... its not a very good joke, in this case, its a tool that has to be explained and convinced via streams or tweets or reddit that its a good tool by SOE.

    I can honestly say I have no idea, I would turn it off and just alternate drops between the two of you. I had issues with it crashing.
  14. Behee Augur

    It's a complex tool because it has a lot of choices for a complex situation.

    If you don't like it, just turn it off. This thread was made for people who give it a shot.
    Smallpox likes this.
  15. Smallpox Augur

    I really like the new Advanced Loot System. It works great for Solo looting, but wish they would add/change THIS for Grouping.
  16. Leifer Augur

    I took a few minutes to set it up and I really like it. Very nice Addition to the game.
  17. vardune Augur

    I agree once you understand it and configure it, it really is a nice addition.
  18. Riou EQResource

    It takes 1 minute of choose what you want to do with the item before it rolls out and assigns it. The master looter can manually ask then roll an item or set it to auto roll the instant it drops.
  19. Darth Augur

    Man this is great! I can spend 1 minute automating another social aspect of the game and not have to interact with another human(s) at all? F*CK YEAH BABY!
  20. Riou EQResource

    Yea, use Need or Pass though, Greed is useless and you will always lose the item to Needers :p