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It's time to Free Agnarr!!!!

Discussion in 'Time Locked Progression Servers' started by Panikker, Sep 9, 2021.

  1. joonster New Member

    oh, I see.
    I stopped at end of Kunark (love that expansion), never been to Velious....sad.
  2. verbatim Elder

    I have always generally thought they should open Agnarr to transfers from other TLP's that haven't yet reached GoD, and just kind of allow it to be an alternative destination for people to go to vs starting over or progressing to live.
    Herf likes this.
  3. Herf Augur

    When we max out we start new characters and new classes. People like me even lvl a second (druid) on a different account because I want to run them with my SHM and a melee type. Since there's no further rush to advance to the next expansion, life is relaxed and fun.
  4. Xeris Augur

    Yes, I think one of the most impactful changes that would work is to allow character transfers TO Agnarr FROM TLP's that have yet to reach GOD. That way, the people who want the excitement of early TLP life/progression with thousands of players can do so, and then transfer to Agnarr for the POP lock that they actually enjoy.

    I think for the most part: a majority of TLP players enjoy the early TLP launch because of the nostalgia, making kronos, and experiencing a fresh server with thousands of active players... AND most TLP players enjoy content up to POP. So starting on a fresh TLP and ending up on Agnarr sounds pretty logical and I'd bet it would be popular.
  5. Berkwin Elder

    I would really love to play on Agnarr, My issue is the fact I am deciding between like 6-7 other games on what to subscribe to. Would Agnarr bring in people if it were free? Probably, it would definitely Encourage me to come back. Most likely keep me here as well. How would this bring revenue to DBG? Well, 30-50k Kronos in the Bazaar. Also if Agnaar were to go to a free to play situation I would assume it would be limited to how the rest of live is currently with Free to play. No Bazaar mules, and other such perks as limited AA Etc. So this would also bring revenue to DBG and those wanting to form roots on Agnaar because people would want those unlocked. So Grinding out the plat would be a must and those looking to sell would be PAYING for Krono. Just some thoughts.
  6. Panikker Elder

    Realistically if the server was FTP the free accounts ARE going to be limited like the real FTP accounts. Making unlocking or sub. necessary and bring revenue to DPG. The 99 one has players because is free and is almost as complete as a DPG server. Not because is caped at 3rd expansion. I heard p99 players that moved to the new tlp that some of the quality of life stuff at TLPs actually make sense. DPG can also have lower monthly subs that unlocks certain stuff or agents of change ..etc. then potentially making the monthly sub an general unlock. Making Agnarr FTP but with limited unlocks will bring more people and revenue that is a sure thing. You think mages and other pet classes will never buy a skin for a pet ??? or none will buy the bags from the shop ??? Right now is a perfect time to join Agnarr because is empty LOL. The world is yours basically LOL And for those saying is not is because they probably don't want any competition LOL.
  7. Kahna Augur

    I am not really sure why you think the venn diagram overlap of people who 1. Want to play PoP forever and 2. Don't already have a character on Agnarr is in any way significant. Those folks who want to play with 1000's of people will be rerolling on the newest progression server when their current progression server gets to the PoP era, rather than swapping to PoP locked. Those people want to keep playing with 1000s, not suddenly swap to a tiny server where everyone knows everyone else who actually plays there.

    After 4 years of existing everyone who thinks PoP locked is fun already has a character on Agnarr. With the tiny exception of a few stragglers a year, and if they really wanted to play in PoP lock you have repeatedly said it's not the end of the world to level up there. Free to play would bring far more in the way of population. Free to play accounts can't use DZs. That alone would pressure Free to Players to upgrade, but still allow them to play and enjoy the grouping game without subbing.
  8. Kahna Augur

    Free to Play can't use DZs. That alone would be enough pressure on Agnarr to encourage them to buy krono and sub.
  9. Machen New Member

    If it were similar to how Free to Play works on live, you would not be able to access luclin or pop without subscribing (which means you would not be able to level past 60 or access the bazaar or earn aa's--which eliminate the aa unlockers as a source of revenue.) You can't play the most recent expansions on live at all on a free to play account.
  10. Captain Video Augur

    Not how EQ F2P works. On a Live server, you can play any expansion you own. Everything but the two most recent has been auto-granted to all accounts. An F2P player can buy the most recent expansion and have access to that content, subject to other F2P restrictions. Marketplace AA unlockers are completely irrelevant in the modern game, as it is standard practice for players who don't want to continuously sub to buy a one-month sub and bank all the auto-grant AAs that gives you, and then grind more AAs for a month since you keep everything you earn once you go back to Silver or F2P. What they don't get without an active sub is the use of RkIII spells or prestige gear, but none of that applies to a PoP/LDoN-locked server.

    The Agnarr ruleset is locked, there is no way you are going to get that to change. A separate F2P server which is locked at a certain point, as an expanded demo of sorts, is something you might be able to argue for, although even that has been undercut by the recent addition of old world AoCs on Live servers, and the policy declaration that you have to have a sub to use them.
  11. Machen New Member

    Yes, and what you've just described is by definition not free. It's by definition not free to play if you have to pay to play on it.

    If people who want free Agnarr want to have DPG start selling Luclin and Pop access to them for $65 a shot or whatever the live expansion price is, then that would be equivalent, and a source of revenue for DPG that might justify Agnarr going FTP.

    But, judging from most of the people in this thread arguing that they are broke folks who can't afford a monthly sub, I doubt that will fly.
  12. Captain Video Augur

    You can play 100% of Agnarr's content for 100% free on any Live server. The only difference is that a free player won't get to use AoCs, it will all be open world. The players who choose the Agnarr server don't want free players there, and they are all paying for the privilege. You can beg all you want for free access to that server, it isn't gonna happen.
  13. Mossaa Augur

    If they where to make Agnarr free to play. Then they would need to make some restricts like you cannot get to max Agnarr level, and you could not use the last few expansion in Agnarr, so you would be stopped even before Agnarr stops. They would also make it so you could not use all gear and get AAs and so on.

    If you bring live rules for free to play it would not make any difference on Agnarr from paying members. So why pay at Agnarr, if you could just get all the stuff for free? Guess the employee's at DB cannot pay their bills with all the free to play pay they would get from Agnarr.

    As others have said. If you want to live in Agnarr era and have free to play. Then go live, but do not level past Agnarr level, and do not use other zone and gear.
  14. Kahna Augur

    They would not need to make all those rules. AoCs not being useable by Free-to-Play members would be more than enough incentive for folks to sub, while still giving them a taste of the game as a free-to-play individual.
  15. Mossaa Augur

    If you want to give them a taste of the game its like 15+ servers they can play on to get a taste. No need to make Agnarr free to pay for that. Just be happy they bother having that server up. If people on Agnarr do not want to pay for playing there its a easy choice for DB to just close it and use the server for other stuff.
  16. Kahna Augur

    You are kind of completely missing the point of Free-To-Play Agnarr. It benefits both free players and the current population of Agnarr. It also does so to the benefit of DPG, it will bring in more revenue, both from free to play players picking up odds and ends from the marketplace as well as happier subbed players buying more things.
  17. Xeris Augur

    I think we can all agree on a few points:

    a) If Agnarr was free to play, there would be more people on Agnarr. Sure. Last May, DBG offered 1 free month. Agnarr's population grew a lot in that month. That was actually the start of growth for Agnarr. A lot of people just came for that month and left after it stopped being free. Point is, more people would play on Agnarr if it was free.

    b) DBG will never make Agnarr free to play, for reasons others have pointed out. There's just no incentive for them to do so. If the revenue they got (in the form of krono purchases or marketplace transactions) from it being free to play was worth more than the value of paying subscribers they'd lose as a result, they would have done it by now. They already tried making it ftp for a period last year, and I presume the purpose of that was to do some analysis on some of these topics.

    I actually think Agnarr has less of a reason to be free to play than other servers. I host plat raids almost every month. The avg payout at least plat raid is about 2.5 kronos/person. Agnarr is basically free already. All you'd need to do is sub for 1 month and show up to 1 plat raid. Show up to 1 plat raid and you have 2 months paid. You could just come to my raids and never have to pay to play on Agnarr ever.

    Problem solved. Agnarr is already FTP (if you're a lvl 65 character)
  18. Captain Video Augur

    Most of the progression servers were free for 30 days in Spring 2020, not just Agnarr. (Fippy and Lockjaw were excluded due to server merge schedules.) It was a clever marketing gimmick in the early phase of the pandemic, when so many people suddenly found themselves stuck at home with time to kill. I doubt there was any special analysis of changes to Krono or marketplace purchases during this period; the sole objective was to see if more veteran players might be tempted to return. After the free window ended, player counts returned to pre-pandemic levels.

    The Krono farmers want a bigger Agnarr because they're having an increasingly hard time selling their wares elsewhere, the random loot rules on the latest TLPs have seen to that. This obsession will magically go away as soon as another standard-rules TLP is launched, whenever that is.
  19. Corydon Augur

    WTF dude. No, it's not like that. Agnarr is a very welcoming place.
    Elskidor likes this.
  20. Corydon Augur

    You are making stuff up. There are no krono farmers on Agnarr. No krono farmer with a brain would do it on Agnarr since there aren't a lot of people around to buy their stuff.
    Elskidor likes this.