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Item numbers are flickering

Discussion in 'Bug Reports' started by Dewey, May 20, 2023.

  1. Dewey Augur

    Below it said that the flicking in bags was fixed. So this has to be a different issue because it's still doing it. Every sub caption/number for items flickers when I have my inventory open. It's a constant flicker that looks like the number is constantly refreshing to check and see if the number is correct.

    Then the labels all flicker too. Hovering over an item, shows a flickering label. Also in the find window the top selection if you click any of the "select by" flickers.
    dreadlord, Koshk, Yinla and 1 other person like this.
  2. Khaalm New Member

    Yes, I have this problem too. The green bars all over the screen was fixed by moving powersources from the bank into inventory. Still have the value numbers and hot bars flickering.
  3. Fenanebae Terrwyn Elder

    This is the exact same issue I am dealing with. Just on my one character.
  4. dreadlord Augur

    Hmm, i still see the numbers as fuzzy in my inventory window - not sure if that's related/the same thing. The text was fixed with yesterday's hotfix, but the text is still horrible: fuzzy, hard to read, and just horrible