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It's time for velious

Discussion in 'Time Locked Progression Servers' started by Ruiner, Jun 16, 2024.

  1. SpiritOfTruth New Member

    Tower gear makes us stronger. That's why we wear it. I've found I'm able to solo certain mobs that used to crush me before. Soloing options have increased. Being a true box server, this is a huge positive.

    Just don't wear the tower gear if you have a problem with it. That's literally all you have to do. Just don't wear it. That's it.
    Tansy likes this.
  2. Intercept Augur

    Server just came out couple weeks ago, enjoy the game, if you rushed to cap then start anew and don't rush it, just play the game
    Tansy and ExecutionDbl9 like this.
  3. Fhiele Augur

    No. I'm enjoying raids. Plenty of gear to get.
  4. fransisco Augur

    True, I don't understand the reliance on tlp auctions. Sure that website says one price, but guess what? You want it, I have it. Feel free to sit around for several hours trying to find someone else to sell it to you.

    Its not that they don't want it. The issue is that other people can also get it...
  5. Twistingtime Augur

    Never understood why anyone cares what someone else is wearing.
  6. Muramx Augur

    The original game didn't have slower exp. It just seemed slower because you, like others didn't know everything. If you hop on live and make a level 1 you will kill like 3 things and be level 2. Even slaying yellows at level 1 you get 7% exp on teek. By the time PoP came out people were level capping characters in like 2 days. The first couple TLPs that came out I remember 8 hours in people had level 50 necros, without an exp bonus. After that they turn the exp down except for a couple of TLPs. But it doesn't matter your still going to have the whales that use 50 pots and cap their level out the first weekend then complain they are bored. But that's a different story
  7. Muramx Augur

    No it hasn't... There's 3 or 4 of you pushing that 65 gear is trash and it's not. Outside of a couple of pieces for each class. 90% of the focus stuff comes from visible class armor. The stuff is comparable to end game GoD armor.
  8. CdeezNotes Augur

    You want to compare 65 to time? I won't even waste my time with end game GoD because that's not going to be a good look for you. Let's have at it. Let's go down the archetypes:

    Heal mod - Unless you're a cleric, your BIS heal mod is from shoulders or a shield. Neither of those are considered "visible" class armor. One of which is quite literally a non visible slot already out in the Tower. So your primary focus as a healer is not class armor for 2/3 of the classes. You're 2/3 wrong.

    Mana Reduction (beneficial) - Comes from a mask. Last I checked a mask is a non visible slot. You're 100% wrong.

    Mana Reduction (detrimental) - All non visible slots. Not a single visible slot for a priest. Just as an FYI, the one BIS for this type from a visible armor is for a singular spell, not all like these. Again, you're 100% wrong.

    Spell Haste - All non visible slots.

    Want me to keep going? Want to do a comparison of the BIS items by slot? Ok, let's try that for tanks this time.

    Shoulders - Here is the list sorted by AC. BIS are 45 ac and 195hp 15atk and extra bash damage. Tower would be 33ac and 197 hp and 4 atk. So you lose TWELVE AC for 2 hp. 1:10 rule means the time shoulders are basically 33 ac and 315hp if you want to line up ac values for a direct compare. Guess you're wrong.

    Mask - Here's another list. You're looking at either 60ac and 170hp or 52ac and 195hp and 35 atk. Tower? A measily 31 ac and 183. Time absolutely embarasses Tower. Looks like you're still wrong.

    Neck - Here's the list. So you have a couple solid choices. BIS being 45ac 190hp 2 hsta (oh boy, that means shielding + + stun resist + hp). Tower? 31 ac 174hp. Time blows that junk out of the water. No comparison.

    Ears - Here's the list. So you got your overhaste clicky on a 32/225 and an amazing 4 hdex (in case you have no clue what hdex does: combat effects, accuracy, increases crit chance for melee, increases both parry/riposte chance) as your BIS. Next best is a toss up depending what you need/want. Most likely Signet so that's 25ac 145hp with a dodge mod 30 atk. Tower is 29/149. Guess what? POP WINS AGAIN!!!

    Back - Here's the list. I prefer Platinum cloak as a tank personally. 40/185 3hagil (increases miss chance, increases avoidance, and increases dodge). Tower? 33/200. Absolutely stomped on.

    Fingers - Let's have at it. 35/185 with an ac perma click and 30/210 with another ac/resist click (that stacks with the former) with 5 hwis and hint (DoT and DD shielding is really really good). Uh oh, looks like tower loses, yet again.

    Want me to keep going? Or do you get the point yet? Wanna try and compare mid GOD gear and see how much more wrong you are and how more embarrassing it'll get for you???????? Sit down, learn the gear, and then post.
  9. Muramx Augur

    I have and it's you and 3 other people arguing with everyone posting the the 1 drop in Luclin of the last boss in VT that's BiS for most people for 2 expansions as your bassline. Then one of you tried to link a mid tier mask from GoD and it was 8-9ac less and around 35hps less ... Then it was but but buuuut focus effects." Which from elemental planes an on 90% that a class needs comes on visible class gear.

    Don't worry they aren't taking your precious tower away. I am sure you have all the available gear on your TLP character even though it's trash though.
  10. CdeezNotes Augur

    Read my post. Sit down and just admit you're completely wrong and throwing around baseless lies which are easily disproven. You're embarrassing yourself.

    P.S. All my chars have raid gear, not tower gear. I'm not even on Teek. I just know the items of the game, unlike you.

    P.P.S I never linked any GOD mask before. That was someone else posting a GROUP MASK. LOLOLOL
  11. Pigskin Lorekeeper

    The game is stuffed. Everything is full on easy-mode. Can just zerg all the raid content without any fear of failure whatsoever. Tower gear is a disaster. It's incredibly hard to just to run out of mana. Everybody is way way over-powered. There is zero challenge.

    I agree with the original poster. Another 8 weeks of this and Teek will suffer a big hit also. Boring !
  12. Zinkeh Augur

    This is a lot of it.
    Shui likes this.
  13. Shui Butai

    pass... Keep as is
    ExecutionDbl9 likes this.
  14. Muramx Augur

    Na, the people that sit around trying to get rich by selling stuff for 10x the going price hate TLPauctions. Everyone else loves it. If I have to sit around for an hour for someone else to sell an item/spell at a reasonable price then so be it. Would buy a car for $100k or walk across the street and buy the same one for $25k..
  15. Robomax Elder

    Teek will Die in Velious. The SUper Fast progression doesn't make sense on a TLP. They should have just started a New server with everything unlocked and made it Random Loot.
    They should Just Unlock Luclin Also since most peeps will have Max AAs in a few hrs and then wine they need to Unlock POP LMAO DB/DP killed their own server.
  16. Robomax Elder

    The Tower Gear at 55+ will Last through POP . No Need for Luclin LDON or Loy
  17. ogreshaman New Member

    Tower should of never been active on teek server the gear is not current to the expansions that came out during kunark and original Eq . This is one of the main reasons why I never decided to level my Character up
  18. Captain Video Augur

    This is incorrect on two counts. Live has a >much< higher XP rate than OG EQ in-era.

    You can't go from level 1 to level 2 on Live by killing three things, with one exception. There is a 10% XP cap per kill. This cap can be increased by an XP pot and also by a game-wide XP bonus window, which stack. So, if you rolled a level 1 during a 100% XP bonus window on your server, and you bumped that with a 100% XP pot, then yes, you could get from level 1 to 2 by killing three things, if they were the right three things. Most players won't do that.
  19. Iven Suggestions Bard

    People could roll their characters from 1-60 in just Luclin which I think would be fun. I never did that so far but it is on my to do list. Imagine a TLP server that does start only with Luclin (no classic, not kunark, no velious), and everyone has to roll a Vah Shir. :D
  20. Yinla Ye Ol' Dragon

    Imagine no rezes or any epics.