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LDON Expansion This Year Please.... Also Side Rant..

Discussion in 'The Veterans' Lounge' started by khat, Apr 17, 2024.

  1. khat Journeyman

    I think I've asked for this for like 10 years now. Every year, I see a great deal of support for the idea.

    It's simple. Expand on the LDON missions for the next expansion. Similar in design and artwork. Starts at level 100 and can be ran all the way to 125. Give reasonable exp rates, decent loot vendors who have armor and augs.

    At this point in the game, catching up from 100 is a nightmare. As we have discussed at length in the forums, its likely on purpose because DB makes great money from people buying krono to pay for Power Leveling and mission TA's. I'm not going to write several paragraphs breaking this down as it's been done over and over and ignored.

    Deer DAYBREAK: Look, if you don't like the LDON idea that's fine. However, I think EQ is at a crossraods. You had better consider listening to what's left of your player base or you won't have a player base left much longer. You COMPLETELY ignored your player base on what was wanted for this year's TLP as a recent example. Take expansion suggestions and the complaints about the exp rates and experience from levels 100-120 seriously. Most of us are at our wits end with this game. Most of us are just one more act of stupidity away from calling it quits for good.
    Canloe Nusback likes this.
  2. Hekaton Augur

    yes threats will give you the expansion you desire
  3. Cimbaeth Elder

    Honestly if you are having issues leveling from 100 too 120 then maybe you should quit. The exp is ridiculously easy to get the first time running through. Mission and partisan exp not to mention hunter and collects will get you to max AA with tons to spare in every expansion. It's not hard. You probably just want to sit in one spot and kill 5 mobs over and over again to level. I just leveled 3 personas to max and I didn't use partisans or missions "first time" exp. Still can get some 25% (post 120) in a level playing very casually each day, between overseers and some missions chests at about 5% level exp per mission. The problem is not the game being hard to get exp in, it's you not actually wanting to get the exp lol. (If I sound dismissive -- note that I leveled an alt last year and went from level 100 to 117 solely on getting TAs to missions for the first time with zero effort or work on that alt other than joining mission to open chest)
    Roxas MM and CatsPaws like this.
  4. khat Journeyman

    Ok then. I guess what I'm seeing players struggle with and what I'm observing is a figment of my imagination. I stand corrected. The game is in a great place, heading in the right direction and the player base is well heard. Oh, and exp has never been easier to come by.

    I'm probably the only person feeling this way anyways. I'll take your suggestion and I will just quit.
  5. fransisco Augur

    ugh, ldon was so mindnumbing. Doing the same missions over and over and over and over and over.

    However I do understand wanting a route that doesn't involve current progression, since thats not for everyone
    Yinla, Roxas MM and Nennius like this.
  6. khat Journeyman

    That's not what I did at all. I said clearly "if you don't like my idea fine, BUT you might want to start listening to your player base." Context is king, especially if your going to make snide comment about it.
    Sheebea likes this.
  7. khat Journeyman

    That's a fair point. Doesn't have to be exactly like LDON. Something that moves away from the progression and lends to those 100+ for an expansion would be nice. LDON was just something I personally enjoyed back in the day.

    I actually like the LS expansion just fine. It seems to have a reasonable balance of exp out in the wild combined with some progression. The reason i bring up the LDON model is because it caters to a much larger level range of people.
  8. CatsPaws Augur

    The dev's have repeated numerous times in the past when this has been brought up that LDON were a hot mess and there is no way to replicate that criteria, nor would they.

    The closest they might go would be another HA type thing

    If you look at it logically, LDON were suggested top level of 65 and HA suggested start level is 75 so players could finish out/top out LDON's one and move to the HA's. Since the daily hot zones cover level 20-95 a player can fill in the 65 to 75 via those.

    You can still get exp in HA post 100.

    So it seems what is being asked is for something comparable, mind numbing like LDON or Gribbles that they can do over and over from level 100 to 120.
  9. Waring_McMarrin Augur

    LDON style missions take a long time to develop because they need to design all the NPCs, spells, drops and other things for each level range that is required. The scaling HA's have their own issues and it always seems to cause some sort of problems when things don't scale properly.
  10. Smokezz The Bane Crew

    A small group of people is not "the player base".
  11. Nennius Curmudgeon

    But what if they all have matching shirts, a four letter acronym, and yell REAL loud?
  12. Rijacki Just a rare RPer on FV and Oakwynd

    or just matching hats?
    Nennius likes this.
  13. Nennius Curmudgeon

    That could work. Any suggestions?
  14. Sheex Goodnight, Springton. There will be no encores.

    But people did Gribble 24/7/365 because it was "fun"! I'm srsly!
    Jack and Nennius like this.
  15. Rythorn New Member

    The people who nay say an LDoN expansion I believe lack in originality. LDoN has a massive amount of potential, but yes, doing the same missions over and over on repeat all day every day would not be fun.

    The fact is an LDoN expansion could be fantastic for EQ if they wanted to reel in a lot of players. Dungeons are a staple of a lot of RPG's, it could be used as a nice way to gear people up too. There's no thought of players below the current level content, which is a huge shame.

    If they wanna improve the playerbase instead of letting it stay stagnant, I think LDoN would be a fantastic way to facilitate this.

    Also, they can add more dungeons over time... It seems like a simple premise to keep up to date over the years to come, too.
  16. Rythorn New Member

    I'm sure there's a larger playerbase than you know of. The only way to know this for sure is to put the content out there and check in the backend the player amounts that are actually interested. Or follow up with comments and such of players. At least listen to what they say more often. I have been talking about an LDoN expansion for a while now with friends and there seems to be a lot of interest, actually.
  17. Smokezz The Bane Crew

    Your friends are not an indication of everyone. People tend to be friends with people that think alike. People really need to stop thinking their thoughts, and their group of friends are the thoughts of everyone. It happens here on these forums, it happens on social media, it happens everywhere.
  18. Corwyhn Lionheart Guild Leader, Lions of the Heart

    Heh heh. Those folks sound real familar to me. :)
  19. Bobokin Augur

    You did that ridiculously easy without boxing? Just a casual molo character?
  20. Marton Augur

    How did you level them?
    Nennius likes this.