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LDoN Layout Demystified

Discussion in 'The Veterans' Lounge' started by Orbital101, Jul 22, 2017.

  1. Coletricklw Journeyman

    Bit of a necro here... but does the rule of 5 apply to a single theme or across themes? If you have multiple themes left to do, it wouldn't be a big deal to just switch to another theme to try and find a map you need if the rule of five applies across all themes.
  2. Krushor Journeyman

    -The Balancing Chamber: Chancelor Etometh
  3. FranktheBank Augur

    Did you just repeat a 1.5 year old post lol

    Moege and Skuz like this.
  4. Orbital101 Augur

    Just letting you guys know that I added the list to eqresource.com. Its easier for me to update.
    Deepest Guk Explorer
    Miragul's Menagerie Explorer
    Mistmoore's Catacombs Explorer
    The Rujarkian Hills Explorer
    Takish-Hiz Explorer

    I also added information about tradeskill under Achievements > Tradeskill > (Smithing, Fletching, Jewelcrafting, Tailoring) and then pick (350)

    Fletching (350)
    Jewelcrafting (350)
    Smithing (350)
    Tailoring (350)

    I dint do any update since the last 2 years as I some what lost my drive with the unplayable raid lag...I log in to have fun which is very hard when mobs warps, dont move at all or click skills that trigger 15 seconds later.:mad:
    Fanra, Kaenneth, Mithra and 4 others like this.
  5. Bobbybick Only Banned Twice

    You think you know a person.
    Nennius, Kaenneth, dank and 2 others like this.
  6. Juzam_Djinn Elder

    Man, I really wish I had seen this thread a few weeks earlier, maybe it would have helped get the stupid Mistmoore one done faster, as it took 310 dungeons to finally get the Hunter achievement done (I also just do the dungeons, since I don't have it in me to fail them even if it doesn't matter). I only found this thread since I was looking to see if there really was any way to force zones, because after 30 something Everfrost ones I still hadn't even gotten the Explorer one done because The Grand Library refused to show up.

    I feel dumb replying to a four year old post, but oh well... Did anything change since people started saying this? I saw the five dungeon thing mentioned elsewhere, but it made no mention of doing single boss ones. In the mind numbing amount of time it took to do Mistmoore I knew that it couldn't be right given the times I saw the same dungeon twice in a row. But even this is wrong, I just had two back to back Everfrost single boss adventures where I had the same boss to kill (obviously in the same dungeon).
  7. Inga Elder

    Mob count

    50 - Wind Bridges (rujc)
    51 - Blazing Forge (rujh)
    53 - Drudge Hollows (ruje), Fortified Lair of the Taskmasters (rujf)
    54 - Hidden Vale (rujg), Arena of Chance (ruji)
    56 - Bloodied Quarries (ruja)
    58 - Gladiator Pits (rujd)
    60 - Halls of War (rujb), Barracks of War (rujj)

    50 - Dreary Grotto (mmcb)
    53 - Chambers of Eternal Affliction (mmcd), Cesspits of Putrescence (mmcg)
    55 - Forlorn Caverns (mmca), Infernal Sanctuary (mmcj)
    56 - Ritualistic Summoning Grounds (mmcf)
    57 - Sepulcher of the Damned (mmce)
    59 - Asylum of Invoked Stone (mmcc), Halls of Sanguinary Rites (mmci)
    60 - Aisles of Blood (mmch)

    51 - Shifting Tower (takb), Fading Temple (takc), Prismatic Corridors (takj)
    54 - Royal Observatory (takd)
    54 - Balancing Chamber(takg)
    56 - Sunken Library (taka), Sandfall Corridors (takf)
    57 - Sweeping Tides (takh), Antiquated Palace (taki)
    59 - River of Recollection (take)

    50 - Silent Gallery (mira), Frosted Halls (mire), Morbid Laboratory (mirh)
    51 - Spider Den (mirc), Heart of the Menagerie (mirg)
    54 - Theater of Imprisoned Horrors (miri)
    56 - Forgotten Wastes (mirf)
    58 - Maw of the Menagerie (mirb)
    60 - Hushed Banquet (mird), Grand Library (mirj)

    51 - Accursed Sanctuary (gukh)
    53 - Cauldron of Lost Souls (guka)
    54 - Drowning Crypt (gukb)
    55 - Root Garden (gukg)
    56 - Foreboding Prison (guke), Chapel of the Witnesses (gukf)
    57 - Ancient Aqueducts (gukc)
    58 - Mushroom Grove (gukd)


    20 Goblin Teeth - Blazing Forge
    20 Goblin Teeth - Drudge Hollows
    20 Lost Mementos - Barracks of War
    20 Orc Bone Studs - Barracks of War
    20 Orc Bone Studs - Bloodied Quarries
    20 orc Bone Studs - Blazing Forge
    21 Goblin Teeth - Bloodied Quarries
    21 Oracular Prophecies - Hidden Vale
    21 Orc Bone Studs - Gladiator Pits
    21 Severed Ears - Fortified Lair of the Taskmasters
    22 Dusty War Banners - Fortified Lair of the Taskmasters
    22 Furbished War Blade - Wind Bridges
    22 Goblin Chant Beads - Gladiator Pits
    22 Goblin Teeth - Barracks of War
    22 Goblin Teeth - Halls of War
    22 Goblin Teeth - Hidden Vale
    22 Goblin Teeth - Wind Bridges
    23 Etched Boar Tusks - Hidden Vale
    23 Slaver's Whips - Drudge Hollows
    24 Goblin-Forged Coins - Bloodied Quarries
    24 Orc Bone Studs - Arena of Chance
    24 Stuffed Goblin Heads - Arena of Chance
    24 Worn Brass Trophies - Halls of War
    25 Weapon Files - Blazing Forge
    26 Rusted Digging Tools - Bloodies Quarries
    28 Goblin Teeth - Fortified Lair of the Taskmasters
    28 Goblin Teeth - Gladiator Pits
    29 Clay Prayer Idols - Arena of Chance
    29 Cast Iron Shackles - Drudge Hollows
    29 Guardian's Vestments - Blazing Forge
    29 orc Bone Studs - Fortified Lair of the Taskmasters
    29 Rujarkian Invasion Plans - Halls of War
    29 Twill Satchels - Wind Bridges
    30 Battle Shanks - Gladiator Pits
    30 Elite Orcan Tusks - Barracks of War
    30 Orc Bone Studs - Halls of War
    30 Orc Bone Studs - Wind Bridges
    30 orc Bone Studs - Drudge Hollows
    30 orc Bone Studs - Hidden Vale

    20 Gargoyle Claws - Asylum of Invoked Stone
    21 Skeletal Remains - Chambers of Eternal Affliction
    21 Vampire Fangs - Asylum of Invoked Stone
    22 Blood Candles - Infernal Sanctuary
    22 Marks of Trueborn - Chambers of Eternal Affliction
    22 Mummy Limbs - Dreary Grotto
    22 Skeletal Remains - Aisles of Blood
    22 Skeletal Remains - Ritualistic Summoning Grounds
    22 Vampire Fangs - Halls of Sanguinary Rites
    22 Werewolf Hair Tufts - Forlorn Caverns
    23 Decaying Eyes - Chambers of Eternal Affliction
    23 Embalming Jars - Halls of Sanguinary Rites
    23 Skeletal Remains - Asylum of Invoked Stone
    23 Timeworn Relics - Aisles of Blood
    23 Vampire Fangs - Infernal Sanctuary
    24 vials of Accursed Blood - Cesspits of Putrescence
    24 Coffin Shards - Sepulcher of the Damned
    24 books of Cryptic Void Lore - Cesspits of Putrescence
    24 Vampire Fangs - Cesspits of Putrescence
    24 Vampire Fangs - Forlorn Caverns
    25 Crypt Marks - Ritualistic Summoning Grounds
    25 pieces of Living Granite - Asylum of Invoked Stone
    26 Skeletal Remains - Forlorn Caverns
    26 Skeletal Remains - Halls of Sanguinary Rites
    26 Skeletal Remains - Infernal Sanctuary
    26 Vampire Fangs - Ritualistic Summoning Grounds
    28 Vampire Fangs - Aisles of Blood
    28 Vampire Fangs - Chambers of Eternal Affliction
    29 Arachnid Legs - Dreary Grotto
    29 piles of Red Ash - Halls of Sanguinary Rites
    29 Skeletal Remains - Cesspits of Putrescence
    29 Skeletal Remains - Sepulcher of the Damned
    29 Vampire Fangs - Sepulcher of the Damned
    29 Volatile Talons - Aisles of Blood
    30 Bloodguard Symbols - Infernal Sanctuary
    30 Decaying Remnants - Forlorn Caverns
    30 Faded Rites of Passage - Ritualistic Summoning Grounds
    30 Mummy Wrappings - Sepulcher of the Damned
    30 Vampire Fangs - Dreary Grotto
    Mukkul likes this.
  8. Andarriel Everquest player since 2000

    How come nobody seems to have guides to 350 on research?

  9. Iven Suggestions Bard