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Kronos down over 100k in 2 weeks?

Discussion in 'Time Locked Progression Servers' started by Malkavius, Mar 4, 2022.

  1. Malkavius Augur

    I've never seen krono plummet this quickly before on tlps or any server really. What gives? When I started mischief a couple weeks ago they were 470k, and they very quickly went down to like 350-370k at the moment. I'm even having trouble selling kronos for that price when before they were snatched up in 5-10 minutes.
  2. Thewiz Augur

    Hmmm. It's almost like the server is past a certain expansion. It rhymes with stop.

    Crypto markets are also down its probably connected. Oil goes up people have less platinum to pay for Kronos in Everquest.
    Nennius and HoodenShuklak like this.
  4. ayoforYayoh Augur

    buy the dip
    Z3R0 and -----Cinexa----- like this.
  5. Arclyte Augur

    probably because of the new TLP in a few months
  6. NImxat Elder

    That usually has the opposite effect as players try to "cash out" of the "old" server for the new TLP, adding a temporary demand for Kronos.
    Nolrog and Raptorjesus5 like this.
  7. TheTone Elder

    Yea, cashing out isn't the reason that drives prices thru the roof - demand for the kronos would fire up and so does the price.

    Probably just the after-effects of a cash out since the PoP era is ending. People raid PoP, sell their stuff, cash out, drive kronos up, and then when the dust settles, kronos come back down.
  8. Rcbauer Augur

    RMTers bled it dry so now they wait for the next flock of shee....er TLP to open.
  9. HoodenShuklak Augur

    Well we know there was a plat dupe, and the market did not match any prior ones... so this is probably related to that. Maybe the dupe dried up, or the plat did.
    Nolrog likes this.
  10. a_librarian Augur

    These short term deflations have happened on every TLP I've been on. My guess is the people with enough plat to control the market (botters, dupers, gdkp lords or just regular market barons) just stop their regular purchases causing a huge amount of demand to disappear overnight. The price drifts down significantly and they can then sweep the market at a more favorable rate.

    There's usually a counter effect when the price starts rising again and small time sellers panic and start relisting krono at super inflated rates. People who are paying less attention panic buy thinking it will rise indefinitely. The people that swept the market at the previous bottom can instantly profit by reselling their krono during this. Eventually there's an equilibrium and the whole cycle can repeat.
  11. coltongrundy Augur

    You have the issue exactly backwards. It's not that there's some kind of problem because krono prices are dropping. The problem was the plat dupes that drove krono prices up ridiculously high. Plat dupe fixed, accounts supposedly banned, and now it is correcting back to where it should have been.
  12. Zanarnar Augur

    no, you and people like you, keep saying there was one but offering up no proof at all. I counter with it was the Krono fairy running around and buying up all the krono every night while the good boys and girls were sleeping. Please note, I have exactly as much evidence of my theory as you do for a plat dupe.

    Its likely simply a matter of demand vs supply. They did do some [botter?] bans recently, I'd guess that is lowering the krono demand by a lot. This is also the xpac a lot of players hop off the train, again lowering demand.
  13. Jahfy New Member

    Players who skipped PoP and returned to play LDoN inject Day Break Krono purchases into the market creating new supply could have a slight impact. Bought 5 from DB. Used 1. Sold Two for 385kpp each. Upgraded gear and now ready for LDoN.
  14. yepmetoo Abazzagorath

    A 20% price fluctuation is nothing around here. For comparison though, Thornblade looks to be about the same as it has been.

    But doesn't krono always drop in price when the new expansion comes out as people sell some for plat to buy new drops (like augs)? The ones that use them to hedge against inflation? And not a lot of the augs are worth 1+ krono so need to convert to plat to buy them.
  15. AngryKing Elder

    There was 100% a dupe and it's not even a question anymore. You are obviously just not in the know.
  16. Magician9001 Augur

    I heard Lemerian is selling off all his Krono then he is gonna buy out the market again. Guy is 200 IQ
  17. Kodachi Augur

    This spike happened on a server with a significantly different ruleset that both caused nameds to spawn more and to drop more items and just how many of those items spammed into the economy have high vendor prices while additionally also having dozens of guilds doing GDKP and other stuff thereby giving a majority of the server significantly more raw plat then they otherwise might normally have on a normal server as a byproduct of free trade.

    That said, it was obviously duped plat and could not be anything else.
  18. Senlronia Lorekeeper

    We are seeing similar drops over on Aradune, went from 120k to between 60-70k now. haven't seen prices this low since pop i think.
  19. Zanarnar Augur

    Convincing argument. Clearly, you just didn't know about the Krono Fairy. Its like the tooth fairy but you put krono under your pillow and it leaves plat. Only for the good boys and girls though.
  20. HoodenShuklak Augur

    A trustworthy TLP veteran and guild leader said they were made aware of a dupe, and they told their entire guild, which at the time would be hundreds of people. (We also know that dupes can and do happen on EQ, it's usually kept under wraps or found before it's even exploited.)