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It's time to Free Agnarr!!!!

Discussion in 'Time Locked Progression Servers' started by Panikker, Sep 9, 2021.

  1. Captain Video Augur

    But that would change if there was a crowd of F2P players on that server, which is why the RMT people thinks it's a good idea.
  2. Mashef Augur

    Still not sure why they have not removed truebox from Agnarr. Kind of itching to play again but Mischief isn't what it was in classic/Kunark and Agnarr is the only reasonable home in between new servers. However, I am not dealing with 3 computers on a low pop server. I typically really like truebox but it needs to come off at a point in a servers life. I can run 2 right now but that makes it almost impossible to level up since groups are scarce at mid levels.

    I agree with others though, FTP is not a solution.
    Joules_Bianchi likes this.
  3. Jimmy2times Elder

    This is a start, remove truebox devs, it wouldn’t hurt anything. It would be cool if you comment here if this has a possibility of happening or not? I really enjoy Agnarr but not at lower levels.
    Joules_Bianchi and Mashef like this.
  4. Leifer Augur

    If Agnarr was F2P I wouldn't bother playing on it. However, if it was non-truebox, I would play 6 accounts on it.
    Joules_Bianchi likes this.
  5. Accipiter Old Timer

    They typically don't change a server's core rule set. We've been asking for TrueBox to go away at a certain point but so far they haven't budged.
  6. Khaliss Augur

    I would DEFINITELY think converting Agnarr as a FTP server would entice LOTS of retired players back into Everquest, it's a throwback to simpler times and I personally prefer (as well as many old EQ players) that period of the game! If the Agnarr player community (who call it home) doesn't want it to be FTP, then maybe clone the server and designate it as an FTP version. Lock all AAs, and only allow AA spending once a player has used a Krono (silver status), same mechanic as the Live Servers. It's a PoP-locked server, once the players have gone through the content, offer them a server-transfer to Live Servers or TLPs for a fee, that's how DBG profits, everyone happy!

    -edit- and oh, eventually allow limited boxing on an FTP-Agnarr server if it happens, limit to maybe 3 toons(?) Guaranteed the server will be a hit & highly populated!
  7. MMOer Augur

    Ive been saying it for years.

    Make a yearly seasonal pop lock server and let it run its course and then when it reaches POP or shortly after transfer it to Agnar. I wanted this for Aradune just to make his server immortal and keep it classic.

    The only thing needed would be cross server name registration so you have no issues with names when you xfer at the end of the season. If DBG / Darkpaw don't know how just ask the P1999 guys as they did this would blue/green servers.

    This would give us pop lock TLP lovers a season "ladder" so to speak and also provide longevity for our characters and efforts as well as give us a home server that stays pop locked and keeping it alive.

    If not this then make it F2P but ONLY for validated accounts that have a Name and credit card attached to it. True F2P will kill it more than help it with scrubs and hacks.
  8. Khaliss Augur

    another idea would be to only give access to the PoP locked server to silver accounts (meaning, for an account who has used a krono before or previous sub)... might be a more practical method than an account with credit card info
  9. Donkz New Member

    No to truebox removal, and no to free to play. The server is fine as is. We don't need the free to play spammers making a thousand accounts and running their own raids. I run 4 characters on agnarr, and I'm fine with truebox. It discourages stupidly large teams that might leverage automation, and ruin it for others.

    If you want to play Agnarr. Pay the damn sub. it's 15 bucks. You could go knock on a neighbors door right now I bet, and get 20 bucks to mow his lawn. After that, farm a krono every month. average price is 35-40k right now. You can spend a couple days in Sebilis at 65 and get enough gems/drops to vendor and make that. Or better you farm other stuff.

    Free to play ruins games. For being a "prison server" ya'll sure do want to play here pretty bad..
  10. Iyvy Augur

    More people would rather be stuck in PoP than play whatever servers you and Skuz are always yammering about.
  11. Triconix Augur

  12. Skuz I am become Wrath, the Destroyer of Worlds.

    Where exactly are these "more people" because they aren't on Agnarr right now & really they all should be there right now, perhaps you need to round them all up & tell them Agnarr exists instead of keeping it from them?
  13. Fhiele Augur

    Agnarr is great because you can always "come back" and inflation hasn't destroyed your plat value, and your gear is as relevant as when you left. Take 6 months of another TLP and you've got a lot of catching up to do.