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Join Me On May 24, 2023, Oakwynd Launch Day

Discussion in 'Time Locked Progression Servers' started by coltongrundy, Apr 18, 2023.

  1. coltongrundy Augur

    On May 24th I will be downsizing my account subscriptions from 5 accounts with full perks, to only 2 accounts, and none of those accounts will ever log into the Oakwynd server. If they won't listen to us on the forums, they'll won't be able to ignore us when they see subscriptions cancelled.
  2. Xyroff-cazic. Director of Sarcasm

    Nah. I'll just keep playing the game that I really like and ignore this one server that doesn't really interest me. You have fun though!
  3. Tarvas Redwall of Coirnav, now Drinal

  4. Rcbauer Augur

    The more posts I see like this from certain posters, the more I'm sure DBG got it right.
    Draxx, Voraxia, Lejaun and 3 others like this.
  5. Arclyte Augur

    the narcissism is real
  6. Servers_are_Down Error 404: Server status not found.

  7. code-zero Augur

    That's a sound argument, all sound!
  8. Triconx Augur

    I may sub a new account and buy bags in Oakwynd just in spite of this post. Fortunately this tantrum post will get removed like most if yours do.
    Draxx, Zrender and minimind like this.
  9. Cheet Elder

    Just seeing the folks that are vehemently against the rule set makes me want to try it.
    Draxx, Zrender and code-zero like this.
  10. Tucoh Augur

    I'd like to think that DPG is more clever about using metrics to examine the popularity of Oakwynd, but with how out of touch the Oakwynd rules are, who knows? Maybe they'll just look at total sub-rates at the end of May vs April and use that as a metric.

    Either way, folks should do what they want. If you like the Oakwynd rules and way that DPG handled it, feel free to sub even if you aren't planning on subbing. If you don't like the rules, don't want to see FTE on Live or another server, feel free to drop your sub and tell the forums why. Vote with your wallet, people.
  11. Ythera Augur

    I think the Oakwynd ruleset seems pretty interesting. I'm firmly locked in to Thornblade right now, but I'm interested in seeing how the FTE rules pans out. I don't think it'll alleviate any ill feelings about competing over mobs, but it if it eliminates trains, then I'd count it as a net positive and I'm sure DPG will appreciate the major reduction of petitions over people training that that yields.
    Zrender likes this.
  12. Arclyte Augur

    not gonna lie i completely forgot thornblade existed
  13. wade_watts Augur

    The naysayers aside, I did just let my 7 subscriptions lapse. Had been on Mischief again while hoping that this ruleset would be a new Mischief but I'm simply not a fan of that stage of EQ. Sorry, not as dramatic as to wait until May 24th. This ruleset isn't what I want to play on either - opinions shared already many times.

    Ultimately, they drive the direction of the product - hopefully the rest of these forum defenders of this server and DPG put their money where their mouth is and make this server a success for them.
  14. code-zero Augur

    Despite not liking FTE and definitely not wanting it on Live I sort of want to play Oakwynd despite having not done a TLP in a long time out of spite for the people coming up with abysmally stupid objections.

    "I like DPS race" is perfectly valid

    "I don't like aggro mechanics being messed with (my objection)" perfectly valid

    Even, "I just want a Mischief clone (if people would be honest about it)" is valid


    "Trains aren't a problem" isn't valid

    "FTE will make worse training problems" is not valid but is stupid

    At the least I think I'll give it a spin on Test
    Zrender likes this.
  15. Ruhi Augur

    how does that example equate to oakwynd being a single player game and rmt heaven?
    what normal guild is going to let the mage get the warrior item to heirloom to their 6th warrior alt if the main's need the gear?
    the boxers needed tons of accounts for kunark raids, but now just 10 (or the max per account) according to your post - except those 10 can't log on at the same time cause they're on the same account - if these people join normal guilds cause every guild will have rmt'ers - what loot are they selling for irl money?

    your original post makes no sense and your replies provide no additional clarity
    Zrender and Wyre Wintermute like this.
  16. Wtfagain Elder

  17. Ruhi Augur

  18. Franklin Tanklin New Member

    Nah, I'm logging on and creating my character. Go away you baby.
    Zrender and Kuldiin like this.
  19. JunkHead New Member

    I am looking forward to the new TLP - what does TLE even mean! I just want to play EverQuest!!
    Zrender likes this.
  20. jeskola pheerie

    The backlash against the backlash is now in full swing.
    Giladryan and Zrender like this.