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It's time to Free Agnarr!!!!

Discussion in 'Time Locked Progression Servers' started by Panikker, Sep 9, 2021.

  1. Panikker Elder

    OK, is time to let Agnarr be FTP. Server is dead at any hour. Only a hand full of players at best. I think if Agnarr was FTP server it would attract more people and revitalize the TLP. It's time to let Agnarr free of the pay wall. Its a great concept. But is dead because of the pay wall !!!
  2. Machen New Member

    How does DPG profit off FTP Agnarr?
  3. Xeris Augur

    Agnarr isn't dead at all, lol.
    Dezzax and Joules_Bianchi like this.
  4. Anklepoker New Member

    Agnarr isn’t dead. Only thing that would probably kill it is another time locked server.
    Joules_Bianchi likes this.
  5. Coffinstuffer New Member

    Maybe the new (terrible) perks coming end of September will be a lure. Friends/Family prolly better for a maxed server though. /sighs
  6. Primaul New Member

    I will be the 3rd to confirm that Agnarr is very much alive.
    Dezzax, Joules_Bianchi and Herf like this.
  7. Donroy Elder

    Agnarr is very much alive and still my home. I don't mind paying for it either - probably keeps the toxicity low.
  8. Herf Augur

    Yes it's alive. Join Usssssss.
    Dezzax likes this.
  9. Triconix Augur

    FTP won't help the population of Agnarr. There just isn't that many people who want to be stuck in POP/LDoN forever. The server has its niche and that's about it. It will forever be a lower population server.

    If you feel a need to find more people, simply go to another TLP or Live server. Don't be afraid. "New" things aren't bad. Norrath is has many great places to adventure in past POP.
    Skuz likes this.
  10. Xeris Augur

    I agree, I think that making Agnarr FTP would likely bring some more people to it, but nothing significant enough to move the population needle.

    Ultimately, if you want to play in the POP era forever, just subscribe and play on Agnarr. It being FTP or not won't change too much.
  11. Joules_Bianchi A certain gnome

    the fact that TLPs are all access ONLY is a HUGE selling point to many.

    and Agnarr is far from dead. Wanna know what dead is? Right now, I'm playing on characters I leveled on Trakanon and have since moved to Zek.

    Trust me, I know from dead.
  12. Joules_Bianchi A certain gnome

    This, so so much, this.
  13. Joules_Bianchi A certain gnome

    Marketplace for one, but no nay never to F2P Agnarr. /boo

    F2P has enough real estate in EQ withoul giving up TLPs.
  14. kenmei Augur

    Well, Agnarr would be the one server where FTP isnt a second class citizen penalty.
    Should have been this way from the start to entice new players to the game.
    So how does DPG profit off Agnarr being FTP? by becoming the most populated server for new players and exposing them to the game, thus increasing chances new players sub to the game's services.
    FV is too toxic for new players, and tbh FTP is truly harsh on a live server for a new player to actually enjoy the game before hating the game. On Agnarr, none of the harsh realities of FTP on Live become a factor to enjoying the game. but then, we said that, back when they created the server, and they didnt listen then... instead P99 increased it's population.
  15. kenmei Augur

    not true. non-krono vet player here.
    I would be on Agnarr if it was a free server. Some months I dont have the fee, some months I do, I play the server for that reality. Agnarr would be my choice if it was an option, as I despise the atmosphere of P99, and also their time lock.
    I mean otherwise,
    -start a new toon on a live server, play tutorial, play old school style world for as long as I can before FTP blocks progress.
    -Quit for another game.
    -Come back, do the same.
    If Agnarr was an option, things would be very different.
  16. Machen New Member

    So the reality is that you would stay on Agnarr and pay nothing.

    This is what FTP would attract to Agnarr, players that take resources and pay nothing.

    DPG has absolutely no reason to give you Everquest for free.
  17. Xeris Augur

    Also if you have sporadic playtime, just sub for 1 month when you have time... And play on Agnarr, instead of whatever weird thing you're trying to do on live. If you can't afford like $10 in a month to do something fun, you have bigger issues than Agnarr being FTP or not.
  18. kenmei Augur

    nice twist. honestly could care less what u think of my choices in life. budgets are budgets, there are priorities, eq isnt one of them, so there are times its not in the budget. and yes, i do have bigger issues, moron.
    Also, when is it $10 a month? it has never been $10 a month, you lie much.. or just always?
    it $10 a month if you pay the yearly, which i have done in the past, but is clearly not a choice atm... but to make it sound like 'oh it's only $10 a month'... you're lying in the Hunger Games sort of style, good for you, .

    my point was if Agnarr was FTP, you would have more people, more traffic, more opportunities for sales.
    Your point, was to continue the Hunger games seperation of elitism ($50 Legends server crowd), good for you, again, with the idiots who backed that idea.

    also, there are more important things in life than money. sucks you obviously will never know.
  19. Accipiter Old Timer


    Didn't we start at $8.95? Or maybe it was $9.95 from the start.
  20. Servers_are_Down Error 404: Server status not found.

    I'd like Agnarr to be FTP but im definitely the minority here. Lol.

    I feel like i'm not alone as being apart of a community that is awaiting a new TLP (not some goofy random rule lol)... And inbetween waiting for the next TLP I would most likely play Agnarr since that is my idealistic progression server.

    I would have stayed on Agnarr but the server is very much dead (in contrast to the few stragglers who tried to say its not, it holds the lowest active population for TLP).

    It's not a perfect solution, but it's a nice balance for the community who is torn between playing with a nice-size population base, and trying to retain a progression playstyle that doesnt slip into the level 75+ era..