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Keyboard question

Discussion in 'Player Support' started by Nennius, Apr 14, 2024.

  1. Nennius Curmudgeon

    My keyboard (not new) has stopped working 3 times in the last 24 hours. Pulling the USB cable out and putting it back in doesn't help but rebooting the system does get it working for a bit. It would seem that I should get a new keyboard and I saw this one. The price is right and most of the reviews are good.


    Opinions? I don't have a couple of hundred dollars to spend on a new keyboard ATM (house repairs) and it is low price enough and available locally. Also, is getting the plan on a keyboard a good idea?

    I also tried different USB ports and it didn't make any difference.
  2. Flatchy Court Jester

    Have you turned it upside down and shook all the nacho chips and jujubes out of it? Ok im sorry, I know you are probably frustrated and hope you get it resolved.
    Risiko, Nennius and Metanis like this.
  3. Candystore Augur

    At $40 a keyboard should be a mechanical keyboard.

    This is a $40 keyboard with membrane switches, which is overpriced. You're paying for the RGB lighting, which you'll probably turn off after 5 minutes.
    Nennius, Marton and Metanis like this.
  4. Metanis Bad Company

    Make sure something called "USB Selective Suspend" is turned off in your Advanced Options for your Power Profile. Find it through Power Options in the Control Panel.

    Chances are about 99% this is NOT your problem but will just ensure that Windows isn't messing with your USB ports...
    Nennius, Scila and minimind like this.
  5. CatsPaws Just getting rid of the old

  6. Dre. Altoholic

    Don't have an old spare usb keyboard laying around to try before buying a new one?
    Does your mouse and/or other usb devices stop working also?

    Nennius likes this.
  7. Angeliana Senior Community Manager

    I laughed so hard at the nacho chips and jujube comment, because I can relate.

    I have moved this to Player support as that's where it belong, best of luck on your new keyboard!
    Toukan, Flatchy and Nennius like this.
  8. Scila Augur

    I use very inexpensive logitech wireless keyboards. They tend to take a beating and my set up is rather odd (think server rack-types for the laptops away from my desk/monitors). Response times are excellent and the keyboards take a fair amount of beating for as fast as the fingers fly most days. Amazon has them for less than $30 keyboard and mouse.
    Nennius likes this.
  9. Nennius Curmudgeon

    Thank you all. The mouse didn't quit but the keyboard did. Many thanks for the help. I went to Wal Mart and bought the cheapest keyboard in my life. Still working after 45 minutes and I am hoping it stays working. Only issue, besides it being too clean, is that I need to figure out how to make the volume keys work on it. I was spoiled with my old keyboard on that.
    CatsPaws likes this.
  10. Nennius Curmudgeon

    This is a new one to me. I just turned it off.
  11. Angeliana Senior Community Manager

    Time for nachos?
    Metanis, Toukan and Nennius like this.
  12. Genjo Lorekeeper

  13. CatsPaws Just getting rid of the old

    Now that you have some time you can shop around and have time to get one delivered like from Amazon. Then you can use the newer one and stash this one for backup.
  14. Iven Suggestions Bard

    Cheap keyboards do not last for a long time. Maybe a year for that walmart thing. Use a small desk lamp or an USB light instead an RGB LED keyboard. Combine that with a white keyboard for better visibility and dust camouflage. Fluid resistance is very important.

    Using that since 4 years without any problems. It is water resistant but not 100% waterproof !
    It is loud but robust and heavy, and does feel and look nearly like a retro keyboard.
    Long key travel.
    Function key combos (FN) for things like keylock, mute and calculator.

    It is "only" a membrane keyboard, but one with a good quality and good fluid protection. Fluids are typically membrane keyboard killers. This one can reach 10 years lifespan and even more.

    With AutoHotkey (MS Windows script based) or Keytweak (easy to use) you could even create your own keyboard setup for any keyboard, like putting a mute function onto any key.

    Amazon - QWERTY
    Amazon germany - QWERTZ

    USB LED light:
    2 - Pretty bright light for such a small lamp that can last for years. Should be the same for #1.
  15. Monkeychunks Augur

    I dunno, had a walmart cheapie I bought about 10 years ago for the same situation (original keyboard went out and needed a fast replacement - didn't have time to wait for online delivery) and this is it typing now. :D

    I seldom surf "those sites" so don't need the washable one. :eek:
    Flatchy likes this.
  16. Nennius Curmudgeon

    And in my case, if it only lasts a year I will have more than gotten my monies worth out of it. A bit more than a dollar a month is pretty good. Eventually, I may buy a better keyboard, but it won't be this month.

    Now where are the nachos? :)
    Flatchy likes this.
  17. Iven Suggestions Bard

    But you do surf there.

    Metanis, Nennius and Flatchy like this.