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Jewelcraft to 350

Discussion in 'The Veterans' Lounge' started by Orbital101, Oct 4, 2017.

  1. Orbital101 Augur

    The complete list can be found at EQresource.com. I cant post everything here due of exceeding 2000 characters. I will keep it updated as I get feedback to improve it.

    Note that the amount of items required may vary with fails.
    You need 25/26 learned recipes per skill up.
    Grab the Seal quest for JC if someone else did the seal for you.
    Go to Abysmal Sea(Glirina Morningbloom) OR Crescent Reach(name) and /say Recipes to auto learn them. You might have to help them with the simple stuffs first, rest will be learned via /say recipes for 8 recipes
    Use 2 JC containers(1 in inventory to make the combines and any placeable to do your search/pre combine)
    When chaining alot of Combo make sure to place the recipient containers in a way to anchor your self with the recipe to help you know what was the last combine made.

    The Shopping:
    Metal bars: start with 1 stack of each
    Electrum, Silver, Gold, Platinum, Velium Bar

    Gems: All the gems from 'The Basic

    Buy 10 Square Cut Tool, 10 of each Jewelry Molds(5 type) and 10 of each Cuts(21 type)
    1 stack of Gnomish Heat Source

    Convert 9 of the Square Cut Tool untill you have a Round, Oval, Half-Moon, Trillion, Pear, Marquise, Solo, Duo and Trio Setting Tool(Dont forget to turn that Trio Setting tool into a Square cut then back into a Trio).
    Line them up in your inventory so that they are easy to access.
    Make a Jewelers Glass

    Special & Enchanted Bars:
    60 Enchanted Electrum, Silver, Gold, Platinum, Palladium, Velium
    Black Sapphire, Jacinth, Diamond, Blue Diamond
    46 Scale Ore to Prismatic Palladium Bar Convert 20 of those into Enchanted Palladium Bar
    25 Raw Faycite Crystal to make 25 Dwerium Bar, convert 20 into Enchanted Dwerium Bar
    25 Chronal Resonance to make 25 Temporite Bar, convert 20 into Enchanted Temporite Bar
    20 Cosgrove Powder to make Cosgrite Bar and convert them all into Enchanted Cosgrite Bar
    20 Essence of Alaris to make Alaran Metal Bar and convert them all into Enchanted Alaran Metal Bar
    20 Dream Dust to make Feymetal Bar and convert them all into Enchanted Feymetal Bar
    23 Planar Energy Shard to make 20 Planar Alloy and convert them all into Enchanted Planar Alloy
    30 Vial of Distilled Mana
    10 Vial of Cloudy Mana
    10 Vial of Clear Mana
    4 Vial of Purified Mana
    4 Glowstone
    6 Jar of Lacquer
    6 Ethernere Essence
    4 Steel Ingot
    1 of each Uncut Alexandrite, Amethyst, Black Sapphire, Combine Star, Demantoid, Goshenite, Hyacinth, Jacinth, Morganite, Rubellite
    10 Energized Gemstone
    126 Harmonagate
    126 Prestidigitase
    126 Staurolite
    126 Taaffeite
    11 Shimmering Nihilite(Raw Shimmering Nihilite)
    11 Crimson Nihilite(Raw Crimson Nihilite)
    1 Indigo Nihilite(Raw Indigo Nihilite)
    1 Amber Nihilite(Raw Amber Nihilite)
    1 Uncut Hyacinth(Give 2000pp to Kazzel D`Leryt in Mountains of Rathe) He roams the southeast part
    2 Darkened Star Rose Quartz(can be Vendor Purchased in Firiona Vie with Corfia Nultethen)
    12 Spell: Imbue Diamond

    (16 recipes From Making all the Cut Tools and Enchanted Bars)
    The Basic: Do all Possible Combo(114 recipes)

    Small Round Cuts:(16 recipes)
    Carnelian + Round Cut Tool
    Cat's Eye Agate
    Lapis Lazuli
    Star Rose Quartz
    Wolf's Eye Agate

    Cuts: Do all Possible Combo(45 recipes)
    1 Amber (Trillion) type of Cut Tool + Jewelers Glass
    1 Bloodstone (Trillion)
    1 Sapphire (Trillion)
    1 Topaz (Trillion)
    1 Uncut Combine Star (Trillion)
    1 Uncut Amethyst (Trillion)
    1 Uncut Alexandrite (Maquise)
    1 Ruby (Square)
    1 Uncut Black Sapphire (Square)
    1 Uncut Demantoid (Oval)
    1 Uncut Goshenite (Half-Moon)
    1 Uncut Jacinth (Round)
    1 Uncut Morganite (Round)
    1 Fire Emerald (Oval)
    1 Fire Opal (Oval)
    1 Uncut Rubellite (Pear)
    1 Star Ruby (Pear)
    7 Energized Gemstone + type of Cut Tool(7) + Jewelers Glass
    7 Alaris Gemstone
    7 Miragestone
    7 Extruded Underfoot Diamond


    This will be repeated 7 times with 3 steps. This will look confusing at first but once you get it down it will save you ALOT of time. Do and complete each type of cuts individually or you wont have enough space.

    -----Cuts 2: Pre combine to keep on the side. (28 recipes)
    Step 1A: 18 (Half-Moon Cut Harmonagate/Prestidigitase/Staurolite/Taaffeite) +Jewelers Glass + Half-Moon Cut Tool
    Step 2A: 18 (Marquise Cut Harmonagate/Prestidigitase/Staurolite/Taaffeite) +Jewelers Glass + Marquise Cut
    Step 3A: 18 (Oval Cut Harmonagate/Prestidigitase/Staurolite/Taaffeite) +Jewelers Glass + Oval Cut Tool
    Step 4A: 18 (Pear Cut Harmonagate/Prestidigitase/Staurolite/Taaffeite) +Jewelers Glass + Pear Cut Tool
    Step 5A: 18 (Round Cut Harmonagate/Prestidigitase/Staurolite/Taaffeite) +Jewelers Glass Round Cut Tool
    Step 6A: 18 (Square Cut Harmonagate/Prestidigitase/Staurolite/Taaffeite) +Jewelers Glass + Square Cut Tool
    Step 7A: 18 (Trilion Cut Harmonagate/Prestidigitase/Staurolite/Taaffeite) +Jewelers Glass + Trillion Cut Tool


    ----Mounts:pre combine to keep on the side. (18x7=126 recipes)
    Enchanted/not enchanted
    Electrum Silver Gold Platinum Velium /Prismatic Palladium Bar
    Half-Moon Cut Earring Jewelry Mold 4 4 4 4 4 4
    Half-Moon Cut Pendant Jewelry Mold 4 4 4 4 4 4
    Half-Moon Cut Ring Jewelry Mold 4 4 4 4 4 4

    Step 2B
    Marquise Cut Earring Jewelry Mold 4 4 4 4 4 4
    Marquise Cut Pendant Jewelry Mold 4 4 4 4 4 4
    Marquise Cut Ring Jewelry Mold 4 4 4 4 4 4

    Step 3B
    Oval Cut Earring Jewelry Mold 4 4 4 4 4 4
    Oval Cut Pendant Jewelry Mold 4 4 4 4 4 4
    Oval Cut Ring Jewelry Mold 4 4 4 4 4 4

    Step 4B
    Pear Cut Earring Jewelry Mold 4 4 4 4 4 4
    Pear Cut Pendant Jewelry Mold 4 4 4 4 4 4
    Pear Cut Ring Jewelry Mold 4 4 4 4 4 4

    Step 5B
    Round Cut Earring Jewelry Mold 4 4 4 4 4 4
    Round Cut Pendant Jewelry Mold 4 4 4 4 4 4
    Round Cut Ring Jewelry Mold 4 4 4 4 4 4

    Step 6B
    Square Cut Earring Jewelry Mold 4 4 4 4 4 4
    Square Cut Pendant Jewelry Mold 4 4 4 4 4 4
    Square Cut Ring Jewelry Mold 4 4 4 4 4 4

    Step 7B
    Trilion Cut Earring Jewelry Mold 4 4 4 4 4 4
    Trilion Cut Pendant Jewelry Mold 4 4 4 4 4 4
    Trilion Cut Ring Jewelry Mold 4 4 4 4 4 4


    Final Jewelry:(504 recipes)
    Combine each type of mounts with the 4 type of cuts until there is nothing left then repeat the same process with all the different cuts.

    Ldon Gems:(32 recipes)
    Silver Fork: 1 Silver Bar (May aswell get this out of the way)
    Socket Mount: 1 Platinum Bar
    Geode x10 Electrum Silver Gold Platinum Velium + /Enchanted version
    Amethyst x10 Electrum Silver Gold Platinum Velium + /Enchanted version
    Polished Quartz x10 Electrum Silver Gold Platinum Velium + /Enchanted version


    Cuts 3(24 recipes) Repeat the Combos with Enchanted +/Special
    Electrum Silver Gold Platinum Velium /Cut tool+Jewelers Glass
    1 Indigo Nihilite /Marquise Cut Tool+Jewelers Glass
    1 Amber Nihilite /Marquise Cut Tool+Jewelers Glass
    11 Crimson Nihilite /Marquise Cut Tool+Jewelers Glass
    11 Shimmering Nihilite /Trilion Cut Tool+Jewelers Glass


    Practice:(40 recipes)
    Bracelet, Earring, Pendant, Ring, Veil Molds

    Solo Setting Tool

    5 Dwerium Bars
    5 Electrum Bars
    5 Gold Bars
    5 Prismatic Palladium Bars
    5 Platinum Bars
    5 Silver Bar
    5 Temporite Bar
    5 Velium Bar


    Solo/Duo/Trio Setting Tool:(180 recipes)
    Bracelet, Earring, Pendant, Ring, Veil Molds

    Combo1 with:Solo Setting Tool

    Combo2 with:Duo Setting Tool

    Combo3 with:Trio Setting Tool

    15 Enchanted Alaran Metal Bar
    15 Enchanted Cosgrite Bar
    15 Enchanted Dwerium Bar
    15 Enchanted Electrum Bar
    15 Enchanted Feymetal Bar
    15 Enchanted Gold Bar
    15 Enchanted Palladium Bar
    15 Enchanted Planar Alloy
    15 Enchanted Platinum Bar
    15 Enchanted Silver Bar
    15 Enchanted Temporite Bar
    15 Enchanted Velium Bar


    Compartmented:with Distilled(50 recipes) Isolate the Enchanted Electrum & the Enchanted Silver Bars.
    Bracelet, Earring, Pendant, Ring, Veil Molds

    Trio Setting Tool

    5 Enchanted Alaran Metal Bars +/Distilled Mana
    5 Enchanted Cosgrite Bar +/Distilled Mana
    5 Enchanted Dwerium Bar +/Distilled Mana
    5 Enchanted Feymetal Bar +/Distilled Mana
    5 Enchanted Planar Alloy +/Distilled Mana
    5 Enchanted Temporite Bar +/Distilled Mana
    5 Enchanted Gold Bar +/Cloudy Mana
    5 Enchanted Platinum Bar +/Cloudy Manaa
    5 Enchanted Palladium Bar + /Clear Mana
    5 Enchanted Velium Bar +/Clear Mana

    30 Vial of Distilled Mana
    10 Vial of Cloudy Mana
    10 Vial of Clear Mana


    Imbued:(60 recipes)
    15 Enchanted Electrum Bar
    15 Enchanted Gold Bar
    15 Enchanted Platinum Bar
    15 Enchanted Silver Bar
    4 Imbued Amber > Clerics or Shamans who worship Cazic Thule
    4 Imbued Black Pearl > Clerics who worship Prexus
    4 Imbued Black Sapphire > Clerics who worship Bertoxxulous
    4 Imbued Diamond > Clerics or Shamans who worship Mithaniel Marr
    4 Imbued Fire Opal > Only Wizards who worship Solusek Ro
    4 Imbued Opal > Clerics who worship Rodcet Nife
    4 Imbued Emerald > Druids or Clerics who worship Tunare
    4 Imbued ivory > Shaman who worship The Tribunal
    4 Imbued Jade > Shamans who worship Rallos Zek
    4 Imbued Peridot > Clerics who worship Bristlebane
    4 Imbued Plains Pebble > Druids and Clerics who worship Karana
    4 Imbued Rose Quartz > Clerics who worship Erollisi Marr
    4 Imbued Ruby > Clerics who worship Brell Serilis
    4 Imbued Sapphire > Clerics or Shamans who worship Innoruuk
    4 Imbued Topaz > Clerics who worship Quellious


    Cazicites:(5 recipes)
    Chunk of Cazicite x10 and convert them into 5 Enchanted Cazicite Bar and combine them with 1
    Black Sapphire, Blue Diamond, Diamond, Ruby, Sapphire
    If you have the Seal quest keep the Cazicite Ruby Veil


    Furniture: (20 recipes)

    ATTENTION:Missing from the EQTrader list: Simple Stone Chiseled Stool
    Bonding Agent x17
    Cushions x3
    Decorations x6
    Linens x3
    Metal Banding x(49)
    Metal Hinges x3
    Metal Knobs x1
    Metal Rods x13
    Nails x7
    Polish x7
    Sandpaper x(101)
    Stone Block x(89)
    Stone Furniture Base x28 (Metal Banding, Sandpaper, Stone Block)
    Stone Furniture Frame x11 (Metal Banding, Metal Rods, Sandpaper, Stone Block)
    Stone Furniture Leg x46 (Sandpaper, Stone Block)

    Conduits:(33 recipes)

    You need 3 patterns of each but considering the run and the fails you might as well buy 5
    Conduit Cap Pattern (W/1 Conduit)
    Conduit Cylinder Pattern (W/1 Conduit)
    Conduit Glove Pattern (W/2 Conduit)
    Conduit Sandal Pattern (W/2 Conduit)
    Conduit Sleeve Pattern (W/2 Conduit)
    Conduit Web Pattern (W/2 Conduit)
    Conduit Small Core Pattern (W/2 Conduit)
    Conduit Large Core Pattern (W/3 Conduit)
    Conduit Leggings Pattern (W/3 Conduit)
    Conduit Shirt Pattern (W/3 Conduit)

    and a few more then 21 of the Ingots to be safe.

    Combine with the appropriate amount of conduits:
    Pure Copper Ingot x21, Sunshard Pebble x21 to make Copper Conduit(21)
    Iron Ingot x21, Sunshard Dust x21 to make Iron Conduit(21)
    Pure Silver Ingot x21, Sunshard Orex21 to make Silver Conduit(21)


    .....more at EQresource.com
  2. Drusi Augur

    Nice guide, but omg is that extensive :)

    I can only imagine for something like baking it is way more complicated.
  3. Aanuvane Augur

    I fixed that as soon as you mentioned it in the channel a couple days ago - it was missing the furniture subcategory.
  4. Thrillho Augur

    Look at how organized those bags are! That's the key for getting through the TS grind. I've spent a good amount of time just organizing my bags to prepare for any TS I do and I've found it makes the sting of this a bit less painful. When I did the first 4x126 JC combines I had it set up very similar to how you have it shown above and it went quickly. Fletching was the same. Smithing is the same. Tailoring is the same. Might not be for all combines, but a large chunk of them - enough to make a noticeable difference in the AP.

    Thanks Good! I wish I could give you more than a Like on here. (But not like, a like like, you know?)
  5. feeltheburn Augur

    having a hard time getting back into JC....I had the spreadsheet from Adetia working....x out all the recipes I had done learned etc and the saved sheet I had just poofed. Now I ve no clue all that I had done...and really only thing I can think of doing is going back one by one to see what I have done? not sure there is a quick or easy way to getting back to where Ieft off sigh....
  6. Orbital101 Augur

    Almost done with Fletching, will add pictures tomorrow, clean it up a tad and should be gtg.

    Only thing is that im already at 55 skill up pre PoR bows and i'm wondering if I did a mistake in my count even after going through it twice.
  7. Orbital101 Augur

    Go down the trivia list with the advanced Recipe Search, start with 16 16 on Eqtrader and do the same on your tradeskill window and compare the list. You will end up with your missing recipes.
  8. Orbital101 Augur

    There are better ways of organizing your bags. I did mostly 2 rows because when you ALT over a box pass 2 rows the names of the items are hard to read. Was mostly for a clean Screenshot. :)
  9. Thrillho Augur

    Agreed. Mine are typically 5 rows of 8. What I meant was you've more or less got a spot for your farmed items (which change often), your vendor items (which don't change often), and your result item (which gets burned).

    I'll switch out my farmed item to the same item spot so I'm always doing the same pattern; Farmed1 + Vendor1 = TS1; Farmed1 + Vendor2 = TS2, etc. Then swap out Farmed1 for Farmed2 and repeat the same pattern for the next set of TS items.

    Keeping the vendor items in the same spot gives you a good reference for how many you've done and where you are in your combines. If you have 10 combines to do for Farmed1, and Vendor7's stack is at 19 and Vendor8's is at 20, you need to do the Vendor8 combine (barring any failures).

    Result item is easy to remove - drop them all in the same bag and sell the bag's contents to the vendor in a couple clicks. Or destroy the bag (summoned bags work really nicely, but they're low capacity).
  10. Wizlard Augur