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It's time to Free Agnarr!!!!

Discussion in 'Time Locked Progression Servers' started by Panikker, Sep 9, 2021.

  1. Elskidor Augur

    Go for it. Can't hurt.
  2. Xeris Augur

    wow, aggressive, lol. my point was, you can pay a monthly sub, so if there's a month you have free time, you can sub to Agnarr for that month? whether it's $10 or $15 or whatever, I have no idea because I bought a lifetime sub 2 years ago and I forgot what the monthly price is. alternatively, you can come to open plat raid I host every month or so, and payout is typically 2-3 kronos/person, and that seems like it can fund your whole playtime!

    tldr is: there are options to play on Agnarr if you want to play on Agnarr and like the concept of Agnarr. sure, it'd be nice if it was FTP though.
  3. Xeris Augur

    Agnarr is 4 years old and has been done with progression for about 2.5 years now, I'm not sure what you are expecting. Also, what does "dead" mean to you? There are 4 active raiding guilds on the server, that each raid at least 2 days/week. Agnarr has actually added a guild in the past year. There are open flagging raids pretty frequently, people grouping at all hours of the day for the most part, and plat raids every month or so.

    I guess whether this server is dead or alive depends on what your own definition of dead is. I guess if you're expecting 15 picks of people leveling in Guk, or to just throw /lfg on and get 5 tells for pofire groups or something, then yes it's dead. If you want to group, raid, and enjoy what the content has to offer, then it's not dead at all. I'd also add that the server is VERY MUCH what you make of it. If you're not proactive then it probably will seem dead to you.
  4. Stymie Pendragon

    I'm pretty sure the original sub price was $9.89 which aligned with the studio name at the time.
    Yinla and Accipiter like this.
  5. Indigo_Quarmite Augur

    Removing truebox instead of making it FTP would probably result in more accounts/revenue, if not a ton of unique new players.
  6. Jimmy2times Elder

    This^^^ @Devs would you guys answer on here and tell us if you all would consider removing truebox, making it FTP or I’ll just settle for removing truebox? I would like to come back to agnarr as I have no desire to keep up on live anymore with the billion hit points AC and other stats everyone has but not being able to find a group or even have my own group due to truebox limitations has me currently unsubbed. Please let us knows devs.
  7. VandilIzer Augur

    It's dead because being stuck in 1 spot forever once maxed on everything is pointless and boring not because of a pay wall.
  8. Jimmy2times Elder

    P99 is stuck in one spot forever and it seems to be doing well and has been for years. Eventually one day EQ live will be stuck in one spot as well.
  9. Yimin Augur

    Easy you sell ,AA ,LvL ,items raid wins etc etc , always a way to make money !

  10. Machen New Member

    On a server that has been capped for almost four years, and everyone who plays there already has max aa's, max levels, max bis gear?

  11. Fonzych New Member

    I would play an agnar free trade server
  12. OldManRiver New Member

    Summary of forum Agnarr complaints -- Agnarr is "dead" so should be:

    1. Free to Play
    2. Free Trade
    3. Too much PoP so needs more expansions
    4. Not True Box
    5. No MoTM


    I have great news for you, FV has AoC now. Mischief and Thornblade will see you soon enough.
    Machen likes this.
  13. Machen New Member

    You and a billion other accounts that won't provide DPG with any useful revenue.
  14. Darchon_Xegony Augur

    Yea just remove Truebox from Agnarr.
  15. TheInquisitor Old Timer

    I hear you. When I worked hard in my younger years every dollar mattered and I came from a poor background. You don't always have luxury depending on your employment situation with volatility around you today and big bills adding up.
    There are other EQ e-m-u lation servers other than P99 that would welcome you warmly and they are always free.
  16. ikarinokamii Elder

    I would be ok with agnarr becoming a PoR locked server.
  17. Auxero New Member

    I wish there were some way to come back and look around first before making an investment. I have 3 accounts, think about coming back to play periodically, but have to spend 15 bucks to see how it looks now, whats the population, whats in bazaar etc. Then if I decide to play need to prep 2 other pcs and sub 2 more accounts. Its kind of a high hurdle to clear for someone undecided. Non true box and free 2 play would make return really easy and if Im really into it I would eventually sub them all anyway.
  18. ikarinokamii Elder

    i think number 3 is reasonable, because to me, PoR - POP is basically the same game. the game doesn't change radically till TSS. I think more content is better, and a locked PoR agnarr is just a better agnarr in my opinion.
  19. joonster New Member

    few years back, I stopped at level 60 as a Cleric.
    wondering if it's worth it to come back? is possible to even get a group as low level?
    love to adventure again
  20. Xeris Augur

    It's 100% possible. New players coming all the time.
    Herf likes this.