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It's time for velious

Discussion in 'Time Locked Progression Servers' started by Ruiner, Jun 16, 2024.

  1. GameKiller Elder

    Are you comparing level 65 gear to level 55 gear?
  2. Iven Suggestions Bard

    Yep, the available classes would be just:
    • Bard
    • Beastlord
    • Berserker (maybe as it is a GoD feature)
    • Rogue
    • Shaman
    • Warrior
    Bard would be the only CC and good puller, warrior the only good tank, beastlord the only offtank, shaman the only healer, rogue (+ zerker ?) the only DPS. Clear roles and a higher difficulty. Each class would be highly needed. I would start without the zerker to make it more nostalgic, true and round. And horse mounts from day one !
  3. Iven Suggestions Bard

  4. YouAreProbablyWrong New Member

    Which is normal...
    Robomax likes this.
  5. CdeezNotes Augur

    Are you seriously asking that? No, and it's obvious I'm not by the listed stats of the tower gear I gave. Do you see the level 55 gear now? Does it match the stats I provided? No. There's your answer.
  6. CdeezNotes Augur

    This isn't even remotely true. All the best items in POP demonstrably beat out tower plus the raid augs from LDON that can't be used in tower gear (seriously, does anyone have any reasonable grasp on gear beyond classic on TLPS?!?!?! Slot 7/8 augs is like EQ 101) will push POP even higher than what tower can be. LDON is 100% still worthwhile.

    LoY? There's basically no raiding or upper level grouping there anyways. That expansion was a "feature" release expansion. It was never a content expansion.
  7. Bullsnooze Augur

    Lol - Mr Attrition would like a word with you
  8. CdeezNotes Augur

    Yeah, silly me. It's quite clear who the annual recyclers are with all this "THE SKY IS FALLING! TOWER GEAR IS BETTER THAN GOD!!!!111" rhetoric spewed onto these boards. It's like people are being purposely ignorant/obtuse and refusing to leverage any of the very helpful resources to prove their concerns are blatantly wrong. All of which takes like 2.5 minutes to look up.
  9. ForumBoss Augur

    Tower gear is nice but you're not going to solo, or even 2 group trakanon/vp with it. It makes med breaks like 20 percent less often? Kunark non visible gear was garbage and there was nothing to raid for anyway besides the crown, robe, shoes and epic bits. Velious will be somewhat impacted, but the tower gear ac is bad and has no focuses for casters Preparing for luclin. Yeah the regen is good, but this is a game that requires far too much medding and downtime. Also for the kronolords, twink gear and weapons will continue to sell. Tower gear has req levels.
  10. Intercept Augur

    I'm on my way through the levels for the 3rd time now, no need for velious yet, still got lots to do in Kunark
    Fenthen and Yinla like this.
  11. Robomax Elder

    They should have capped the Tower Gear to 35 on Tlps. Then Unlocked to 55 in POP or Luclin
  12. Robomax Elder

    Or Capped at 35 . Till Luclin or POP

    They are going to have to Unlock Luclin with SOV. The Bazaar is sadly needed right now . The Tunnel is just out of hand, Plus more Content. Most peeps wont log in Vel with lvl 60 toons with nothing to do when the Tower Gear is better than Kael Armor or SS Armor or even the " Prayer Shawl Quest" (it won't be worth doing) and they Nerfed the drops in Plane of Growth Years ago.
  13. CdeezNotes Augur

    How is tower gear better than kael or SS armor when literally none of it is a visible slot?
    Yinla and Genoane like this.
  14. Robomax Elder

  15. Robomax Elder

    'Yes the Ac a RES is low But other stats are way out of era

    Luclin raid drop Lord Seru.

    Velious top raid Temple of Veeshan quest.

    Kunark raid drop Veeshan's Peak.

    Anniversary Tower groupable/soloable.
  16. Robomax Elder

    What about the Old Hell Lvls?
  17. CdeezNotes Augur

    That...doesn't answer the question?
  18. Robomax Elder

    Do I need to do the math for ya? Did you fail 6th Grade pre algebra?
  19. CdeezNotes Augur

    You specifically said tower gear is better than Kael and SS armor then proceed to post LUCLIN and Vulak non visible drops. To normal, sober people, SS/Kael armor refers to the visible quest armor and not a random drop from an entirely different expansion.

    Do you even know what you type or you too busy smoking tar?
  20. AzzlannOG Augur

    Are you trying to argue that tower gear isn't way overpowered? I don't really care about its effects, but it obviously jacked up the economy and itemization through the next couple expansions. The fact that this gear is comparable to raid gear from Luclin/PoP and we have it in Kunark means it is broken and out of place.
    Fizon likes this.