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LDoNs, 2HB and Helms please

Discussion in 'Time Locked Progression Servers' started by Xentin, Apr 13, 2020.

  1. Xentin New Member

    I'll start by saying these hopeful changes are purely for quality of life / aesthetics. Hopefully anyone who has played several TLPs has noticed these things, especially for the Agnarr server that has now played more LDoN then probably any other server as its usually ignored.

    - Make LDoN Raids count for something towards the regular LDoN achievements. Whether it be points or completions for the augment or maybe even both. This expac is generally skipped over, even on the TLPs because its really not worth to grind it out just to replace it all come GoD on servers other than Agnarr. I am not sure there are many who wouldn't appreciate either of the changes in todays accelerated game life, especially towards the 366 completions. People are spending weeks/months doing AE groups in normal dungeons to try and get it done.

    - Bring back old 2 hand blunt animations. I get newer expansions have 2 handed hammers that swing but all of the old staves that now swing like a sword and the whole thing goes through a characters body? Why? A lot of the 2 hand piercers still have the stabbing chest animation. Watching Vanazir or Staff of Transcendence from Time swinging 3/4 of the staff through your own body just isn't right. Especially for Monks/BSTs.

    - Add Helm graphics for PoP era. Almost all helms in this era have no gfx tied to them. The whole server of Agnarr is helmless. Even if its just Ornate/Elemental helms. There has been an option to hide helms since before PoP was a thing to begin with. What is even worse, you cant use Heroic Armor to add to these. Only CLOTH type heroic armors will add to these helms, none of the leather/plate/chain. Used to not be so bad when you could use an illusion item like the Minotaur and give yourself a fake helm but you took that away too. The incentive here, more people might buy heroic armor and actually use the helms from them. It is so weird playing a barbarian without horns/bear head or a troll without its skull plate helm or a gnome without his goggles.
    Kobra, KimchiGoddess, Ariman and 5 others like this.
  2. Ribbringer New Member

    As an erudite SK that uses Vanazir, I approve this message.

    I would spend dollars to have a cool hat and not have my staff go through my body. At least without a helmet graphic Vanazir wont get stuck in my helmet hoop.
  3. HaneKV New Member

    Yes! It's a little thing but I hate the current animation.
  4. Teyefte New Member

    I would also appreciate these changes. I most strongly agree with the helm graphics. It's disappointing that none of the top-end helmets on Agnarr have any appearance. The time was taken to "fix" the minotaur illusion bug, which is sad considering many people paid money for that illusion just to be able to click off the illusion and have a helm on their character's model. If there was time to correct that harmless bug that many players used to enjoy, I think there should easily be time to apply some models to Plane of Time head pieces.
  5. Weaps Journeyman

    All good suggestions! Personally the lack of any helm graphics has always boggled me o_O I get that the LDoN changes would be over-indexed for Agnarr, but it also would help the other TLPs progressing through the era.
  6. darkin New Member

    I approve this message.
  7. Kardinal Lorekeeper

    Yes, please make LDoN raids count towards points.
    We're spending so much time in there on Agnarr...
  8. Xeris Augur

    gimme helm grafixxxx
  9. Arclyte Augur

    people use luclin models?
  10. Xentin New Member

    What does Luclin models have to do with it minus the heroic armors? That was just an added hope on monetization for them to even consider these changes.
  11. jmoney87 New Member

    Would really like to see these implemented.

    Especially helm; it's probably the most defining visible slot item in Everquest. Missing visible helm for no reason is doin me a confuse.
  12. Herf Augur

  13. Coppercoz Augur

    I seem to remember not having a helm graphic was somewhat desirable back in the day. That was before you could actually toggle show helm.

    Then again, my memory isn't what it used to be.
  14. Lorce New Member

    PLEASE bring back helm graphics. I bought the damn Minotaur illusion from the Market PURELY because the bug that when the buff was removed it gave you a helm graphic temporarily. NOW THAT BUG GOT FIXED! bring back helm graphics! I'd pay more money to get it back!
  15. Ariman New Member

    Yes please to all of these =D
  16. Rhaamim New Member

    The LDoN and helm ideas sound great. I approve.
  17. Machen New Member

    Unfortunately this is not true. The +spec augs don't get replaced until VoA. The +AC augs for tanks generallly don't get replaced until around HoT. Crappy content must be endured currently because it gives a remote chance for huge boosts to critical classes.
  18. Alyxi New Member

    /agree to all 3
  19. sumnayin Augur

    Bring back spell graphics. My necro can use his invis AA and get the old invis graphic...but casting invis has crap...clearly the old graphics still exist.
  20. Drodge New Member

    Agreed. It sounds like minor stuff, but it really would add a ton of feel during the gameplay