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<Key of Swords> Teek Guild

Discussion in 'TLP Guild Recruitment' started by Borann, May 12, 2024.

  1. Borann Journeyman

    Recruiting for Teek server. We are a returning and reformed guild that was based over many TLPs. (Most of us coming from Yelinak) KoS is looking for more members to rock this server with the intent of playing as far as we can.

    Raid Schedule:
    Raids start at the same time three days a week and last around 3 hours on Tuesday/Thursday. On Saturday we stay an hour later for a total of four hours. There are times that we may end early or may go a bit late. Most of the time if we go late we will try to put that day on Saturday.

    Tuesday: 6 - 9 PM PST || 9 - 12 PM EST
    Thursday: 6 - 9 PM PST || 9 - 12 PM EST
    Saturday: 6 - 10 PM PST || 9 - 1 AM EST

    We do have off night raids occasionally. Raid times may vary on these days. We will do our best to keep them consistent.

    Loot Type:
    Main Raids: Silent Auction Bid DKP w/ Buyback
    Offnights: GDKP

    The basic Golden Rule... Treat others and all that. If you want a list we have 4 for yea.

    1. No Training... Anyone .... EVER.
    2. Drama free zone - We have a VERY strict no drama policy. Fights and arguments happen we expect you all to be adults and handle it. If we have to handle it most likely someone is going to be in trouble.
    3. Always support your guildmates - We will support our guildmates over anyone else in Norrath. Example: I role up in a pug group in Unrest, we are planning on taking main room. I see guildmates already there... but the group says we can just take it. I will not hurt, steal, or harass my guildmates in any way. I would leave that group or convince them to go somewhere else.
    4.Don't be a - This rule covers a wide range of activities. I do not feel the need to go into this one.

    What Classes do we need?
    With the addition of Persona into Everquest KoS will be looking for good players and not specific classes. We can always adjust to fit raid needs. We need good people who want to play and have fun. Play what you have the most fun with.

    Join us in our discord for more information and cant wait to see you in Teek!
    Discord: https://discord.gg/B4xYfqvu
  2. Borann Journeyman

    When does a joke become a ‘dad’ joke?

    When it becomes apparent.

    While we wait for Teek to Launch... What is your favorite CLEAN dad joke? :)
  3. Borann Journeyman

    What kind of shorts do clouds wear?


    Another dad joke for yall
  4. Volas Lorekeeper

    OMFG A guild that ACTUALLY wants to raid at a DECENT hour during the week and not be up till midnight!?!?

    Consider me invested!
  5. Borann Journeyman

    LOL its like we have lives! Come check us out on discord if you haven't already =P
  6. Borann Journeyman

    What does a house wear?
  7. GnomeGnomeGnome Elder

    How do you know that Emperor Ganak is telling the truth?
    Because you can see right through him.
  8. Borann Journeyman

    a dad joke... and an eq joke.. thats <Key of Swords> material right there!
  9. GnomeGnomeGnome Elder

    How did the Bixie get from Misty Thicket to Stone Hive?
    He took the BUZZZzzz
  10. Vecsus New Member

    I once submitted 10 puns to a joke competition. I really thought with that many, one was sure to be a winner.

    Sadly, no pun in ten did. :(
  11. Borann Journeyman

    Anyone ever drive past a cop and wonder if you aggroed him?
  12. Borann Journeyman

    The best gift I ever received was a broken drum. You can’t beat that.
  13. Starxx New Member

    • Why do bees have sticky hair? Because they use a honeycomb.
  14. Juantothre New Member

    What is the difference between a well-dressed man on a bicycle and a poorly-dressed man on a unicycle? A tire
  15. NerdyBarb New Member

    Hahahaha thats a good one! You would fit right in!
  16. Taedae New Member

    The link for your discord isn't working. Any chance for an updated one?
  17. NerdyBarb New Member

    oh shoot sorry about that!
    Here is a new one
  18. Borann Journeyman

    • What did the beach say when the tide came in?
      Long time, no sea.
  19. Scramm Journeyman

    What are the cheapest dentures you can get? Buck teeth
  20. Noxx-TD New Member

    Probably some of the rudest people I've met. The guilds officers don't even follow their own rules they post on their recruitment post.